<!-- Local Database Configuration -->
<db:config name="Database_Config">
<db:my-sql-connection host="localhost" port="1234" />
<!-- Properties according to the environment -->
<configuration-properties file="db.properties" />
<flow name="selectFlow" >
<!-- Perform a query based on a value passed by a variable -->
<db:select config-ref="${db.config}">
<db:sql >SELECT * FROM jobtitlelookup WHERE jobtitleid = :id</db:sql>
<db:input-parameters ><![CDATA[#[id : vars.jobid]]]></db:input-parameters>
<!-- Set two conditions depending on the query result -->
<!-- If there is one or more values resulting from the query set those values as the payload -->
<when expression="#[sizeOf(payload) > 0]">
<set-payload value="#[payload[0].jobtitle]"/>
<!-- If the query throws no results, inform it in the payload -->
<set-payload value="#['No job title for $(vars.jobid) was found']" />
<!-- Finally, pass the payload content as a Flow variable -->
<set-variable value="#[payload]" variableName="job" />
Configuring Database Server Utility in an MUnit Test
Assume that you want to test the following Mule application:
The file db.properties
in src/main/resources
has the following content:
You need to create a test that:
* Contains a database server with a jobtitlelookup
* Provides a valid database structure for the database connector to perform its query.
* Passes a value for the jobid
variable that Database Connector uses.
Install the MUnit DB Server Module
From Anypoint Studio, go to the Mule Palette view and locate Search in Exchange….
In the search bar, look for MUnit Utils Database Server and add the module to your project:
<!-- dbserver Dependency --> <dependency> <groupId>com.mulesoft.munit.utils</groupId> <artifactId>munit-dbserver-module</artifactId> <version>2.0.2</version> <classifier>mule-plugin</classifier> <scope>test</scope> </dependency>
xmlThe MUnit DB server artifact in your POM file must have the
scope. -
Add the
dependency to your POM file and list it assharedLibrary
:<!--Third party libs--> <dependency> <groupId>com.h2database</groupId> <artifactId>h2</artifactId> <version>1.3.166</version> </dependency>
xml<plugin> <groupId>org.mule.tools.maven</groupId> <artifactId>mule-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>${mule.maven.plugin.version}</version> <extensions>true</extensions> <configuration> <sharedLibraries> ... <sharedLibrary> <groupId>com.h2database</groupId> <artifactId>h2</artifactId> </sharedLibrary> </sharedLibraries> </configuration> </plugin>
Define the MUnit DB Server
Define the database server using the MUnit DB Server Config from the Global Elements in your canvas.
For this example, define the DB structure and content using a CSV file:
Go to the
directory in your project. -
Create a file named
containing the following values:JOBTITLE,EECSALARYORHOURLY,JOBTITLEID Developer,10,DEV
text -
Navigate to the Global Elements tab and select the MUnit DB Server Config element.
Click Edit and complete the fields:
Name MUnit_DB_Server_Config
Connection string parameters
<dbserver:config name="MUnit_DB_Server_Config" > <dbserver:connection csv="jobtitlelookup.csv" database="DATABASE_NAME" connectionStringParameters="MODE=MySQL" /> </dbserver:config>
xml -
Define the DB configuration to connect to your DB server:
Name Test_Database_Config
Generic connection
Driver class name
<db:config name="Test_Database_Config"> <db:generic-connection url="jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/mem:DATABASE_NAME" driverClassName="org.h2.Driver" /> </db:config>
xml -
Define the
file in yoursrc/test/resources
folder that will pick up your test database configuration:db.config=Test_Database_Config
Run the Test
After installing and configuring the DB server you can run the test:
<munit:test name="selectFlowTest" description="Test selectFlow" >
<!-- Passes a variable to value to run in the main flow. -->
<set-variable variableName="jobid" value="DEV" />
<!-- Run the production code. -->
<flow-ref name="db-server-docsFlow"/>
<munit-tools:assert-equals actual="#[vars.job]" expected="Developer" />
This test validates that the query run in your production code is correct and that the payload returned by the DB server is as expected.