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Troubleshooting Object Store Connector - Mule 4

To troubleshoot Anypoint Connector for Object Store (Object Store Connector), become familiar with the information about enabling verbose logging and interpreting commonly thrown messages.

Enable Verbose Logging

To get a better understanding of why an application’s interaction fails with Object Store Connector, temporarily enable verbose logging for the connector.

Remember to always disable the enhanced verbosity after troubleshooting, because it affects your Mule application performance.

To enable verbose logging in the configuration file:

  1. Access Anypoint Studio and navigate to the Package Explorer view.

  2. Open your application’s project name.

  3. Open the src/main/resources path folder.

  4. Open the log4j2.xml file inside the folder.

  5. Add an <AsyncLogger> tag inside the <Loggers> tag:

    	 <AsyncLogger name="org.mule.extension.objectstore" level="DEBUG"/>
  6. Save your application changes.

  7. Click the project name in Package Explorer and then click Run > Run As > Mule Application.

Understand Common Throws

Here is a list of common throw messages and how to interpret them:


    The Mule app tries to store an object, but the object store already has a value for that key.

    Cannot access the object store at this time.

The supplied key is invalid. Keys cannot be null nor blank.


The object store must access a value, but the supplied key doesn’t exist in that store.


A null value was supplied to the object store. Null values are not supported.

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