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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Connector 1.0 Examples - Mule 4

These examples show you how to use Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Connector to perform the following actions:

Before You Begin

  • Java 8, 11, or 17

  • Anypoint Studio 7.x

  • Mule runtime engine (Mule) 4.3.0 and later

  • Credentials for a Business Central instance

  • Registered OAuth protected application in the Azure Active Directory application registry

Configure a Business Central Connection

Specify the Business Central connection field values to secure connections. To do this:

Create a Configuration File for a Business Central Connection

Create a configuration file that includes properties for a Business Central connection:

  1. Create a file named in the /src/main/resources/ folder.

  2. In the file, create a set of properties for either Basic Auth or OAuth2, similar to the ones that follow, replacing the bracketed text (including the brackets) with the correct values for your configuration:

    # Config
    # OAuth2 Configuration
    # Api
    # Static Configuration

    For more information about creating a properties file, refer to Configuring Property Placeholders.

Find your Company ID

To find your company ID, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Business Central account and navigate to the Companies tab.

  2. Select the company you want to use.

    Companies tab window
  3. Click the question mark button on the top right corner and select Help & Support.

  4. Under the troubleshooting section, click Inspect pages and data.

  5. In the inspector, you can enter Id in the search field and the first result contains your company ID.

    Getting company ID

    You can copy this ID and paste it into the src/main/resources/ file for the property api.companyId=.

Configure the Business Central Connection Global Elements

Configure global elements for either Basic Auth or OAuth2:

  1. Create a new Mule project.

  2. In the Mule Palette view, click Search in Exchange and enter microsoft dynamics 365 business central.

  3. Add Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Connector to the Selected modules section and click Finish.

  4. Click the Global Elements tab and click Create.

  5. Select Connector Configuration > Basic Auth or Connector Configuration > OAuth2 and click OK.

  6. Enter the following values:

    • Enter the following values for Basic Auth:

      Field Value


      Basic Auth


      Username used to authenticate the requests

    • Enter the following values for OAuth2:

      Field Value



      Consumer Key

      OAuth consumer key, as registered with the service provider

      Consumer Secret

      OAuth consumer secret, as registered with the service provider

      Listener Config

      Configuration for the HTTP listener that listens for requests on the access token callback endpoint

      Callback Path

      Path of the access token callback endpoint

      Authorize Path

      Path of the local HTTP endpoint that triggers the OAuth dance

  7. Click OK.

Configure a Global Element for the Properties File

Configure a global element for the file so that Mule knows where to find it:

  1. Click the Global Elements tab and click Create.

  2. In the Choose Global Type dialog, select Configuration properties and click OK.

  3. In the File field, enter

  4. Click OK.

List Items

This Mule flow lists all items.

The first flow uses the following operations:

  • HTTP Listener
    Accepts data from HTTP requests

  • Parse Template
    Processes a template

The second flow uses the following operations:

  • HTTP Listener
    Accepts data from HTTP requests

  • List Entities
    Retrieves a list of entities

  • Set Payload
    Defines how Mule sets the payload

output application/json
payload.payload map (item) -> {
		"name": item.displayName
Studio Flow for the List Entities Operation

Template for this Example

You can use this HTML template to create a file and copy the content to test the application using a graphical interface:

XML for This Example

Paste this code into the Studio XML editor to quickly load the flow for this example into your Mule app:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<mule xmlns:dynamics365-bc="" xmlns:http=""
      xmlns:doc="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <configuration-properties file=""/>
    <configuration-properties file=""/>

    <http:listener-config name="HTTP_Listener_config" doc:name="HTTP Listener config" basePath="/">
        <http:listener-connection host="" port="8081" />

    <dynamics365-bc:config name="Business_Central_BasicAuth" doc:name="Microsoft Dynamics 365 - Business Central Config" >
        <dynamics365-bc:basic-connection baseUri="${config.baseUri}" username="${auth.username}" password="${auth.password}" />

    <flow name="Home" >
        <http:listener doc:name="/" config-ref="HTTP_Listener_config" path="/" />
        <parse-template doc:name="Parse Template" location="dynamics365-bc-demo-template.html" />

    <flow name="flow-list-items" >
        <http:listener doc:name="/items" config-ref="HTTP_Listener_config" path="/items"/>
        <dynamics365-bc:list-entities doc:name="List Entities" config-ref="Business_Central_BasicAuth" companyId="${api.companyId}" entity="items"/>
        <set-payload value='#[output application/json&#10;---&#10;payload.payload map (item) -&gt; {&#10;		"id":,&#10;		"name": item.displayName&#10;	}]' doc:name="Set Payload" />

Steps for Running This Example

  1. Verify that your connector is configured.

  2. Save the project.

  3. From a web browser, test the application by entering http://localhost:8081/. You should see the List Items tab expanded with a List button.

    List button
  4. Click on the List button. You should see an alert showing a sample JSON of the response listing the ID and display names of all items.

    Response from List button

Get an Item

This Mule flow retrieves an item.

The first flow uses the following operations:

  • HTTP Listener
    Accepts data from HTTP requests

  • Parse Template
    Processes a template

The second flow uses the following operations:

  • HTTP Listener
    Accepts data from HTTP requests

  • Get Entity
    Retrieves a single entity by its ID if it exists

Studio Flow for the Get Entity Operation

Template for this Example

You can use this HTML template to create a file and copy the content to test the application using a graphical interface:

XML for This Example

Paste this code into the Studio XML editor to quickly load the flow for this example into your Mule app:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<mule xmlns:dynamics365-bc="" xmlns:http=""
      xmlns:doc="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <configuration-properties file=""/>
    <configuration-properties file=""/>

    <http:listener-config name="HTTP_Listener_config" doc:name="HTTP Listener config" basePath="/">
        <http:listener-connection host="" port="8081" />

    <dynamics365-bc:config name="Business_Central_BasicAuth" doc:name="Microsoft Dynamics 365 - Business Central Config" >
        <dynamics365-bc:basic-connection baseUri="${config.baseUri}" username="${auth.username}" password="${auth.password}" />

    <flow name="Home" >
        <http:listener doc:name="/" config-ref="HTTP_Listener_config" path="/" />
        <parse-template doc:name="Parse Template" location="dynamics365-bc-demo-template.html" />

    <flow name="flow-get-item" >
        <http:listener doc:name="/item" config-ref="HTTP_Listener_config" path="/item"/>
        <dynamics365-bc:get-entity entity="items" doc:name="Get Entity" config-ref="Business_Central_BasicAuth" companyId="${api.companyId}" entityId="#[]"/>

Steps for Running This Example

  1. Verify that your connector is configured.

  2. Save the project.

  3. From a web browser, test the application by entering http://localhost:8081/.

  4. Click on the Get Item form.

  5. After the form shows up, fill in a valid item ID, for example, a previous item ID from List Items.

    Get Item form
  6. Click Get. You should see an alert showing a JSON with all the details available for this item, such as its number, type, and price.

    Response from Get Item form

Add an Item

This Mule flow adds an item.

The first flow uses the following operations:

  • HTTP Listener
    Accepts data from HTTP requests

  • Parse Template
    Processes a template

The second flow uses the following operations:

  • HTTP Listener
    Accepts data from HTTP requests

  • Create Entity
    Creates a single new entity

Studio Flow for the Create Entity Operation

Template for this Example

You can use this HTML template to create a file and copy the content to test the application using a graphical interface:

XML for This Example

Paste this code into the Studio XML editor to quickly load the flow for this example into your Mule app:

Steps for Running This Example

  1. Verify that your connector is configured.

  2. Save the project.

  3. From a web browser, test the application by entering http://localhost:8081/.

  4. Click on the Create Item form.

  5. After the form shows up, fill in an item number you want to create and its display name.

    Create Item form
  6. Click Create. You should see an alert showing the details of your newly created item. The newly created item ID shows up on the bottom of the form, which you can use in future operations.

    Response from Create Item form

Update an Item

This Mule flow updates an item.

The first flow uses the following operations:

  • HTTP Listener
    Accepts data from HTTP requests

  • Parse Template
    Processes a template

The second flow uses the following operations:

  • HTTP Listener
    Accepts data from HTTP requests

  • Get Entity
    Retrieves a single entity by its ID if it exists

  • Update Entity
    Updates a single entity by its ID

Studio Flow for the Update Entity Operation

Template for this Example

You can use this HTML template to create a file and copy the content to test the application using a graphical interface:

XML for This Example

Paste this code into the Studio XML editor to quickly load the flow for this example into your Mule app:

Steps for Running This Example

  1. Verify that your connector is configured.

  2. Save the project.

  3. From a web browser, test the application by entering http://localhost:8081/.

  4. Click on the Update Item form.

  5. After the form shows up, type in the ID of the item you want to update and a new name to update the item with.

    Update Item form
  6. Click Update. You should see an alert showing the new details of the updated item. Notice that the name is changed for the item you updated.

    Response from Update Item form

Delete an Item

This Mule flow deletes an item.

The first flow uses the following operations:

  • HTTP Listener
    Accepts data from HTTP requests

  • Parse Template
    Processes a template

The second flow uses the following operations:

  • HTTP Listener
    Accepts data from HTTP requests

  • Delete Entity
    Deletes a single entity by ID

  • Set Payload
    Defines how Mule sets the payload

    Item deleted
    Studio Flow for the Delete Entity Operation

Template for this Example

You can use this HTML template to create a file and copy the content to test the application using a graphical interface:

XML for This Example

Paste this code into the Studio XML editor to quickly load the flow for this example into your Mule app:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<mule xmlns:dynamics365-bc="" xmlns:http=""
      xmlns:doc="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <configuration-properties file=""/>
    <configuration-properties file=""/>

    <http:listener-config name="HTTP_Listener_config" doc:name="HTTP Listener config" basePath="/">
        <http:listener-connection host="" port="8081" />

    <dynamics365-bc:config name="Business_Central_BasicAuth" doc:name="Microsoft Dynamics 365 - Business Central Config" >
        <dynamics365-bc:basic-connection baseUri="${config.baseUri}" username="${auth.username}" password="${auth.password}" />

    <flow name="Home" >
        <http:listener doc:name="/" config-ref="HTTP_Listener_config" path="/" />
        <parse-template doc:name="Parse Template" location="dynamics365-bc-demo-template.html" />

    <flow name="flow-item-delete" >
        <http:listener doc:name="/item/delete" config-ref="HTTP_Listener_config" path="/item/delete"/>
        <dynamics365-bc:delete-entity entity="items" doc:name="Delete Entity" config-ref="Business_Central_BasicAuth" companyId="${api.companyId}" entityId="#[]"/>
        <set-payload value="Item deleted" doc:name="Set Payload" />

Steps for Running This Example

  1. Verify that your connector is configured.

  2. Save the project.

  3. From a web browser, test the application by entering http://localhost:8081/.

  4. Click on the Delete Item form.

  5. After the form shows up, type in the ID of the item you want to delete.

    Delete Item form
  6. Click Delete. You should see an alert saying that the item was deleted.

    Response from Delete Item form
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