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Policy Visualization

About the Policy Visualization

When deploying a Mule app, you must ensure that you are using a version of Mule that supports the Policy visualization. Learn more about which runtimes are supported. The Policy visualization is not supported for API Manager 1.x.

The Policy visualization enables you to see the relationship between Mule app deployments and the APIs they are implementing and which policies have been applied to those APIs. Data about which policies have been applied to your APIs comes from API Manager.

The Policy visualization has two modes: overview and compliance. Both modes show your deployed APIs, but each in a different manner:

  • Overview mode shows you the number of policies that are applied to each API in your canvas. The number on the API reflects this.

  • Compliance mode enables you to explore which APIs are compliant with policies that you select. Compliance mode is active when you select policies from the Policies card; your canvas then changes to show which of your APIs are compliant with the policies you selected. The list of policies includes custom policies and is grouped by policy category.

When you select multiple policies, the number on the API node represents how many of the selected policies the API is complying with. A fraction might indicate that your API is not compliant with all of the selected policies. If an API in the canvas is compliant with all of the selected policies, it turns green.

View Information About One Service in Your Network

When you select a node within the graph, the node and its dependency stack are highlighted and all unconnected nodes are unavailable.

In the Policy visualization, the top card contains information about the Mule app. If the Mule app is an implementation of one or more APIs, cards for each of the APIs will appear below. The card will contain the API, version, and instance names as well as a list of which policies have been applied. The policies are listed in the order in which they are applied and are identified as either being applied at the API level or as an automated policy.

Filtering Your View

When you select a node, you can click Select dependents and dependencies, which selects all nodes related to the service you selected. If a single node is selected and does not have any dependents or dependencies, this option is hidden.

You can hide nodes through what you select in the canvas.

  • To hide a single node, select it, and then click Hide selected service.

  • To hide multiple nodes, multiselect them, and then click Hide selected services.

  • To hide all of the services other than the selected nodes, you can click Hide other services. If you want to hide everything that is not related to a given dependency stack, select a node and then click Select dependents and dependencies, which selects all nodes related to the service which you selected. Then, click Hide other services.

You can search for a node, or service, in the Search services text field. Services containing your search in any part of their name are highlighted, while others fade.

Export Your Network View

You can export the view of your network showing on your canvas to a PNG file by clicking the Export as Image button next to the zoom controls in the bottom right.

  • If you customized your view with filters, the customized network topology is exported.

  • If you selected specific policies, these settings are reflected in the export.