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Identifying APIs to Govern

APIs that meet the filter criteria in API Governance profiles become governed APIs. Identify the APIs to govern before creating your governance profiles to help ensure that:

  • You’re governing only the APIs that you want to govern.

  • API owners are ready for governance before they start receiving conformance notifications.

Add Tags and Categories to APIs in Exchange

To identify sets of APIs to govern, apply tags and categories to the API assets in Exchange. You can then select tags and categories as filter criteria when you create your governance profiles.

Select and Add Tags in Governance Profiles

When you create or update a profile, you can filter the list of tags to find and select any not initially shown on the page. You can also add tag names in governance profiles if you have not yet added those tags to APIs in Exchange.

To select and add tags in profiles:

  1. When creating or updating a profile, navigate to the Define Filter Criteria page.

  2. Expand the General > Tags section.

    The Tags section lists the most frequently used tags by default.

  3. Start typing a tag name in the search field to filter the list.

  4. If you don’t see a tag you want to use, type a tag name in the search field and press enter to add the tag.