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Anypoint Monitoring Release Notes

December 9, 2024

What’s New

  • This product is now available on Hyperforce.

    Anypoint Platform instances on the Hyperforce infrastructure are:

  • Anypoint Insights is available for monitoring high-level performance metrics across your deployed Mule app and API implementations (entities) and for getting detailed metrics on specific entities.

    This feature is available in the Starter package tier on Canada Cloud and Japan Cloud. For US and EU clouds, this feature remains a Beta release available in the Advanced and Titanium tiers at this time. See Anypoint Monitoring Packages and Plans.

  • API Functional Monitoring is available from Anypoint Monitoring on Canada Cloud and Japan Cloud.

For more information, see Monitoring Features by Control Plane.

August 21, 2024

What’s New

  • The basic view in the API analytics dashboard is deprecated. Use the default (enhanced) view to see detailed information about your APIs.

  • The Inbound - Total Slow Requests by Endpoint chart in built-in dashboards is deprecated.

May 30, 2024

Fixed Issues

Issue Resolution ID

The data for the table that renders Average, Min, and Max Response Times by HTTP Endpoint (Inbound and Outbound) is now properly computed.


The data for Inbound and Outbound Average Response Time chart is now properly computed.


May 22, 2024

What’s New

  • The Telemetry Exporter feature now supports exporting traces from Runtime Fabric apps to third-party observability and analytics apps.

March 6, 2024

What’s New

  • The Telemetry Exporter feature now supports exporting traces from CloudHub 2.0 apps to third-party observability and analytics apps.

February 29, 2024

What’s New

  • The Telemetry Exporter for audit logs enables you to export audit log data to third-party analytics and observability apps, such as Splunk HEC or Azure Monitor.
    The Telemetry Exporter is available only for organizations that have the Anypoint Integration Advanced package or a Titanium subscription to Anypoint Platform.

  • To enable Telemetry Exporter, two new permissions are available:

    • Telemetry Exporter Administrator

    • Telemetry Exporter Configurations Manager

February 6, 2024

What’s New

Known Issues

  • The following charts in Built-in Dashboards for apps are currently unavailable for apps using Java 17:

    • Garbage Collection Count (CloudHub deployments only)

    • Garbage Collection Time (CloudHub deployments only)

    • ParNew Collection Count

    • ParNew Collection Time

    • Par Eden Space (Used, Maxed, Init, Committed)

    • Par Survivor Space (Used, Maxed, Init, Committed)

    • Code Cache (Used, Maxed, Init, Committed)

October 31, 2022

  • The Log Points and Reports features in Anypoint Monitoring are now supported for CloudHub 2.0.

July 28, 2022

What’s New

  • Basic alerts for APIs are now available in MuleSoft Government Cloud.

April 28, 2022

What’s New

  • Anypoint Monitoring supports built-in dashboards and alerting for APIs deployed through Flex Gateway.

  • Organizations with a Titanium subscription can use log management in Anypoint Monitoring for APIs deployed through Flex Gateway.

  • You can create basic alerts for APIs. Organizations that have a Gold or Platinum subscription can have up to six active API alerts per API instance. Organizations with a Titanium subscription can have up to ten active API alerts per API instance.

April 5, 2022

What’s New

  • A Platinum subscription to Anypoint Monitoring is available in Mulesoft Government Cloud. For a complete list of supported Anypoint Monitoring features, see the Platinum Subscription for Mulesoft Government Cloud Features column in the Anypoint Monitoring Features table.

December 7, 2021

What’s New

  • In Custom Dashboards, advanced mode has two new metrics:

    • disk_stats

    • operatingsystem

November 9, 2021

What’s New

  • The world map chart is now available for built-in dashboards with enhanced API metrics.
    In the Client Application section, the Requests by Location chart displays a world map that shows the number of requests per geographic location.

September 13, 2021

What’s New

  • Anypoint Monitoring now has two product-specific permissions: Anypoint Monitoring Viewer and Anypoint Monitoring Administrator.

    • The Anypoint Monitoring Viewer permission enables a user only to view assets in Anypoint Monitoring.

    • The Anypoint Monitoring Administrator permission enables a user to view, create, modify, and delete assets in Anypoint Monitoring.

  • The Overview section of built-in API dashboards for enhanced metrics has two new charts. The Total 4xx Errors and Total 5xx Errors charts show the sum of all 400- and 500-errors respectively.

Fixed Issues

Issue ID

In built-in dashboards, URLs previously contained an extra https.


When creating alerts, servers had metrics but deployed apps did not appear in the list of servers, so you could not create alerts on these servers.


Sorting alerts using the Name column was not working properly.


Users could previously intercept an alert, modify the alert ID, and send it to other users.


When you used an email link from a basic alert to access a dashboard or alert from an organization that was different than the organization you were logged in to, you were redirected to your own organization’s alert page. You are now prompted to log in to an account that is associated with the organization that sent the alert.


When creating alerts, you could circumvent validation in the Recipient field and paste invalid emails.


When you configured a custom dashboard and tried to select an API instance, a 408 error occurred.


When you configured a custom dashboard while using an on-premises deployment, available servers and applications did not load.


June 16, 2021


  • Reports have a new column that specifies the target name, or location where the target is deployed, of the resource for which you are viewing a report.

  • The following charts were renamed:

    • Inbound - Total Requests by Endpoint is now Inbound - Total Requests by HTTP Endpoint.

    • Outbound - Total Requests by Endpoint is now Outbound - Total Requests by HTTP Endpoint.

  • Previously, in the Custom Dashboards API panel, APIs that did not support enhanced metrics did not appear. For enhanced usability, these APIs now appear in the API panel but are disabled.

  • The ${timestamp} variable is now available in alert email templates.

Fixed Issues

  • If you had previously chosen an environment when you accessed the Reports page, an error occurred when you tried to click View.

  • When you accessed the Custom Dashboards page and clicked Configure, the Save button appeared before you made any changes.

  • In Custom Dashboards, when you selected everything for an API Panel and changed to API Analytics Panel (deprecated), an error occured and your selections remained in each field. Because the metrics between API panels are different, your selections are now reset when you switch between API panel types.

  • Fixed an issue related to the group by for the Inbound - HTTP Endpoints chart.

  • Fixed an issue in which the Inbound - Total Requests by HTTP Endpoint and Outbound - Total Requests by HTTP Endpoint charts had empty cells. (SE-20663)

  • In the Built-in Dashboards page, when you viewed an API that supported both basic and enhanced metrics and then clicked the Switch to basic metrics link, the Switch to basic metrics link did not work. (SE-19796)

  • When you created a server alert, servers did not load automatically.

  • When you created an API panel in Custom Dashboards, if you selected everything, changed to advanced mode, and then switched back to simple mode, API selector tried to load indefinitely.

  • In Custom Dashboards, if you had two Runtime Fabric apps available that had the same name, there was an issue selecting the second one. (SE-20637)

  • When you used Safari to access built-in dashboards, the date picker did not work properly. (SE-20203)

  • When you used a link to Log Search that was shared by another user in the same organization, an error occurred if the query parameter in the URL was encoded: The sharer organization is not the same as the active one. You can now access log search after encoding query parameters in URLs. (SE-20282)

  • When you had multiple hybrid apps deployed to the same server, created a custom dashboard, and then selected the second app out of the hybrid apps deployed to that server as the Resource, your selection changed to the first app deployed to that server whenever you tried to reconfigure the panel. (SE-20453)

March 16, 2021


  • Basic alerts now support email templates. You can populate the subject and message body of basic alert emails to include variables for the alert metric, condition, severity, and more. For a complete list of available variables, refer to the basic alerts documentation.

  • The Alerts page now sorts alerts by the most recently updated.

  • When you use the Log Search feature, the logs that appear alongside the target log entry now load more quickly. SE-17024

  • The Connector Message Volume chart tooltip has been enhanced to read Number of outbound requests, grouped by connector type.

  • The following charts have been renamed:

    • Inbound - Response Time by Endpoint is now Inbound - Response Time by HTTP Endpoint.

    • Inbound - Endpoints is now Inbound - HTTP Endpoints.

    • Outbound - Ports is now Outbound - HTTP Ports.

    • Outbound - Protocols is now Outbound - HTTP Protocols.
      SE-18756, SE-18909

  • The following charts include enhanced queries for more accurate metrics reporting:

    • Inbound - Response Time by HTTP Endpoint

    • Inbound - HTTP Endpoints

    • Outbound - HTTP Ports

    • Outbound - HTTP Protocols

    • Outbound - Operations
      SE-18756, SE-18909

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed an issue related to timeouts while searching for surrounding logs. SE-17024

  • Fixed an issue in which multiline logs in log searches resulted in multiple events. SE-18091

  • In basic mode of custom dashboards for hybrid apps, you could not select applications other than the first application that appeared when you accessed the resource selector. SE-19604

  • Fixed an issue related to ordering applications by name when you clicked the Application Name column in reports.

  • Fixed an issue related to deleting alerts while filters were enabled.

January 27, 2021


  • Basic and advanced alerts now include a selection for user-defined severity. Note that when you modify existing alerts, you must assign a severity to that alert before you can save changes.

  • You can now sort and filter alerts by severity in the Alerts page.

  • When you create an alert and begin entering a value in the Recipients field, user emails associated with your organization that match the value you entered appear.

Fixed Issues

  • When you had apps with the same name deployed to multiple Anypoint Runtime Fabric clusters:

    • Regardless of which instance of the app you selected, the same one always appeared.

    • The metrics associated with that app were combined.

    To accommodate this fix, built-in dashboard URLs have been enhanced to use the app’s ID to differentiate between instances of deployed apps. If you reload the page using the previous URL, the page will not load. (SE-19017)

  • The Inbound - Response Time by Flow chart erroneously displayed the same value for average, minimum, and maximum columns. (SE-19048)

  • The Raw Data page did not load for some Runtime Fabric users. (SE-18626, SE-19093)

  • The data for Inbound - Requests by Flow and Inbound - Response Time by Flow charts were swapped. (SE-18786, SE-19048)

  • In built-in API analytics charts, the following charts erroneously showed sums, instead of averages:

    • Average Response Time

    • Requests by Performance

    • Slow Requests

  • General bug fixes and security enhancements.

December 14, 2020

Fixed Issues

Your environment now loads correctly during custom dashboard creation.

November 12, 2020

Fixed Issues

  • If you had the same API deployed in two or more environments, the corresponding API widget label continued to show the first environment the API instance was deployed to, even after saving and reconfiguring the graph.

  • Infinite scrolling did not work in the list of alerts.

  • When using Anypoint Monitoring, the Sign Out button did not log you out of Anypoint Platform.

  • When you clicked a link in an alert email, some redirects did not work as expected. The link in the alert email now directs you to an error page if that link goes to:

    • A deleted dashboard

    • A dashboard that cannot be found

    • A dashboard that is in a different organization than the current active organization.

October 26, 2020


The resource and version selectors in the Built-in Dashboards, Custom Dashboards, Alerts, and Log Points pages contain information about the target and deployment type, if available.

Fixed Issues

  • If you had two APIs with the same name but different targets, you could not differentiate which API was related to which cluster. The API names appeared without additional information. SE-15782.

  • When you searched for an API instance or version, the search feature did not suggest results based on the version.

  • When selecting assets to view in built-in dashboards, the supported runtime versions tooltip erroneously stated Version 3.8.7-AM is supported for log search only. All -AM runtime versions are deprecated.

  • In Built-in Dashboards, the Inbound - Maximum Response Time chart used the wrong query to populate the chart.

September 17, 2020

Fixed Issues

  • Because of time zone conflicts, the selected date sometimes did not match the dates in the charts.

  • When you reconfigured a graph in custom dashboards, some of the application panel metrics changed to the first metric in the Metrics list.

  • You could not edit some basic alerts.

September 3, 2020


  • You can now enable Anypoint Monitoring automatically for new applications that you deploy to CloudHub. This feature is enabled automatically for Titanium users.

July 30, 2020


  • Anypoint Monitoring now supports Mule runtime versions 3.8.7 and newer. SE-16739

Fixed Issues

  • Searches for alerts by name were case-sensitive.

  • In the Custom Dashboards page, the tooltips for histogram charts did not display totals. SE-15270

  • Email addresses were formatted incorrectly for alerts that had multiple email recipients.

July 7, 2020

Fixed Issues

  • In custom dashboards, metrics changed when you edited content in the General tab.

  • In custom dashboards, adding widgets to a new chart cleared existing charts.

  • In built-in dashboards, the JVM - Memory Utilization chart is now named JVM - Heap Total Memory.

  • In built-in dashboards, the Application Process CPU Load chart is now named System CPU % Utilization.

  • In built-in dashboards, the Application Process CPU Minutes chart is now named JVM CPU Time.

June 29, 2020

New Feature

This feature is currently available only for certain customers.

You can now quickly and seamlessly create basic alerts for app and server metrics.

Basic alerts are available for the following metrics for servers or Mule apps:

  • For on-premises servers and CloudHub apps:

    • CPU utilization

    • Memory utilization

    • Thread count

  • For on-premises, Runtime Fabric, and CloudHub apps:

    • Message count

    • Message error count

    • Message response time

May 20, 2020

New Feature

You can now access the Anypoint Visualizer Troubleshooting visualization for an app in the Application Network section of the Built-In Dashboards page in Anypoint Monitoring. The Application Network section enables you to view direct callers and callees for a single app for the most recent seven days.

May 4, 2020


A new version of the Anypoint Monitoring Archive API is available. The Anypoint Monitoring Archive API allows you to retrieve API metrics that Anypoint Monitoring stores. You can download this API using Anypoint Exchange. This API is available only for users who have a Titanium subscription.

April 15, 2020

IE 11 is not supported in Anypoint Monitoring.


  • In the Log Search feature, you can now view how to correctly format a date with clickable examples.

  • The Information section of the built-in dashboards pages has word wrapping and hover text.

  • When you share a log by copying the URL, a message appears instead of a countdown.

  • Improved performance when switching between built-in dashboards, applications, or APIs.

Fixed Issues

  • The CPU Utilization and Memory Utilization tabs of the Reports feature no longer include Cloudhub or hybrid deployments.

  • You could not add pre-Crowd APIs to built-in dashboards.

  • The Requests by HTTP Policy Violation chart did not display a name or ID.

March 26, 2020


  • The Log Search page now has a refresh button.

  • New API metrics are provided:

    The Built-in dashboards page for APIs now has multiple tabs to show more information and enhance the root cause analysis for APIs. The new tabs include: Overview, Requests, Failures, Performance, and Clients. The user can switch between enhanced and basic metrics.

Fixed Issues

  • A legend for built-in API dashboards was incorrect.

February 18, 2020


  • For smoother navigation, the tabs on the Built-in Dashboards page appear in the same order whether the window is collapsed or expanded.

  • The built-in dashboard chart called Total Requests by Type is now Total Requests by Response Type.

Fixed Issues

  • Using the Export CSV feature for a chart resulted in CSVs containing fractional values, which caused incorrect sums of metrics. SE-14652

  • Using the is between and is not between operations with a timestamp filter did not work.

  • In advanced mode for custom dashboards, the API ID and API version ID were repeated.

  • If you clicked a URL in an email report from API Functional Monitoring to view the result of a test and you were not logged in to Anypoint Platform, the URL would open the login page. After you logged in, Anypoint Platform did not redirect you to the page you tried to access.

  • The notification switcher broke full-page scrolling.

  • The built-in dashboards refresh rate allowed you to refresh in increments smaller than one minute.

  • There was an invalid API instance value in the log-points selector.

  • The following API charts did not show correct data:

    • Requests (Avg)

    • Average Size of Requests

    • Average Size of Responses

  • When a query had one tag, aliases did not work correctly.

February 6, 2020

New Features

The Log Points feature for apps, which requires a Titanium subscription, enables you to generate logs for apps and connectors without having to write code or redeploy the app.


To enhance readability, when you use the View Surrounding Logs feature in a log search, only five logs appear before and after the log you selected.

Fixed Issues

  • When you used the same instance label on two or more APIs in different environments, the api-version-id list did not clarify which API resided in which environment. Now, the api-version-id list also shows the environment name. SE-14062

  • The list of APIs in advanced mode on the Custom Dashboards page did not include all the available APIs. This issue has been resolved. SE-12532

January 23, 2020


  • When you search for logs, the Quick Filter section has an option called See More that further filters your search results.

  • If you are using an -AM runtime, the built-in dashboards page displays a deprecation notice.

Fixed Issues

  • You could not delete saved searches in Log search. SE-13734

  • When a long API instance name appeared on built-in dashboards, it exceeded the length of the selector and prevented you from clicking the underlying View button.

  • The organization name was missing in alert notification emails.

  • In the Custom Dashboards page, it was not possible to move charts using the mouse.

  • A typo was corrected on the Log Points page.

  • In the Custom Dashboards page, deleting a chart left an empty state image.

  • In the Advanced Mode section of the Custom Dashboards page, there is now a label indicating that it is not possible to add alerts in advanced mode charts.

  • Although users who do not have a paid subscription cannot export charts as CSVs, an Export CSV button appeared in chart options.

  • Nongraph charts in advanced mode showed a label stating that alerts were not supported.

December 7, 2019


To enhance usability, the following built-in dashboards have renamed charts:

  • Overview

  • Inbound

  • Outbound

  • Performance

  • Failures

Fixed Issues

  • API built-in dashboards showed "No data points" despite API Manager showing incoming requests. SE-13181

  • In the Custom Dashboards page, the Advanced query options menu did not populate with a complete list of APIs. SE-12532

  • When you tried to view a log, an error would sometimes appear. SE-13931

  • When you added a link with the absolute type to a custom dashboard, the link did not open.

  • When you added a link in a new or existing custom dashboard, the link redirected back to the dashboard until you refreshed the page.

  • When you tried to navigate from the Reports page to a hybrid app, the link for the hybrid app did not resolve.

  • In the Built-In Dashboards page, links on some charts did not resolve.

October 7, 2019

This release contains the following new features for users who have a Titanium subscription:

  • The Flows built-in dashboard tab shows detailed information about each flow in a Mule application.

  • The Connectors built-in dashboard tab shows summary usage and performance information across all connector types.

  • The Inbound and Outbound built-in dashboard tabs contain new charts.

This release also contains the following enhancements:

  • The Alert Email template includes additional contextual information.

  • The Share command in log search has been enhanced. This feature requires a Titanium subscription.

  • Log-point configuration feedback is improved.

June 18, 2019

This release contains the following enhancement:

The retention period for Anypoint Monitoring API analytics increased to 90 days for Gold and Platinum subscriptions.

June 12, 2019

Anypoint Monitoring support for Mule 3.9.x-AM and Mule 4.x-AM is being deprecated.

Update your applications to run on Mule versions 3.9.x and 4.x for better functionality and improved performance, and to receive the latest patch updates as soon as they are available.

If you currently have Anypoint Monitoring enabled for applications running Mule 3.9.x-AM or 4.x-AM, monitoring continues to work, but you will not receive important patch updates.

For information about setting the runtime version for your Mule app and enabling monitoring, see Configure and Enable Anypoint Monitoring for Mule Apps.

May 4, 2019

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • Support for hybrid and CloudHub apps running on Mule 4.2.0

  • A Custom Metrics page from which you can easily access the custom metrics connectors for Mule 3 and 4

  • Support for these connector metrics:

    • FTP

    • SFTP

    • SMTP

    • Object Store

    • Anypoint MQ

  • Metrics for inbound Mule messages on the Overview and Performance tabs

April 30, 2019

Anypoint Monitoring for applications deployed to Runtime Fabric is now supported. Monitoring is enabled by default, so you don’t need to set anything up in Anypoint Monitoring. For more information, see Monitoring Applications Deployed to Runtime Fabric.

April 6, 2019

An enhanced Monitoring agent is now included in CloudHub runtime versions 3.9.0, 3.9.1, and 3.9.2.

March 27, 2019

The following features now support CloudHub apps running on Mule 4.1.x:

  • Custom Metrics

  • Connector monitoring

March 23, 2019

New Features

This release contains the following new features:

  1. You can save built-in dashboards as custom dashboards, which simplifies the process of building custom dashboards and allows you to leverage the features and flexibility available in custom dashboards. For more information, see Save a Built-in Dashboard as a Custom Dashboard.

  2. In built-in and custom dashboards, you can export data for an app into a CSV file. For more information, see Export App Data to a CSV File.


This release contains the following enhancements:

  • In addition to enabling monitoring for apps deployed to CloudHub and running on Mule 3.9.2, you can enable monitoring for apps running on the following Mule versions:

  • The sidebar menu in Anypoint Monitoring is restyled to make navigation more intuitive.

Fixed Issues

  • General bug fixes.

February 22, 2019

The following new charts are available in the built-in dashboards:

  • Inbound

    • Maximum Response Time

  • Infrastructure

    • System Memory

    • Application Process CPU Load

    • Application Process CPU Minutes

    • Operating System Swap Space

  • JVM

    • Committed Virtual Memory

For more information about built-in dashboards, see Built-in Application Dashboards.

February 16, 2019

  • You can now monitor Web Services connectors in the Connectors tab. For more information about monitoring connectors, see Monitor Connectors.

  • You can now visualize custom metrics in real time using the built-in Custom metrics dashboard. For more information, see Anypoint Custom Metrics Connector.

February 7, 2019

The Anypoint Monitoring log points feature now supports the following API types and versions:

  • Basic endpoint APIs (CloudHub and hybrid)

    • CloudHub

    • Hybrid

  • Endpoint with Proxy APIs

    • CloudHub proxy

    • Hybrid proxy

  • Mule 3 versions 3.8.5 and later

  • Mule 4 versions 4.1.1 and later

January 12, 2019

This release contains the following new features:

  • Custom Dashboard API Support

    • When you configure a custom dashboard and then work in Basic Mode, you can choose between an Application Panel and an API Panel to create dashboards to visualize API metrics.

    • In Advanced Mode you can add queries based on API metrics.

December 15, 2018

This release contains the following new features:

  • API Analytics - API Analytics is now available in Anypoint Monitoring. See Builtin API Analytics Dashboard.

  • Anypoint Custom Metrics Connector - (Requires a Titanium subscription) The Anypoint Custom Metrics connector enables sending metric values with dimensions to Anypoint Monitoring, where they can be visualized in real time using Custom Dashboards. See Custom Metrics Connector.

December 8, 2018

This release contains the following new features:

  • Log Points - (Requires Titanium subscription) You can generate logs for a running API without writing any code or redeploying your application. You can select specific parameters within the API for which to generate logs, for example, the request header host parameter. For more information about log points, see Anypoint Monitoring Log Points

  • Connector-level Flow Analysis - (Requires Titanium subscription) You can now monitor the performance for connectors. For more information about monitoring connectors, see Monitor Connectors

Known Issues

The Anypoint Monitoring log points feature is only supported on Mule runtime engine version 3.8.5-AM or later. For APIs not running on Mule runtime engine 3.8.5-AM or later, the log points feature does not appear for the API.

Because you can’t select the runtime version when you deploy an API from API Manager, you must navigate to Runtime Manager, select the runtime version (3.8.5-AM or later), then redeploy the API.

Mule runtime engine versions appended with -AM are listed in Runtime Manager, in the Runtime Version menu under Show old patch releases.

Fixed Issues

  • General bug fixes.

Version 1.05

New Features and Enhancements

  • Environment-wide reporting on application performance, including requests, failures, CPU and memory utilization. (Requires a Titanium subscription)

  • Performance Improvements

    • All static resources are stored on a content delivery network (CDN).

    • Resources are prefetched on page load.

    • Changes to built-in dashboards load more quickly.

    • Extended connection pools life before timeout.

  • Improvements to Deployment and Management:

    • New capabilities to associate an Organization with an environment so that you can build proofs of concept (POCs) without relying on engineering work.

    • Provisioning Configuration Management: Allows for changes to the data sources without requiring a new deployment. Versioning to allow controlled roll out.

    • Log Orchestration Service updates periodically from the Provisioning System: allows the creation of an Organization log index without requiring a deployment.

    • Admin console now exposes data from Provisioning: it allows easier visualization and editing of the environment properties.

  • Minor user experience (UX) improvements.

  • Log search share URL.

Fixed Issues

  • General bug fixes.