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Integrating IDP with Anypoint Studio

Execute a published document action and retrieve the results from Anypoint Studio using that document action’s IDP Runtime Service API connector. This connector generates automatically when you publish a document action to Anypoint Exchange. Then, you can download it as a Mule connector from Exchange.

Each document action version generates a different connector. For example, when you publish a document action for the first time, it generates a connector in Exchange that executes version 1.0.0 of this document action. Then, if you modify the document action and republish it as version 1.1.0, it generates a different connector that you must download and install in Studio to execute this new document action version. Consider this behavior when building your integrations.

The IDP Runtime Service API connector has the following operations:

  • getDocumentActionExecution

    Retrieves the result of a document action execution.

  • postDocumentActionExecution

    Submits a document to IDP for processing.

Before You Begin

Ensure you have the following Anypoint permissions:

Execute Published Actions

Enables a user to execute a published document action and retrieve the results of the execution.

If you already have a connected app configured for IDP, you don’t need the Configure Connected Apps permission and you can use your existing connected app instead of creating a new one.

Create a Connected App

To communicate with the IDP API, create a connected app with the following details:

  • Type: App acts on its own behalf (client credentials)

  • Scopes: Execute Published Actions

After you create the connected app, copy its ID and Secret for further use.

For more information, see Connected Apps.

Obtain the Access Token

After you configure the connected app, use the following curl command to get the token:

curl --location --request POST '' \ (1)
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
 "grant_type": "client_credentials",
 "client_id": "<connected-app-client-id>", (2)
 "client_secret": "<connected-app-client-secret>" (3)
1 If you are in the EU region, use the domain.
2 Replace <connected-app-client-id> with the client ID from your connected app.
3 Replace <connected-app-client-secret> with the client secret from your connected app.

Use the access token when calling the IDP API.

Configure the IDP Runtime Service API Connector

Before using its operations, configure the connector by providing the following values, either manually or through a Global Configuration Element:

  • host: Anypoint endpoint URL

    For example: idp-rt.{region}

  • port: HTTP port for the connection

    For example: 443

  • basePath: Base path of the URL to call, without the protocol

  • protocol: Protocol for the call, in uppercase

    For example: HTTPS

  • Response timeout: Response timeout for this operation

  • clientId: Client ID of the connected app to call IDP

  • clientSecret: Client Secret of the connected app to call IDP

  • accessTokenUrl: URL to obtain the access token for your connected app

Submit a Document to IDP

Use the postDocumentActionExecution operation to send a document to IDP and execute the corresponding document action version.

Specify the details of the request in the Postdocumentactionexecution request data field of the connector. The following is a sample request:

%dw 2.0
output multipart/form-data
   parts : {
   	 callback : {
   	 	  headers : {
               "Content-Type" : "text/plain"
           content : '{"noAuthUrl": "https://{yourCallbackURL}.com"}'
       file : {
           headers : {
               "Content-Disposition" : {
                   "name": "file",
                   "filename": "{myFile.jpg}",
                   "subtype": "form-data"
               "Content-Type" : "image/jpg"
           content : payload

The response from this operation contains the execution ID that you must use to retrieve the execution results.

Retrieve the Results of the Execution

Use the getDocumentActionExecution operation to get the results of a document action execution by specifying its execution ID.

The following is a sample response from this operation, shortened for better readability:

    "id": "d68e099e-8d37-4188-905a-0eac68b7bf61",
    "documentName": "invoice-1.jpg",
    "status": "SUCCEEDED",
    "pages": [
            "page": 1,
            "fields": {
                "invoiceDate": {
                    "value": "1 June, 1983"
                "invoiceNumber": {
                    "value": "8248"

            "tables": {
                "table1": [
                        "unitPrice": {
                            "value": ""
                        "price": {
                            "value": "$ 198.00"
            "prompts": {
                "business": {
                    "prompt": "what is the company main business",
                    "source": "document",
                    "answer": {
                        "value": null