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Use Anypoint Studio to Configure X12 EDI Connector 2.9 - Mule 4

Anypoint Studio (Studio) editors help you design and update your Mule applications, properties, and configuration files.

To add and configure a connector in Studio:

You must change the default Anypoint configuration to use X12 Connector 2.x.

Increasing Anypoint Studio 7.x Memory

If more than the standard memory configuration is required to use Anypoint Studio 7.1.0 and later with X12 Connector 2.x, then you’ll need to change the memory setting for Studio.

Set the Anypoint Studio memory to 4 GB, as this is sufficient for the most common uses of this connector.

  1. Edit the Anypoint.ini file in the Anypoint Studio installation directory and change the two lines starting with -Xms and -Xmx to:


If you are new to configuring connectors in Studio, see Use Studio to Configure a Connector. If, after reading this topic, you need additional information about the connector fields, see the X12 EDI Reference.

Create a Mule Project

In Studio, create a new Mule project in which to add and configure the connector:

  1. In Studio, select File > New > Mule Project.

  2. Enter a name for your Mule project and click Finish.

Add the Connector to Your Mule Project

Add X12 EDI (X12 Connector) to your Mule project to automatically populate the XML code with the connector’s namespace and schema location and add the required dependencies to the project’s pom.xml file:

  1. In the Mule Palette view, click (X) Search in Exchange.

  2. In Add Modules to Project, type X12 EDI in the search field.

  3. Click X12 Connector in Available modules.

  4. Click Add.

  5. Click Finish.

Adding a connector to a Mule project in Studio does not make that connector available to other projects in your Studio workspace.

Configure a Source

A source initiates a flow when a specified condition is met. You can configure this source to use with X12 EDI Connector:

  • HTTP Listener
    Initiates a flow each time it receives a request on the configured host and port.

For example, to configure an HTTP Listener source, follow these steps:

  1. In the Mule Palette view, select HTTP > Listener.

  2. Drag Listener to the Studio canvas.

  3. On the Listener configuration screen, optionally change the value of the Display Name field.

  4. Specify a value for the Path field.

  5. Click the plus sign (+) next to the Connector configuration field to configure a global element that can be used by all instances of the HTTP Listener source in the app.

  6. On the General tab, specify connection information for the connector.

  7. On the TLS tab, optionally specify the TLS information for the connector.

  8. On the Advanced tab, optionally specify reconnection information, including a reconnection strategy.

  9. Click Test Connection to confirm that Mule can connect with the specified server.

  10. Click OK.

Add a Connector Operation to the Flow

When you add a connector operation to your flow, you are specifying an action for that connector to perform.

To add an operation for X12 EDI Connector, follow these steps:

  1. In the Mule Palette view, select X12 EDI and then select the desired operation.

  2. Drag the operation onto the Studio canvas to the right of the input source.

Configure a Global Element for the Connector

When you configure a connector, configure a global element that all instances of that connector in the app can use. Configuring a global element requires you to provide the authentication credentials that the connector requires to access the target X12 EDI system.

To configure the global element for X12 EDI (X12 EDI Connector), follow these steps:

  1. Select the name of the connector in the Studio canvas.

  2. In the configuration screen for the operation, click the plus sign (+) next to the Connector configuration field to access the global element configuration fields.

You can reference a configuration file that contains ANT-style property placeholders (recommended), or you can enter your authorization credentials in the global configuration properties.

For information about the benefits of using property placeholders and how to configure them, see Anypoint Connector Configuration.

  1. On the Advanced tab, optionally specify reconnection information, including a reconnection strategy.

  2. Click Test Connection to confirm that Mule can connect with the specified server.

  3. Click OK.

Configure Additional Connector Fields

After you configure a global element for X12 EDI (X12 EDI Connector), configure the other required fields for the connector.

General Tab

Use the General tab to configure settings for reading and writing X12 messages.

To use the Functional Acknowledgment schema type (997 or 999) it must match the Generate 999 Functional Acknowledgments setting on the Parser tab (false for 997, true for 999).
Field Description

Form and validation

X12 form and validation (standard X12, HIPAA SNIP Type 1, or HIPAA SNIP Type 2)

Schema definitions

Manually create or edit the list of schema definitions for the message structures to use. They all need to use the same form (either X12 or HIPAA).

Character encoding

X12 character encoding, used for both send and receive messages

Character set

X12 character set allowed in string data (BASIC, EXTENDED, or UNRESTRICTED)

Substitution character

String substitution character, used to replace invalid characters in string data

Version identifier suffix

Version identifier code suffix, specifying a value appended to the base schema version in the GS08 Version / Release / Industry Identifier Code field

Identity Tab

Use the Identity tab to configure the Interchange Control Header (ISA) and Functional Group Header (GS) identifier values for you and your trading partner in X12 Connector configuration. If configured, then the values are verified when reading an input message and used as the defaults when writing an output message (if no value output data is specified).

You can set the values for the:

  • Interchange ID qualifier and Interchange ID for your Mule application and partner

  • Application Code for Mule and partner

The Mule values specify the Receiver fields (ISA07/ISA08, GS03) in a receive message and populate the Sender fields (ISA05/ISA06, GS02) fields in a send message.

Parser Tab

You can set the following options to control parser validation of receive messages if needed. Changing these options from the default setting of true interferes with HIPAA SNIP Type 1 and Type 2 validation of messages. Use these options with standard X12 data, not with HIPAA.

Field Description

Enforce length limits

Enforce minimum and maximum lengths for receive values

Enforce character set

Enforce allowed character set

Enforce value repeats

Enforce repetition count limits for receive values

Allow unknown segments

Allow unknown segments in a transaction set

Enforce segment order

Enforce segment order in a transaction set

Allow unused segments

Allow segments marked as Unused in a transaction set

Enforce segment repeats

Enforce segment repetition count limits in a transaction set

Require unique interchanges

Require unique ISA Interchange Control Numbers (ISA13)

Require unique groups

Enforce globally unique Group Control Numbers (GS06) for received functional groups

Require unique transactions

Enforce globally unique Transaction Set Control Numbers (ST02) for received transaction sets

Store time-to-live

Set the minimum number of days to store interchange, group, and transaction set numbers for checking uniqueness

Acknowledge every transaction

Include a separate AK2/AK5 (997) or AK2/IK5 (999) acknowledgment for every received transaction set. Instead of using implicit acknowledgments for transaction sets without errors

Generate 999 acknowledgments

Generate 999 Implementation Acknowledgments, rather than the 997 Functional Acknowledgments default. The support for 999 Implementation Acknowledgments does not include CTX segment generation.

Report segment details

Report segment error details to sender in the generated 997 or 999 acknowledgments

Include Acknowledgement schema

Automatically include a standard 997 or 999 schema that matches the generated acknowledgment in the configuration for received messages

Acknowledgment schema path

Set the path to a Functional Acknowledgment schema to be used for generated acknowledgments such as /hipaa/005010X231A1/999.esl, that uses the standard HIPAA 005010X231A1 acknowledgment. The schema type included in the path must match the Generate 999 Functional Acknowledgments setting (false for 997, true for 999). If you do not set the path, the parser uses a hardcoded X12 997 or 999 schema, as appropriate.

Enforce conditional rules

Enforce conditional rules for receive values

Writer Tab

Writer options let you specify the separator characters used when writing messages.

Field Description

Data element separator

Specify characters when writing messages

Component element separator

Specify characters when writing messages

Repetition separator

Specify characters when writing messages

Segment terminator

Specify characters when writing messages

Segment line ending

Line ending written between segments, used to make the output more readable

Unique group numbers

Whether to generate unique GS group control numbers across interchanges

Unique transaction numbers

Whether to generate unique ST transaction set control numbers across groups and interchanges

Implementation reference

An implementation convention reference (ST03) value

Initial interchange number

The starting interchange control number. Only used when no current value is found in the object store

Initial group number

The starting group control number. Only used when no current value is found in the object store

Initial transaction number

The starting transaction set control number. Only used when no current value is found in the object store

Request acknowledgments

Whether to request interchange acknowledgments (ISA14)

Default usage indicator

The default interchange usage indicator (ISA15). Used when no value is present in the message data

Use supplied values

Whether to use supplied values for control segment information (control numbers, in particular). The default behavior is always generate control numbers when writing. This allows you to use chosen values

Output mime type

Whether to use the default output MIME type application/plain, or the X12-specific alternative application/edi-x12.

Enforce length limits

Whether to enforce length limits on input data

Enforce conditional rules

Whether to enforce conditional rules on input data. The default is to ignore conditional rules

Interchange number key

The key-value pair of the interchange control key and interchange control number

Group number key

The key-value pair of group control key and group control number

Transaction number key

The key-value pair of the transaction control key and transaction control number

Next Step

After you configure a global element and connection information, configure the other fields for the connector. See Additional Configuration Information for more configuration steps.

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