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Upgrading and Migrating Salesforce Connector to 10.x - Mule 4

Upgrade Anypoint Connector for Salesforce (Salesforce Connector) from version 9.x or 10.x to version 10.16.

Supported Upgrade Paths

From Version To Version







  • Salesforce Connector now supports Salesforce API v56.0.


  • Added support for Salesforce API v55.0.


  • Added support for Salesforce API v54.0.

  • Added the Cache events in memory advanced option for Replay Topic Listener and Replay Channel Listener to reduce daily limit consumption.


  • Added support for Salesforce API v53.0.

  • Added the Query Xml Stream operation due to a limitation in the Query operation. The Query operation is now deprecated.


  • Added support for Salesforce API v52.0.


  • The Query Result Stream operation is deprecated. Use both of the following new operations instead:

    • Query Result List to return a list of result IDs for a specific batch.

    • Query Result Stream by Id to return an InputStream with the query results for a specific result ID of a submitted BatchInfo.


Added the optional Assignment Rule Id field to the Create Job Bulk Api V2 operation.


  • Added the Login Request Timeout field and Login Request Time Unit field to all of the connection types

  • Deprecated the The Size (in Bytes) of the Event Queue field in the Replay Channel Listener source

  • Added the following fields to the Lead Convert Request type:

    • Owner Id

    • Related Person Account Id

    • Related Person Account Record


For fixed issues, see the Salesforce Connector 10.8 Release Notes.


  • Improved the performance when using the Sources with the Continue from Last Replay Id option.


  • Added a new advanced parameter, Throw Exception When Organization Daily Limit Exceeded, which enables the connector to throw an exception if the limit is exceeded at deployment time.

  • Enhanced logging messages for the Streaming sources.


This release contains the following changes:

  • Added support for Salesforce API v50.0.

  • The Create job bulk Api V2 and Create Query Job Bulk Api V2 operations now support the Sforce-Call-Options header to specify a default namespace.

  • The Create Job Bulk Api V2 operation now supports the hardDelete value in the Operation field.

  • The Batch Result Stream operation now supports specifying an output MIME type based on the content type provided when creating the batch.


This release contains the following changes:

  • The Retrieve Job Unprocessed Results BulkV2 operation added

  • The Retrieve Job Failed Results BulkV2 and Retrieve Job Successful Results BulkV2 operations now return the original fields of the records

  • Logging improvements over all operations and connection types

  • The Subscribe Streaming Channel and Replay Streaming Channel sources now display all types of events available in the configured organization:

    • Generic Events

    • Platform Events

    • Change Data Capture Events


This release contains the following changes:

  • Added support for Salesforce API v49.0.

  • Added the Merge Multiple operation to enable merging up to 200 records in a single SOAP call.


This release contains the following changes:

  • Added support for multiple keys in the JKS file specified for the SAML and JWT authentication mechanisms. Use the new Certificate Alias field to specify which certificate should be used. (CONN-6019, CONN-6020)

  • Added support for custom headers for the Invoke APEX SOAP operation. (SE-15884)

  • Bulk API V2 operations now return the response headers and status as message attributes.


This release contains the following changes:

  • Added support for API v48.0.

  • Added support for subscribing to these newly-added platform events: FOStatusChangedEvent, OrderSummaryCreatedEvent, and OrderSumStatusChangedEvent.

  • Added support for using the new RecordVisibilityContext clause when using the WITH filteringExpression in a query.


This release contains the following changes:

  • Removed deprecated connection types

  • Made the following changes to some operations:

    • Merged multiple operations into one

    • Renamed some operations and parameters

    • Changed some operation return types

  • Redesigned the Replay ID functionality

  • Changed the Mule TLS Context usage

  • Improved the error types

  • Removed the dependency on the Dozer library

  • Removed the keep alive feature as a configurable option

    The connector now automatically performs one API call every 14 minutes (Salesforce minimum TTL is 15 minutes), so the session no longer expires.

Changes in Connection Types

Salesforce Connector 10.x contains the following changes to connection types:

  • Removed the following connection types:

    • Username Password

    • Basic Username Password

  • Added connection pool functionality to improve multi-threading support.

    With this functionality, each request sent to the API has its own headers and read timeout, which prevents the operation headers from being overridden with the wrong values when operations are executed simultaneously.

  • Added a new Security tab for configuring TLS.

  • Reordered the parameters to be more intuitive.

  • Moved the Read timeout parameter from the provider configuration to the connector configuration.

  • Removed the following parameters from the connector configuration:

    • Advanced reconnection params

    • Allow field truncation support

    • Assignment rule id

    • Batch Sobject max depth

    • Can clear fields by updating field value to null
      In Salesforce Connector 10.x, to clear a field, you must use an Update or Upsert request and set the name of the fields you want to nullify in the fieldsToNull field.

    • Client id

    • Disable session invalidation

    • Time object store

    • Use default rule

Changed Operations, Sources, Parameters, and Return Types

In Salesforce Connector 10.x, all operations contain the following new parameters:

  • Time unit

  • Read timeout

The Resume from the last Replay Id parameter for the Replay Channel Listener and Replay Topic Listener operations does not work the first time you upgrade to version 10.5 because of changes in the underlying implementation. The first time you run the migrated app, the app fetches events based on the value of the Replay Option Parameters. On subsequent restarts, the app uses the Resume from the Last Replay Id functionality and continues as expected.

The following table shows other changes to operation names, input parameters, and return types:

Salesforce 9.x Operation Changes in Salesforce 10.x

Abort job v 2

Operation is now called Abort job bulk api v 2.

Abort query job

  • Operation is now called Abort query job bulk api v 2.

  • Query job id parameter is now called Id.

Batch result

Return type is now Bulk Operation Result, which can be integrated with the Batch scope.

Batch result stream

Return type is now InputStream.


Return type is now Bulk Operation Result, which can be integrated with the Batch scope.


Return type is now Bulk Operation Result, which can be integrated with the Batch scope.

Find duplicates by ids

Return type is now Ids List.

Get all jobs v 2

  • Operation is now called Get all jobs bulk api v 2.

  • Is pk chunking enabled parameter is now called Pk Chunking.

Get all query jobs

  • Operation is now called Get all query jobs bulk api v 2.

  • Is pk chunking enabled parameter is now called Pk Chunking.

Get bulk job state bulk v 2

Operation is now called Get job state bulk api v 2.

Get deleted

  • Duration parameter is replaced by the Start Date and End Date parameters.

  • Type parameter is now called Object type.

Get query job info

  • Operation is now called Get query job info bulk api v 2.

  • Query job id parameter is now called Id.

Get query job result

  • Operation is now called Get query job result bulk api v 2.

  • Query job id parameter is now called Id.

Get updated objects

  • Initial Time Window parameter is replaced by the Start Date and End Date parameters.

  • Type parameter is now called Object Type.

  • Fields and Update Header parameters were removed.

  • Operation now returns only the IDs of the objects that were updated and the latest date covered.

    • To obtain field values for the updated objects, use this operation followed by the Retrieve operation.

    • To track the previous time updated objects were queried, save and retrieve values from the Object Store connector manually.

Replay channel

Operation is now called Replay channel listener.

Replay topic

Operation is now called Replay topic listener.

Retrieve record failure bulk v 2

Operation is now called Retrieve job failed result bulk v 2.

Retrieve record success bulk v 2

Operation is now called Retrieve job successful result bulk v 2.

Subscribe channel

Operation is now called Subscribe channel listener.

Subscribe topic

Operation is now called Subscribe topic listener.


Return type is now Bulk Operation Result, which can be integrated with the Batch scope.


Type parameter is now called Object Type.

Changes in Operations Metadata

There are no changes related to keys, input metadata, or output metadata.

Removed Operations

The following operations were removed from Salesforce Connector 10.x:

Removed Operation Functionality Covered By

Bulk info

Batch info operation

Bulk info list

Batch info list operation

Bulk result

Batch result operation

Bulk result stream

Batch result stream operation

Create bulk

Create job operation with an insert parameter and a Create Batch operation

Create bulk for query

Create batch for query operation

Create single

Create operation

Create multiple

Create operation

Create multiple batch

Create batch operation

Create multiple batch stream

Create batch stream operation

Create multiple bulk

Create Job operation with a create parameter and a Create batch operation

Delete multiple

Delete operation

Get deleted range

Get deleted objects operation

Get updated

Get updated objects operation

Hard delete bulk

Create Job operation with a hardDelete parameter and a Create batch operation

Hard delete multiple

Create Job with a hardDelete parameter and a Create batch operation

Query multiple result stream

Query result stream operation

Query single

Query operation

Non paginated query

Query operation

Update bulk

Create job operation with an update parameter and a Create Batch operation

Update multiple

Update operation

Update multiple bulk

Create Job operation with an update parameter and a Create batch operation

Update single

Update operation

Delete multiple


Upsert bulk

Create Job operation with an upsert parameter and a Create Batch operation

Upsert multiple

Upsert operation

Upsert multiple bulk

Create Job operation with an upsert parameter and a Create batch operation

Get session id

This operation exposed the internal session ID used by the connector. This could impact the connection life-cycle with regular usage of the connector. It is recommended that you re-implement using the connector functionality.

Upgrade Prerequisites

Before you perform the upgrade, you must:

  1. Create a backup of your files, data, and configuration in case you need to restore to the previous version.

  2. Install Salesforce Connector 10.x to replace the Salesforce operations that were previously included in Salesforce Connector 9.x.

Upgrade Steps

Follow these steps to perform the upgrade from Salesforce Connector v9.x to Salesforce Connector v10.x:

  1. In Anypoint Studio, create a Mule project.

  2. In the Mule Palette view, click Search in Exchange.

  3. In the Add Dependencies to Project window, enter Salesforce in the search field.

  4. In the Available modules section, select Salesforce Connector - Mule 4 and click Add.

  5. Click Finish.

  6. Verify that the salesforce-connector dependency version is 10.x.x in the pom.xml file, where x.x is the minor release and patch version number. For example, if you are upgrading to v10.0, the dependency version in the pom.xml file should be 10.0.0.

Studio upgrades the connector automatically.

Verify the Upgrade

After you install the latest version of the connector, follow these steps to verify the upgrade:

  1. In Studio, verify that there are no errors in the Problems or Console views.

  2. Check the project pom.xml file and verify that there are no problems.

  3. Test the connection and verify that the operations work.


If there are problems with caching the parameters and caching the metadata, try restarting Studio.

Revert the Upgrade

If it is necessary to revert to the previous version of Salesforce Connector, change the salesforce-connector dependency version in the project’s pom.xml file to the previous version.

You must update the project’s pom.xml file in Anypoint Studio.

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