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Upgrading and Migrating to NetSuite Connector 11.x

Upgrade NetSuite Connector to version 12.x to use the new features.

Supported Upgrade Paths

From Version To Version



Changes in This Release

In NetSuite Connector 10.x, the connector resolved metadata by receiving Java objects as input, and converting those objects internally to XML, so that NetSuite could understand it. In NetSuite Connector 11.x, XML metadata is resolved directly without the need for conversion.

Because of this modification, the input and output metadata for connector operations has changed and is now equivalent to the request and response bodies of the corresponding SOAP API operations. You can use DataSense explorer in Studio to drag and drop the metadata fields, which generates their corresponding namespaces and tags automatically.

Version 11.x also eliminates the REST-based operations.

Changes to Sources

Removed the Page Size field for the sources On Deleted Object, On Modified Object, and On New Object. Each source now returns one record in the output metadata.

Changes to Operations

Advanced Operations

Changes to advanced operations include the following:

Operation Changes

Change Email

Returns a NetsuiteSoapAttributes object in the output metadata

Change Password

Returns a NetsuiteSoapAttributes object in the output metadata

Get Account Governance Info

Returns a GetAccountGovernanceInfoResult object in the output metadata

Get Data Center URLs

Returns a NetsuiteSoapAttributes object in the output metadata.

Get Integration Governance Info

Returns a GetIntegrationGovernanceInfoResult object in the output metadata

Get Server Time

Returns a NetsuiteSoapAttributes object in the output metadata

Async Operations

Each operation now returns a NetsuiteSoapAttributes object in the output metadata. Other changes to the async operations include the following:

Operation Changes

Async Add List

Removed the Record Type and Records fields. You now specify the associated values in the Message field of the input metadata.

Async Delete List

Removed the Deleted Base Ref Types field. You now specify the associated values in the Message field of the input metadata.

Async Delete List Records

Removed this operation. For equivalent functionality, use the Async Delete List operation and specify the recordRef or baseRefType in the Message field of the input metadata.

Async Get List

Removed the Retrieved Base Ref Types field. You now specify the associated values in the Message field of the input metadata.

Async Get List Records

Removed this operation. For equivalent functionality, use the Get List operation and specify FILE as the record type in the Message field of the input metadata.

Async Initialize List

Removed the Initialize Records field. You now specify the associated values in the Message field of the input metadata.

Async Search

Removed the Search Record and Criteria fields. You now specify the associated values in the Message field of the input metadata.

Async Update List

Renamed Record Type to Type. Removed Records attributes. You now specify the associated values in the Message field of the input metadata.

Async Upsert List

Renamed Record Type to Type. Removed Records attributes. You now specify the associated values in the Message field of the input metadata.

Check Async Status

No changes.

Get Async Result

No changes.

Invitee Operations

Each invitee operation now returns a NetsuiteSoapAttributes object in the output metadata. Other changes to the invitee operations include the following:

Operation Changes

Update Invitee Status

Removed the Event ID and Status fields. You now specify these values in the Message field of the input metadata.

Update Invitee Status List

Removed the Record Type and Invitee Statuses fields. You now specify these values in the Message field of the input metadata.

Item Operations

Each item operation now returns a NetSuiteSoapAttributes object in the XML metadata. Other changes to the invitee operations include the following:

Operation Changes

Get Budget Exchange Rates

New operation that returns a list of budget exchange rates for a specified period.

Get Customization Id

New operation that returns the IDs of available customizations for a given customization type.

Get Currency Rate

Removed the Rate Filter field. You now specify this value in the Message field of the input metadata.

Get Item Availability

Removed the Record and If Modified Since fields. You now specify these values in the Message field of the input metadata.

Get Posting Transaction Summary

  • Removed the Fields, Filters, and Page Index fields. You now specify these values in the Message field of the input metadata.

  • Returns a postingTransactionSummaryList object in the payload of the output metadata.

Record Operations

Changes to record operations include the following:

Operation Changes

Add File

Removed this operation. For equivalent functionality, use the Add operation and specify FILE as the record type in the Message field of the input metadata.

Add List

  • Removed the Record Maps field. You now specify this value in the Message field of the input metadata.

  • Returns an addListResponse object in the palyload of the output metadata.

Add Record

  • Renamed to Add.

  • Removed the Attributes field. You now specify the associated values in the Message field of the input metadata.

  • Returns a NetsuiteSoapAttributes object in the output metadata.

Add Record Objects

Removed this operation. For equivalent functionality, use the Add List operation.

Attach Record

  • Renamed to Attach.

  • Removed the Source, Destination, and Contact fields. You now specify the associated values in the Message field of the input metatada.

  • Returns a NetsuiteSoapAttributes object in the output metadata with an attached object as the payload..


  • Removed the Base Ref field. You now specify the associated values in the Message field of the input metatada.

  • Returns a deleteResponse object in the payload of the output metadata.

Delete List

  • Removed the Deleted Base Ref Types field. You now specify the associated values in the Message field of the input metatada.

  • Returns a NetsuiteSoapAttributes object in the output metadata.

Delete Record

Removed this operation. For equivalent functionality, use the Delete operation.

Delete Records List

Removed this operation. For equivalent functionality, use the Delete List operation.

Detach Record

  • Renamed to Detach.

  • Removed the Source and Destination fields. You now specify the associated values in the Message field of the input metatada.

  • Returns a NetsuiteSoapAttributes object in the output metdata.


  • Removed the Base Ref field. You now specify the associated values in the Message field of the input metadata.

  • Returns the requested record in the payload of the output metadata. The playload fields differ based on the specified record type.

Get Custom Record

Removed this operation. For equivalent functionality, use the Get operation.

Get Deleted Records

  • Removed the Record Type, Page Index, and Deleted Date fields. You now specify the associated values in the Message field of the input metatada.

  • Returns a NetsuiteSoapAttributes object in the output metadata.

Get List

  • Removed the References field. You now specify the associated values in the Message field of the input metatada.

  • Returns a getListResponse object in the payload of the output metadata.

Get Record

Removed this operation. For equivalent functionality, use the Get operation.

Get Records

Returns a NetsuiteSoapAttributes object in the output metadata

Get Select Value

Returns a getSelectValueResponse object in the payload of the output metadata.

Get Saved Search

  • Renamed the Record Type field to Search Type.

  • Returns a NetsuiteSoapAttributes object in the output metadata.


  • Removed the Record to Initialize field. You now specify the associated values in the Message field of the input metatada.

  • Returns a NetsuiteSoapAttributes object in the output metadata.

Initialize List

  • Removed the Initialize Records field. You now specify the associated values in the Message field of the input metatada.

  • Returns a NetsuiteSoapAttributes object in the output metadata.


  • Removed the Key and Search Record fields. You now specify the associated values in the Message field of the input metatada.

  • Returns a recordList or searchRowList object in the payload of the output metadata, depending on whether records or rows are searched.

Update List

  • Removed the Record Maps field. You now specify the associated values in the Message field of the input metatada.

  • Returns a NetsuiteSoapAttributes object in the output metadata.

Update Record

  • Removed the Attributes field. You now specify the associated values in the Message field of the input metatada.

  • Returns a NetsuiteSoapAttributes object in the output metadata.

Update Records List

Removed this operation. For equivalent functionality, use the Update List operation.

Upsert List

  • Removed the Record Maps field. You now specify the associated values in the Message field of the input metatada.

  • Returns a NetsuiteSoapAttributes object in the output metadata.

Upsert Record a

  • Renamed the operation to Upsert and removed the Attributes field. You now specify the associated values in the Message field of the input metatada.

  • Returns a NetsuiteSoapAttributes object in the output metadata.

Upgrade Steps

If you are upgrading from an earlier version of the connector, you can click the Updates Available pop-up Message in the bottom right corner of Anypoint Studio and follow the prompts.

You can also follow these steps to perform the upgrade:

  1. In Anypoint Studio, create a Mule project.

  2. In Mule Palette, click Search in Exchange.

  3. In Add Dependencies to Project, enter netsuite in the search field.

  4. In Available modules, select NetSuite and click Add.
    Studio upgrades the connector automatically.

  5. Click Finish.

  6. In the pom.xml file for the Mule project, verify that the NetSuite Connector dependency version is 11.0.0.

Post Upgrade Tasks

  • Ensure that your configurations use either Request Based or Token authentication.

  • Verify that your error handling is updated to work with the minor changes in error codes in this version of the connector.

  • Refer to Changed Operations and Changed Sources for updated operations and sources.
    If your integration uses any of the affected operations and sources, make the necessary changes to comply with the new interfaces.

  • Because the package of the exposed classes was changed to com.mulesoft.connector.netsuite.extension.api, you must update all DataWeave mappings that create objects for operation inputs.
    You must also update mappings that transform object outputs.

Verify the Upgrade

After you install the latest version of the connector, verify the upgrade:

  1. In Studio, verify that there are no errors in the Problems or Console views.

  2. Verify that there are no problems in the project pom.xml file.

  3. Test the connection to verify that the operations work.

Revert the Upgrade

If you must revert to your previous version of NetSuite Connector, change the mule-netsuite-connector dependency version 10.0.0 in the project’s pom.xml to the previous version. Additionally, revert any changes made in the operations to their previous state.

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