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Requesting Access to an API Instance

From the API Details page, member users request access to an API instance to which to register a client application. They do this by selecting an API instance, selecting or creating a client application, and optionally selecting a service-level agreement (SLA). When the owner of the instance approves the request, a contract is created between the client application and the instance, and the client application is registered.

Instances that the client ID enforcement policy protects require client applications to provide a client ID and an optional client secret. Once the request for access is approved, the client application is registered and the client ID and client secret credentials are automatically created. Member users can request access to an instance of an API that is published in the portal. These users can either create a new application or use an application that they already created to request access.

If terms and conditions are set for an asset, you’re prompted to accept the terms before access is granted. The created contract includes the terms and conditions.

Before You Begin

Before you can request access to an API, you must be a member user and be logged into the API portal. See Registering for Access to a Portal

Use an Existing Application to Request Access to an API

You can request access to an API by using an existing application:

  1. Click an API to open the API Details page.

  2. Click Request access.

  3. In the API instance list, select an instance.

  4. In the Client application list, select an application.

    An application and its instance use the same client provider. If an organization administrator has configured multiple client providers in Anypoint API Manager, then the application list shows only the applications that use the same client provider as the selected instance.

  5. From SLA tier, select a service-level agreement (SLA) value for the application.

    The SLA tier appears only when the instance has one or more tiers.

  6. If the API has terms and conditions, select I accept the terms and conditions.

  7. Click Request access.

    A Request access message displays to inform you that the request was received and is pending. If the SLA tier has auto-approval, the message shows that the request access was approved, and the application displays in the My Applications page.

  8. Click Okay to close the message.

    If the SLA tier has auto-approval, the application is received and approved.

  9. Click Okay to close the message.

  10. To see the application details, go to the My Applications page.

    The My Applications page lists the client ID and client secret for this access instance.

Create a New Application to Request Access to an API

If you do not have an application to use to request access, create a new application:

  1. From the API Catalog, click an API to open the API Details page.

  2. Click Request access.

  3. From the API instance list, select an instance.

  4. From the Client application options, select Create a new application.

  5. From the Name field, enter a client application name.

  6. From the Description field, enter a description of the client application.

  7. From the OAuth 2.0 Grant Type options, if there are grant types for the application, select a grant type.

  8. From the OAuth 2.0 Redirect URIs field, enter a URI address from.

  9. From the Application URL field, enter a URL.

  10. From the SLA tier options, select a service-level agreement (SLA) value for the application.

  11. Click Request access.

    If auto-approval is enabled for the SLA tier, a message displays that the application is approved. If auto-approval isn’t enabled, a message displays that the request is pending.

  12. Click Okay to close the message.

    When the application is approved, an email is sent.

  13. Click Okay to close the message.

  14. To see the application details, go to the My Applications page from the portal.

    The My Applications page lists the client ID and client secret for this access instance.