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If you encounter errors, refer to the following instructions for recovery.

Cannot See Images in the Builder Preview That Were Uploaded When Creating the Portal

In the Builder preview, you cannot see the images that were uploaded when creating the portal because the shared user is not a member of any libraries.

To add the shared user as a member of the asset library:

  1. Log in to the Salesforce organization as a System Administrator.

  2. Click the App Launcher, enter files in the search, and select Files.

  3. Click Libraries in the navigation pane.

  4. Click Asset Library in the list.

  5. Click Manage Members.

    The Manage Library Members screen opens.

  6. In the Add Members field, click the down arrow next to the stack icon and select People.

    The Add Members field shows the search people box.

  7. Click in the search people box and select Builder Preview.

  8. In the Access field, select Author.

  9. Click Add to allow the Builder Preview user to upload images in the Builder for later use.

    The Current Members section shows the Builder Preview member and Author access.

  10. Close the screen.

  11. Confirm that the Builder Preview user can see the library images in the Builder.

  12. Reload the page if the images are not showing up.

Cannot Access the API Management Page to Disconnect Portal

The unlinking process deletes the configuration created during the linking process, connected apps, and IDPs in the Anypoint organization. This process does not delete your portal or uninstall the API Experience Hub package. Use this method if you want to create a portal using another Salesforce organization with the same Anypoint account.

To disconnect your portal:

  1. Run this command to get a token from Anypoint:

    • US users:

      curl --location --request POST '' \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data-raw '{
      "username": "Username",
      "password": "Password"
    • EU users:

      curl --location --request POST '' \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data-raw '{
      "username": "Username",
      "password": "Password"
  2. Run this command to extract the token:

     "access_token": "TOKEN",
     "token_type": "bearer",
     "redirectUrl": "/home/"
  3. Run this command to get the connection ID from this request:

    curl --location --request GET '' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer [INSERT TOKEN HERE]'

    For EU users, use in the request.

  4. Extract the connection ID from this:

     "createdDate": "2022-12-06T17:27:53.705+00:00",
     "environment": "SANDBOX",
     "id": "[CONNECTION-ID]",
     "organizationId": "******",
     "targetOrganizationDomain": "******",
     "targetOrganizationId": "******",
     "type": "SALESFORCE",
     "updatedDate": "2022-12-06T17:27:53.705+00:00",
     "username": "******"
  5. Run this command to delete the connection:

    curl --location --request DELETE '[CONNECTION-ID]' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer [INSERT TOKEN HERE]'

    The connections is deleted. You can connect to a new connection to another Salesforce organization. We recommend deleting the browser cache or using a new incognito browser to have a fresh environment to start the linking process again.

API Experience Hub Does Not Show on the Anypoint Platform Landing Page

If API Experience Hub does not show on the Anypoint Platform landing page, ensure that you are using the main organization. Contact the MuleSoft administrator to ensure that the entitlement is enabled.

Error Occurs When Changing the Relax IP Restrictions Option

In this release, IP restrictions for the connected app are not supported. By default, the IP Restrictions field is set to Relax IP Restrictions. If you have Trusted IP Ranges in your organization, they are bypassed by the connected app. To avoid errors, do not change the IP Restrictions field from Relax IP Restrictions because it produces errors when creating the portal.

Error Saving Changes to the Portal When an Object Has Validation Rules Activated

An error occurs when saving styling changes to the portal if an object has validation rules applied for standard objects that are created during the Salesforce linking process.

The workaround is to deactivate the validation rule, save the styling changes, then reactive the validation rule:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Object Manager.

  2. Select Validation Rules.

  3. Search for the object with the validation rule.

  4. Click Edit next to the rule you want to deactivate.

  5. Deselect the Active checkbox.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Navigate back to API Experience Hub and click Try again in the error message.

  8. Click Save to save your style selections.

  9. Repeat steps 1 through 4.

  10. Select the Active checkbox and click Save.

Error When Installing the Package During the Connection Process

If you encounter errors while installing the package during the connecting to Salesforce process, you can review more details about the deployment status:

  1. From Salesforce, go to Setup.

  2. Click Environments.

  3. Click Deploy.

  4. Click Deployment Status.

  5. Review the Failed and * Succeeded* sections.

Linking Process Fails

The linking process fails when the user who executes the linking process has the Exchange Contributor role in a business group and this user does not have the System Administrator permission in that same business group.

To resolve this issue, add the organization administrator permission to the user who is executing the Salesforce linking in the business group.

Not Receiving Emails from Salesforce Experience Cloud

If you are not receiving emails from Salesforce Experience Cloud, disable the standard configuration by following these steps:

  1. Go to Setup > Deliverability > Email Security Compliance.

  2. Deselect Enable compliance with standard email security mechanisms.

Contact MuleSoft Support

For professional services customizations, enhancement requests, and other help, contact your MuleSoft Customer Success representative.

To report issues or defects in API Experience Hub, submit a support case through the MuleSoft support portal.

The MuleSoft support team works closely with the Salesforce support team to coordinate work on any support tickets involving Salesforce technology.

Service-level agreements (SLAs) for support are available at the MuleSoft Product Support and Maintenance Terms page.