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Allow Addresses for API Platform Proxies

By default, proxy requests are enabled for the domain name where the platform is running.

To allow addresses:

  1. Log in to Ops Center and select Kubernetes on the left side-bar.

  2. Select the api-manager namespace from the drop-down menu on the top, and then select Configmaps. Find the api-platform-web-env configmap and then click on Edit Config Map.

  3. Select the APW_FEATURES_PROXYWHITELIST tab and ensure that value is set to true. (You’ll have to hover your mouse over the tabs to get a tooltip with the full name to find the right tab)

    If not, set it to true and then select Apply.


  5. Write your rules separated by commas.

    The following example defines regular expressions that allow requests to be made to the and domains, where * is any part of a DNS name or URL:

  1. Select Apply to save changes to the api-platform-web-env config map.

  2. Re-create the pods to ensure that each node in the cluster uses the most recent configuration:

    kubectl delete pod -n api-manager -l component=api-platform-web