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Using Anypoint Code Builder to Configure MuleSoft AI Chain Connector - Mule 4

To use Anypoint Code Builder to configure a connector or module, create a basic integration project in Anypoint Code Builder, add connectors and other components to your Mule application to process your business logic, and configure the attributes.

Before You Begin

Before creating an integration project, you must:

To use this connector, you must be familiar with:

  • The connector’s API

  • Anypoint Connectors

  • Mule runtime engine (Mule)

Create a New Integration Project

To create a new integration project:

  1. In the activity bar of the IDE, click the Anypoint Code Builder icon (Anypoint Code Builder) icon.

  2. From Quick Actions, click Develop an Integration:

    Develop an Integration link highlighted in the Getting started section

  3. Complete the following in the Develop an Integration form:

    Attribute Value

    Project Name

    Unique name for your project.

    This name is used as the title and name of the integration project file. For example, if the project name is "Salesforce Integration," the project file name is salesforce-integration.

    Project Location

    Your home directory or another directory you create. Click Browse to select a different directory for the integration project.

    Don’t create the project within another project directory.

  4. Select the type of project to create by selecting either the Empty Project or Template or Example card.

  5. Select the Mule runtime and Java Version for your app.

  6. Click Create Project.

    Develop an Integration Flow window in Anypoint Code Builder

Add Components to Your Project

Add components to your integration project to build a flow:

  1. In the Explorer view, open the XML file for your project, such as my-project-name.xml.

  2. Select Build a Flow from the start card to create an empty flow:

    Anypoint Code Builder canvas with starting cards with the options to start from scratch, build a flow, or build a subflow

  3. Change the name of the flow:

    1. Click Flow.

    2. Click the edit icon.

      Arrow pointing to the flow name edit pencil icon

    3. Enter the flow name, and click the checkmark.

    4. In the canvas UI, click the Add component icon (Add component) icon.

    5. In the Add Component panel, search for and select your component from the results. The following example shows the Listener component from the HTTP search results:

      Listener component highlighted in the Add Component section

      The configuration XML file now includes the XML for the HTTP Listener into the <flow/> element, for example:

      <flow name="getFlights" >
        <http:listener path="" config-ref="" doc:name="Listener" doc:id="ojzfry" />

Configure the Trigger For the Flow

A trigger (source) starts the flow when specified conditions are met. If a connector has its own associated sources, you can use a connector-specific trigger to initiate the flow. Each connector trigger has a unique configuration.

You can configure the following sources for this connector:

  • HTTP > Listener

    Initiates a flow each time it receives a request on the configured host and port

  • Scheduler

    Initiates a flow when a time-based condition is met

For example, to configure an HTTP Listener trigger, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Listener component on the canvas UI.

  2. (Optional) Click the edit icon to change the name of the Listener component.

  3. (Optional) If you created a configuration file for the connector, select it.

  4. In the General tab, in the Path field, enter the relative path for the path set in the HTTP configuration element. See Configure Paths.

  5. Select the Advanced tab to configure the following attributes:

    Attribute Description Required

    Allowed methods

    To allow all HTTP methods (default), do not define this attribute. To restrict certain methods, specify all allowed HTTP methods, for example, GET, POST, as a comma-separated list.


    Response streaming mode

    Whether to use streaming when the response is sent.


    Output MIME type

    MIME type of the payload that this component outputs.



    Appends a key-value pair for a reader property to the value of the Output MIME attribute. Multiple key-value pairs are allowed.


    Output encoding

    Encoding of the payload that this component outputs.


    Streaming Strategy

    Configures the way data streams are consumed in Mule apps.


    Primary node only

    Select this option to execute the Listener trigger on the primary node only when running in a cluster.


    Redelivery policy

    Configures the redelivery policy for executing requests that generate errors. You can add a redelivery policy to any source in a flow.


    Reconnection strategy

    When an operation in a Mule application fails to connect to an external server, the default behavior is for the operation to fail immediately and return a connectivity error. You can modify the default behavior by configuring the reconnection strategy for the operation.



    See HTTP Response Attributes.


    Error Response

    HTTP error response returns a status code for the error.



    Body of the error message.



    Headers to include in the error message.


    Status code

    Status code of the error response, for example, 500.


    Reason phrase

    Reason for the error, for example, Gateway Timeout or Internal Server Error.


Add the Connector to Your Integration Project

  1. In the Explorer view, open the configuration XML file for your project, such as my-project-name.xml.

  2. Click the Show Mule graphical mode icon (Show Mule graphical mode) icon in the activity bar to open the canvas UI if it doesn’t open automatically.

  3. Add the connector the same way you added other components from the canvas UI:

    1. In the canvas UI, click the Add component icon (Add component) icon.

    2. In the Add Component panel, click Connectors.

  4. Click the Search in Exchange icon (Search in Exchange) toggle:

    Search in Exchange toggle

  5. Enter mulesoft ai chain in the search box.

  6. Select the connector to add it to your project.

Adding a connector to an integration project does not make that connector available to other projects in your Anypoint Code Builder workspace.

Add a Global Configuration

  1. In the configuration XML, place your cursor before the <flow/> element and type ms-aichain.

    Ensure that the cursor is not inside the <flow/> element.

  2. Select the ms-aichain:config snippet:

    The snippet adds the following code:

    <ms-aichain:config llmType="#[]" configType="#[]" filePath="#[]" modelName="#[]" name="name" />
  3. Add the attributes to complete the configuration, for example:

    <ms-aichain:config configType="Environment Variables" filePath="-" llmType="OPENAI" modelName="gpt-4o" name="MuleSoft_AI_Chain_Config">

    This example shows a flow named "Define_Prompt" with two global elements defined (http:listener-config and ms-aichain:config)

     <http:listener-config basePath="/path" name="HTTP-Listener-config">
        <http:listener-connection host="" port="8081">
      <ms-aichain:config configType="Environment Variables" filePath="-" llmType="OPENAI" modelName="gpt-4o" name="MuleSoft_AI_Chain_Config"></ms-aichain:config>
      <flow name="Define_Prompt">

Configure Additional Connector Fields

After you configure a global element for the connector, configure the other required fields. The required fields vary depending on which connector actions you use.

For more information about configuring MuleSoft AI Chain Connector actions, see MuleSoft AI Chain Connector - Additional Configuration Information.

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