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Web Service Consumer Connector Examples - Mule 4

The following example shows how to transform a variable value into XML and pass that value to Anypoint Connector for Web Service Consumer (Web Service Consumer Connector), which subsequently consumes a web service:

Web Service Consumer Example Flow
Figure 1. Web Service Consumer Connector Example Flow

Create the Mule App in Anypoint Studio

To create the flow in Anypoint Studio:

  1. In the Mule Palette view, select Core > Scheduler.

  2. Drag the Scheduler component to the Studio canvas.
    The Scheduler component initiates a flow when a time-based condition is met.

  3. Set the Display Name field to Scheduler.

  4. Set Scheduling Strategy to Fixed Frequency, Frequency to 1000, Start delay to 0 and Time unit to MILLISECONDS (Default).

In Studio, the Scheduler configuration looks like this:

Scheduler Configuration
Figure 2. Scheduler Configuration
  1. Drag a Set Variable component onto the canvas, to the right of the Scheduler component.
    The Set Variable component creates the variable to be transformed into XML later in the flow.

  2. Set the Display Name field to Set Variable.

  3. Set Name to variableSample and Value to test.

In Studio, the Set Variable configuration looks like this:

Set Variable Configuration
Figure 3. Set Variable Configuration
  1. Drag a Transform Message component onto the canvas, to the right of the Set Variable component.
    The Transform Message component transforms the variable value into XML.

  2. In the Output field of the Transform Message component configuration, set a DataWeave expression that:

    • Transforms the variable value output to application/xml.

    • Defines the name of the web service operation that the Web Service Consumer Connector aims to invoke by attachOperation.

DataWeave Expression
%dw 2.0
output application/xml
ns con
con#attachOperation: {
   text: vars.variableSample

In Studio, the Transform Message configuration looks like this:

Transform Message Configuration
Figure 4. Transform Message Configuration
  1. Drag the Consume operation onto the canvas, to the right of the Transform Message component.

  2. Set the Display Name field to Consume.

  3. Set Operation to attachOperation and the Body message to payload.

  4. In the Message Customization section of the Advanced tab, enable the option Force XML Prolog into body to append the XML prolog to the content of the envelope’s body XML.

In Studio, the Consume operation configuration looks like this:

Consume Operation Configuration
Figure 5. Consume Operation Configuration

In Studio, the XML Prolog configuration looks like this:

Configure XML Prolog into Body
Figure 6. Configure XML Prolog into Body
  1. On the General tab, click the plus sign (+) next to the Connector configuration field to access the Global Element Properties configuration.

  2. On the Connection section of the General tab, configure the following parameters:

    • WSDL location
      The remote or local WSDL file URL

    • Service
      The service name

    • Port
      The port name

    • Address
      The address of the web server to dispatch requests but if the Service and Port parameters don’t auto-populate the web server address, you must manually provide the correct Address.

  3. Click OK.

In Studio, the Global Element Properties configuration looks like this:

Web Service Consumer Configuration
Figure 7. Web Service Consumer Configuration
  1. Save your changes in Studio.

  2. Deploy the application.

XML for Consuming a Web Service

Paste this code into the Studio XML editor to quickly load the flow for this example into your Mule app:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<mule xmlns:ee="" xmlns:wsc=""
	xmlns:doc="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
	<wsc:config name="Web_Service_Consumer_Config">
		<wsc:connection wsdlLocation="api/attach-demo.wsdl" service="AttachDemo" port="AttachDemoSOAP" address="http://localhost:8085/AttachDemo/AttachDemoSOAP" />
	<flow name="WSC-Example">
			<scheduling-strategy >
				<fixed-frequency />
		<set-variable value="test" variableName="variableSample"/>
			<ee:message >
				<ee:set-payload ><![CDATA[ %dw 2.0
output application/xml
ns con
con#attachOperation: {
    text: vars.variableSample
		<wsc:consume config-ref="Web_Service_Consumer_Config" operation="attachOperation">
			<wsc:message-customizations forceXMLProlog="true"/>
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