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Anypoint Platform PCE Prerequisites

Before you install Anypoint Platform Private Cloud Edition (Anypoint Platform PCE):

  • Your organization’s operations, networking, and security teams must review the listed infrastructure prerequisites, including Amazon Web Services (if applicable), hardware, software, network, and NFS, and verify successful completion of all prerequisites listed in this topic. If needed, contact your MuleSoft representative for assistance.

    All prerequisites apply to all Supported Environments.

  • Knowledge in the following areas is required:

    • Linux system commands.

    • Working in Linux with root access. Installation requires root access (permission to run the sudo command) on all servers in your environment.

    • Working with Terraform. This is only required if your environment includes AWS.

    • Remote connection mechanisms, such as SSL and SSH.

You must contact MuleSoft Professional Services prior to installation. MuleSoft professional services must be involved with your installation.

Installing Anypoint Platform PCE requires specific versions of operating systems, NFS, and other software. Most issues experienced with Anypoint Platform PCE occur because the required environment was not set up prior to installing or upgrading. For example, the following situations cause known problems:

  • Using your own AWS images when using AWS.

  • Using existing provisioning processes that install specific versions of RHEL, Docker, or other software that Anypoint Platform PCE does not support.

Environment Prerequisites

Table 1. Prerequisite Environment-Related Tasks
Task Description

Hardware Prerequisites

Refer to Hardware Prerequisites for additional details and instructions for the following tasks:

Table 2. Prerequisite Hardware-Related Tasks
Task Description

Network Prerequisites

NFS Prerequisites

Refer to NFS Server Prerequisites for additional details and instructions for the following tasks:

Table 5. Prerequisite NFS-Related Tasks
Task Description

Verify Environment

Perform the steps in Verify Environment to ensure that your infrastructure meets Anypoint Platform PCE requirements.