Release Notes
August 23, 2023
This release extends the solution provided for the Patient 360 use case to allow customers to discover and deploy from Salesforce using MuleSoft Direct for Health Cloud. The following updates are included:
Patient Summary - EMR Integration | Application
Event-based ingestion into Health Cloud | Application
Enhanced FHIR R4 RAML libraries and specifications to leverage the new version of AMF parser to better align with industry standards.
May 30, 2023
This release includes the following enhancements to the Patient 360 use case and FHIR API assets and converters:
Expanded the library of assets to allow organizations to more easily ingest critical information from clinical systems into Salesforce Health Cloud, which enables users to view the information included in the supported HL7 v2 events natively in their Salesforce console.
Added support for ADT^A02, ADT^A03, ADT^A04, ADT^A05, SIU^S12, SIU^S13, SIU^S14, and SIU^S15.
Enhanced existing assets that support ADT^A01, ADT^A08, ADT^A28, and ORU^R01 events.
Enriched the data available to Salesforce Health Cloud users by making updates to the Health Cloud System APIs through improved mappings and code optimizations.
Enhanced the FHIR JSON-to-RAML autogenerator to provide more control to generate specifications with base HL7 resources and Implementation guides, such as Carin Blue Button and USCDI, across all versions.
Enhanced the C-CDA-to-FHIR converter to support additional mappings to process clinical notes from supported CDA document sections.
13 December 2022
This release extends the solution provided for Population health management to enable organizations to surface valuable population health data from EHR systems into Amazon HealthLake and Salesforce Customer Data Platform to improve clinical outcomes.
FHIR Bulk Export System API | API Specification | Implementation Template
Population Health Management Process API | Implementation Template
Salesforce CDP System API | API Specification | Implementation Template
Azure Web Engagement System API | API Specification | Implementation Template
Patient Segmentation Process API | Implementation Template
20 October 2022
This release provides a solution for Population health management to enable organizations to convert and surface valuable population health data into Amazon HealthLake to improve clinical outcomes.
As part of this release, existing assets used to convert from HL7 v2, C-CDA and X12 formats to FHIR R4 were enhanced to fix defects and enable use with Amazon HealthLake.
26 July 2022
This release provides a support to additional CDA document types in convert C-CDA messages to FHIR use case.
23 June 2022
This release provides Healthcare organizations with a reference implementations to convert FHIR R4 resources from HL7 FHIR JSON format to RAML specification and convert C-CDA messages to FHIR.
FHIR RAML auto-generator | API specification | Implementation Template
C-CDA to FHIR System API | API specification | Implementation Template
26 May 2022
This minor release includes an upgrade to the dependencies on the assets that perform FHIR resource validation.
Health Cloud Administration System API | Implementation Template
Health Cloud Clinical System API | Implementation Template
Health Cloud Diagnostics System API | Implementation Template
Health Cloud Medications System API | Implementation Template
Health Cloud Financial System API | Implementation Template
Cerner Administration System API | Implementation Template
Cerner Clinical System API | Implementation Template
Cerner Diagnostics System API | Implementation Template
Cerner Medications System API | Implementation Template
Cerner Workflow System API | Implementation Template
Cerner Financial System API | Implementation Template
Epic Administration System API | Implementation Template
Epic Clinical System API | Implementation Template
Epic Diagnostics System API | Implementation Template
Epic Medications System API | Implementation Template
Epic Financial System API | Implementation Template
Benefits Verification Process API | Implementation Template
Benefits Eligibility Verification System API | Implementation Template
CRD Clinical Decision Support System API | Implementation Template
DTR System API | Implementation Template
Prior Authorization System API | Implementation Template
HL7 V2 to FHIR System API | Implementation Template
X12 to FHIR System API | Implementation Template
19 April 2022
This release provides Healthcare organizations with a reference implementation to convert X12 messages to FHIR.
API specification and implementation template for the X12 to FHIR System API.
18 January 2022
This release provides an end-to-end solution for prior authorization, which includes CRD, DTR, and PAS API specifications and implementation templates to automate the prior authorization process for more immediate authorizations:
CRD Clinical Decision Support System API | API Specification | Implementation Template
DTR System API | API Specification | Implementation Template
Prior Authorization System API | API Specification | Implementation Template
9 December 2021
This minor release includes an upgrade to the assets to be EMR agnostic, which allows customers to choose any EMR as a System of Record:
Patient Sync Process API | API Specification | Implementation Template
9 November 2021
This release provides an end-to-end solution for prior authorization support, which automates the prior authorization process for more immediate authorizations. The following assets are also available:
Prior Authorization System API | API Specification | Implementation Template
Aidbox Administration System API | API Specification | Implementation Template
14 September 2021
This release provides an end-to-end solution for benefits and eligibility verification using Health Cloud, Epic, and Cerner as the reference backend systems:
Benefits Verification Process API | API Specification | Implementation Template
Cerner Financial System API | API Specification | Implementation Template
Epic Financial System API | API Specification | Implementation Template
Benefits Eligibility Verification System API | API Specification | Implementation Template
Health Cloud Financial System API | API Specification | Implementation Template
Health Cloud Benefits Verification Lightning Web Component | Source
28 July 2021
The focus of the 2.10 release is to provide assets for the patient sync capabilities:
Patient sync Lightning Web Component | Source
Patient Sync Process API | API Specification | Implementation Template
The following assets were also enhanced and improved for this release:
FHIR R4 Location Library | API Specification Fragment
FHIR R4 Procedure Library | API Specification Fragment
FHIR R4 Administration API | API Specification
FHIR R4 Clinical API | API Specification
Epic FHIR R4 Administration API | API Specification
Epic FHIR R4 Clinical API | API Specification
Epic FHIR R4 Medications API | API Specification
Cerner FHIR R4 Administration API | API Specification
Cerner Administration System API | Implementation Template
Health Cloud Clinical System API | Implementation Template
Health Cloud Diagnostics System API | Implementation Template
Health Cloud Medications System API | Implementation Template
Health Cloud Administration System API | Implementation Template
The following assets are modified to support XML format for existing Epic System APIs:
Epic Clinical System API | Implementation Template
Epic Diagnostics System API | Implementation Template
Epic Medications System API | Implementation Template
Epic Administration System API | Implementation Template
The following assets are modified to support updated API specifications for existing Cerner System APIs:
Cerner Administration System API | Implementation Template
Cerner Clinical System API | Implementation Template
Cerner Medications System API | Implementation Template
22 June 2021
This release provides API specifications and implementation templates for the Appointment Scheduling use case described here:
Appointment Scheduling Process API | API Specification | Implementation Template
Cerner Workflow System API | API Specification | Implementation Template
Epic Workflow System API | API Specification | Implementation Template
It also includes the following Cerner assets for Patient 360:
Cerner Administration System API | API Specification | Implementation Template
Cerner Clinical System API | API Specification | Implementation Template
Cerner Diagnostics System API | API Specification | Implementation Template
Cerner Medications System API | API Specification | Implementation Template
The following assets were also enhanced and improved for this release:
Epic Administration System API | API Specification | Implementation Template
Epic Clinical System API | API Specification | Implementation Template
Epic Diagnostics System API | API Specification | Implementation Template
Epic Medications System API | API Specification | Implementation Template
FHIR R4 Administration API | API Specification
FHIR R4 Clinical API | API Specification
FHIR R4 Diagnostics API | API Specification
FHIR R4 Medications API | API Specification
FHIR R4 Workflow API | API Specification
18 May 2021
This release includes:
Implementation templates added for the following Health Cloud and Epic APIs for Patient 360:
Enhancements and improvements made to the following templates:
Updated the following templates to support the Spring 2021 release of the Health Cloud data model:
Additional updates and improvements:
6 April 2021
This release includes:
Implementation templates for the Administration API for Patient 360:
Health Cloud Administration System API - Supports the Spring 2021 release of the Health Cloud data model.
EPIC Administration System API - Supports the Patient resource currently. Additional resources will be supported in the next release.
Reference implementation for SMART on FHIR with Okta.
2 March 2021
This release includes:
API specifications for Patient 360 to support the Spring 2021 release of the Health Cloud data model.
Added support for the ORU message type in the HL7 v2 to FHIR converter.
5 February 2021
This release provides Healthcare organizations with a reference implementation to convert HL7 v2 messages to FHIR to integrate with different systems using the guidelines provided by the HL7 v2 to FHIR Implementation Guide.
API specification and implementation template for HL7 v2 to FHIR System API
24 November 2020
The focus of release 2.4 is on providing the API specifications and implementation templates for CMS Interoperability and Patient Access final rule. The release contains the following assets:
API specification and implementation template for Patient Access API - Clinical Data as per the US Core Implementation Guide.
API specification and implementation template for Patient Access API - Claims and Encounter Data as per the CARIN Implementation Guide for Blue Button.
Minor bug fixes.
22 October 2020
The focus of release 2.3 is on providing the API specifications and implementation templates for CMS Interoperability and Patient Access final rule. The release contains the following assets:
API specification and implementation template for Formulary API as per the DaVinci PDEX US Drug Formulary Implementation Guide.
API specification and implementation template for Provider Directory API as per the DaVinci PDEX Plan Net Implementation Guide.
Minor bug fixes.
18 September 2020
The focus of release 2.2 is on providing the implementation template for Electronic Laboratory Reporting to CalREDIE. The release contains the following assets:
Implementation template for Electronic Laboratory Reporting, which is the notifiable condition to CalREDIE.
API policy to return FHIR compliant OperationOutcome response.
Minor bug fixes.
21 August 2020
The focus of release 2.1.1 is on providing mapping and cosmetic fixes in the implementation templates. The release includes the following fixes:
Mapping for additional fields in the patient resource, such as the shipping address, the billing address, the phone number and the gender.
Minor bug fixes.
31 July 2020
The focus of release 1.1 is on providing API specifications and RAML library assets for all 145 FHIR resources. These assets will help healthcare providers and payers in meeting CMS interoperability rules.
NEW: API specifications for resources in the following FHIR modules:
FHIR Exchange
Security and Privacy
Implementation Support