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Troubleshoot Visualizer

If you encounter an error or an issue while using Anypoint Visualizer, you can try these solutions.

Why are no applications loading?

Error Message Cause Solution

You don’t have access to any ${environment_type} environments. You can request access from your org admin.

Either the organization or business group does not have the specified environment configured, or you do not have the necessary permissions.

Learn more about role permissions or request the CloudHub Network Viewer permission in Anypoint Runtime Manager from your org administrator.

There are no services to show in the selected environments. You may need to update your applications' runtime versions so they can appear in the Visualizer.

Anypoint Visualizer currently supports only applications deployed to CloudHub and standalone Mule runtime engines (Mule) with specific runtimes.

If you know that you have applications deployed in a supported environment, but are not seeing them in the Anypoint Visualizer canvas, you may need to update your applications to use the supported Mule version. View a list of supported Mule runtime engines.

Apps aren’t appearing (and you aren’t getting a specific error message).

Anypoint Visualizer only supports specific Mule versions (runtimes).

If you are not seeing some of your applications in the Anypoint Visualizer canvas or in the services list, check your filters. If the filters are not the issue, you may need to update your applications to use a different supported Mule version for the applications to appear on the canvas. If you have upgraded to a version of Mule 4 that was released after March 22, 2019, or a version of Mule 3.9 that was released after April 5, 2019, you must enable monitoring before the applications and metrics can appear.

Why can’t I see metrics for my applications?

Error Message Cause Solution

You cannot view metrics because you do not have Anypoint Monitoring for this account. Learn more

While all users have free access to Anypoint Visualizer and Anypoint Monitoring, your account must first be enabled.

File a support ticket or contact your Customer Success representative and ask for your account to be enabled.

Metrics aren’t available for this app. You may need to update its runtime version.

The application is not using a Mule version that supports Anypoint Monitoring metrics.

For CloudHub applications, you must use an -AM Mule to support Anypoint Monitoring, or upgrade to a Mule 4 version available after March 22, 2019, or Mule 3.9 version available after April 5, 2019, and then enable the Monitoring agent. View a list of supported Mule versions.

Why can’t I see metrics for my connections?

Metrics at the connection level are only available for certain types of connections. For more information on edge metrics compatibility, see Supported Connection-Level Metrics.

I seem to have permissions issues

Error Message Cause Solution

You don’t have permissions to edit this node. Learn more.

You need the Visualizer Editor permission to edit in Anypoint Visualizer.

Learn more about the different permissions in Anypoint Visualizer and how to configure custom roles.

Metrics are hidden for this app because you don’t have the Runtime Manager "Read Application" permission for its environment. Learn more.

You have selected an application that belongs to an environment for which you do not have the Read Application permission. The node is showing only because it is a dependency of another node.

Learn more about configuring permissions.

You cannot customize this service because you don’t have the Runtime Manager "Read Application" permission for its environment.

The node you selected belongs to an environment for which you do not have the Read Application permission. This node is displayed only because it is a dependency of another node.

Learn more about configuring permissions.


Why can’t I see the source of traffic from Anypoint Connector for Database (Database Connector)?

When you use Database Connector, Anypoint Visualizer does not indicate the type of database, such as Postgres or Oracle, from which the traffic originates. Additionally, Anypoint Visualizer cannot differentiate between instances of a database.

Why do some Mule apps and APIs deployed on premises show incorrect or incomplete metrics and connection information?

Apps and APIs that are associated with a Mule domain appear in the Anypoint Visualizer application network, but metrics and connection information related to these apps and APIs might be inaccurate.

Why don’t I see metadata from an HTTP requester?

To avoid high graph cardinality, Anypoint Visualizer does not show outbound traffic to IP addresses or localhost.

Why don’t I see edges on the canvas for my hybrid apps?

Visualizer uses the host header and port number to identify a Mule app when generating edges.

In a hybrid deployment, if multiple Mule apps have the same host header and port number, Visualizer can’t identify which Mule app is the caller and can’t draw the edge.