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Module Licensing

Modules written with the SDK have three possible kinds of licensing, each setting different requirements on how the application can be executed.

Community Module

The default for all Modules, apps that use a Community Module can be executed in all Mule runtimes with no further requirements.

Enterprise Module

Only Mule EE Runtimes can be used to execute the apps that use the Enterprise Modules, which means that the user of the Module needs a MuleSoft Enterprise License. Declaring a Module to be EE-only is very easy. You simply need to add the @RequiresEnterpriseLicense annotation:

@Extension(name = "enterprise")
public class EnterpriseConnector {


By default, RequiresEnterpriseLicense forces the user to have a full MuleSoft Enterprise License, but you can also declare that the Module allows an evaluation license to be used for the Runtime. This can be configured using the allowEvaluationLicense flag in the RequiresEnterpriseLicense annotation:

@Extension(name = "enterprise")
@RequiresEnterpriseLicense(allowEvaluationLicense = true)
public class EnterpriseConnector {


Custom Module License

MuleSoft Certified Connectors can request a certified license generation key from MuleSoft that allows them to create their own Custom License. This ensures that those who use the Certified Connector contact the Partner that developed the Module to obtain their Custom License.

Partners who have built a MuleSoft Certified Connector can give potential customers the chance to build a Mule app with their connector and test it at design time. When attempting to deploy the Mule app with the connector, customers are prompted for the Partner’s Custom License.

Obtaining a License Generation Key for your Connector

Before submitting the developed connector to MuleSoft for certification, the prospective certified connector partner must complete these steps:

  1. Include the following information for MuleSoft to use before generating a partner key and keystore:

    • Company Name (also known as "Vendor Name")

    • Contact Email

    • Contact Message

    • Connector Name

  2. Request the key and keystore from MuleSoft:

    1. The public .key is the file that you store in the connector.

    2. The .jks keystore is for you as the partner to generate licenses with.

Adjusting the Connector Code and Storing the Public Key

After obtaining the key and keystore:

  1. The partner adjusts the connector project code by applying the @RequiresEntitlement annotation and entering values for all requested attributes.

    • name must be the name of the connector.

    • vendor attribute must be the part before the .key suffix. For example, if MuleSoft generated a vendor key prov-name.key, the partner puts prov-name as the vendor.

      @Extension(name="connector-name", vendor="prov-name")
      public class LicensedConnector {
    • Put the MuleSoft-provided .key file under src/main/resources or src/main/resources/license in the connector’s project directory.

Sample Partner Connector

You can download and import the sample connector to Studio to see how the license management annotations are configured in the connector code. The customer .key license file should reside in src/main/resources.

Producing a License File

MuleSoft partners use the .jks file and the license generation plugin to generate a license to send to the connector customer.

From the command line, where vendor.keystore should be replaced with the path to your .jks file, execute the command in the same directory where the .jks file is:

mvn org.mule.tools.devkit:mule-devkit-license:license  -Dvendor.keystore=betaprovider-license-demo.jks
Optionally, you can specify the expiration date of the license by appending -Ddays.to.expire=<days-until-this-license-expires> to the above command. To add the customer’s name to the license, append -Dclient=<client-name>.

If the license is successfully created, the output looks something like this:

[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Maven Stub Project (No POM) 1
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- mule-devkit-license:license (default-cli) @ standalone-pom ---
* Enter the name of the client whom will receive this license: Bob
* Enter the name of the provider of the Entitlement as it appears in the @RequiresEntitlement annotation: betaprovider
* Enter the name of the Entitlement as it appears in the @RequiresEntitlement annotation: lic-demo
* Enter the name of the Connector as it appears in the @Connector "name" attribute: license-demo
* Enter keystore password:
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 18.151s
[INFO] Finished at: Thu Dec 10 09:34:41 ART 2015
[INFO] Final Memory: 6M/287M

Developing a Mule Application with a Licensed Connector

For customers to validate that their connector license is working, they need to make the license (.lic file) available through either the Mule app or the Mule server.

License File in the Mule Application

Once the customer has bought a license for the connector, the .lic file provided to the customer by the partner or vendor can be placed in one of these directories:

  • Under src/main/resources in the app (developed in Studio).

  • Under app/classes if the app has already been unpacked and deployed on the server.

License File in the Mule Server

Instead of storing the license in the app, you can be place in the conf/ folder of the Mule server.

Storing the license in the Mule server is the recommended approach if multiple apps require the same license.