Getting Started with Anypoint Code Builder
Anypoint Code Builder is built from the Anypoint Extension Pack for Visual Studio Code. Both the desktop and cloud IDEs for Anypoint Code Builder share these extensions. The cloud IDE provides built-in extensions to the code-server implementation of Visual Studio Code for the web.
Set up the Desktop IDE: For the desktop IDE, you must load the extension pack to your local Visual Studio Code IDE.
Launch the Cloud IDE: For the cloud IDE, you must sign in to Anypoint Platform and acquire the permission to use Anypoint Code Builder.
Set up the Desktop IDE
The desktop-based IDE extensions in Anypoint Extension Pack are available from the Visual Studio Marketplace.
Before You Begin Desktop IDE Setup
Before installing the desktop extensions to VS Code, set up git and have an Anypoint Platform account with the required permissions:
Install git
, and add git to your
. To work properly, some Anypoint Extension Pack extensions depend on this requirement.
Anypoint Platform requires a user account. You can use an existing account or create one from Anypoint Platform in the US or EU cloud (see US and EU Cloud Hosts). Unexpired trial accounts are allowed.
An administrator with an Anypoint Platform organization account must provide you with the necessary permissions. See Configuring Permissions.
For information about OS and system compatibility, see Anypoint Code Builder Release Notes.
Install, Update, or Uninstall Anypoint Extension Pack
Use of Anypoint Code Builder in VS Code on your computer requires the Anypoint Extension Pack.
Install Anypoint Extension Pack
To install the Anypoint Extension Pack into the desktop IDE:
Open VS Code.
Find Anypoint Extension Pack from the desktop IDE or from Visual Studio Marketplace
To avoid installation errors:Do not install the individual Anypoint Code Builder extensions that are also available separately from Anypoint Extension Pack in Visual Studio Marketplace.
To install from the desktop IDE, launch the Extensions menu by clicking the Extensions icon from the activity bar or pressing Cmd+Shift+x (Mac) or Ctrl+Shift+x (Windows), and search for the extension pack.
Select Install Release Version.
To install from the Visual Studio Marketplace website, find the extension pack, and install:
Select Install Release Version.
For additional guidance, see the Visual Studio Code website
Open the Extensions menu, and review the extensions in Anypoint Extension Pack:
Anypoint Extension Pack contains these extensions:
Anypoint Code Builder - API Extension
Anypoint Code Builder - APIkit Extension
Anypoint Code Builder - DataWeave Extension
Anypoint Code Builder - Dependencies Extension
Anypoint Code Builder - Integration Extension
Anypoint Code Builder - MUnit Extension
Anypoint Code Builder - Platform Extension
For versioning information about extensions in Anypoint Extension Pack, see the Change Log
Recommended: Ensure that the Anypoint extensions update automatically by right-clicking each extension to see if Auto Update All (From Publisher) is checked. If it’s not, select Auto Update for each extension, for example:
Ensure this option is checked.
Click the MuleSoft icon in the activity bar to access and use Anypoint Code Builder features.
Check that the IDE loads the Anypoint Code Builder menu with Quick Actions and Documentation links.
If you have an Anypoint Platform account running in the EU cloud, change the Mule: Control Plane setting to EU cloud.
For guidance, see Set the Desktop IDE to the EU or US Cloud.
Follow the steps in Log in to Anypoint Platform from the IDE.
Update Anypoint Extension Pack
If Anypoint Extension Pack is installed on your desktop IDE, update to the latest version of the extension pack by following VS Code instructions in Update an extension manually.
Uninstall Anypoint Extension Pack
Typically, it is unnecessary to uninstall the extension pack or individual Anypoint Code Builder extensions from VS Code. For example, you can update to a new version without uninstalling first.
If you decide to uninstall Anypoint Extension Pack, follow the same procedure that you use for other VS Code extensions. Uninstalling the extension pack also uninstalls the individual Anypoint Code Builder extensions that are bundled within the extension pack, such as the DataWeave and APIkit extensions.
To uninstall:
Open VS Code.
From the activity bar, open the Extensions panel.
Find and select Anypoint Extension Pack.
In the Anypoint Extension Pack tab that opens, click Uninstall.
To remove the Anypoint Code Builder extensions from the Extensions panel, click Reload on one of the extensions.
For additional guidance, see the VS Code documentation, Manage extensions.
You can reinstall at any time.
Launch the Cloud IDE
Launch the cloud IDE from Anypoint Platform. Your Anypoint Platform user account and business organization are hosted in the US or EU cloud and are not shared across the hosts.
Before You Begin with the Cloud IDE
Meet prerequisites before attempting to launch the cloud IDE:
Anypoint Platform requires a user account. You can use an existing account or create one from Anypoint Platform in the US or EU cloud (see US and EU Cloud Hosts). Unexpired trial accounts are allowed.
An administrator with an Anypoint Platform organization account must provide you with the necessary permissions. See Configuring Permissions.
Your organization administrator must accept the terms and conditions of the beta program for the cloud IDE from the Anypoint Code Builder landing page on your Anypoint Platform cloud host (US
or EU
). Sign-in is required. The Terms & Conditions button is available to the organization administrator only.
Review important open beta information:
The cloud IDE remains in an open beta period.
During the open beta, your cloud IDE instance might get deleted, causing you to lose your integrations, automations, and APIs.
Click for more information:
To save your work, commit your project files to a source control management (SCM) system. See Controlling Source Files.
If you are using an Anypoint Platform trial account that loses access to Anypoint Code Builder after your trial expires, the cloud IDE instances are deleted.
Do not use the beta version of Anypoint Code Builder to develop APIs, integrations, or automations for production environments.
Open the Cloud IDE from Anypoint Platform
To launch the cloud IDE:
Review the prerequisites in Before You Begin Desktop IDE Setup so that you can use Anypoint Code Builder.
Log in to Anypoint Platform:
for the U.S. host (supports all non-EU regions)
for the EU-compliant host
If you have an account in one cloud but intend to work in another, you must create an account in that cloud to create and work on your projects.
From Anypoint Platform, open the Anypoint Code Builder landing page.
From the Anypoint Code Builder landing page, click Launch Cloud IDE.
After provisioning of your cloud IDE is complete, the IDE opens. The provisioning process can take a few minutes.
Your cloud IDE environment is associated with your user account. The cloud environment also has a unique URL that only you can access and that is not embedded within the Anypoint Platform UI. You can reopen your cloud IDE directly from that URL or relaunch it indirectly from Anypoint Code Builder in Anypoint Platform.
Click the MuleSoft icon in the activity bar to see and use Anypoint Code Builder features.
To launch the cloud IDE:
Review the prerequisites in Before You Begin Desktop IDE Setup so that you can use Anypoint Code Builder.
Log in to Anypoint Platform:
for the U.S. host (supports all non-EU regions)
for the EU-compliant host
If you have an account in one cloud but intend to work in another, you must create an account in that cloud to create and work on your projects.
From Anypoint Platform, open the Anypoint Code Builder landing page.
From the Anypoint Code Builder landing page, click Launch Cloud IDE.
After provisioning of your cloud IDE is complete, the IDE opens. The provisioning process can take a few minutes.
Your cloud IDE environment is associated with your user account. The cloud environment also has a unique URL that only you can access and that is not embedded within the Anypoint Platform UI. You can reopen your cloud IDE directly from that URL or relaunch it indirectly from Anypoint Code Builder in Anypoint Platform.
Click the MuleSoft icon in the activity bar to see and use Anypoint Code Builder features.
Sign in to Anypoint Platform from the IDE
Some Anypoint Code Builder features require you to sign in directly from the IDE to Anypoint Platform. The IDE prompts you when login is necessary and guides you through the login process. However, it is a good practice to sign in from the IDE after opening MuleSoft features in the IDE.
Anypoint Platform requires a user account. You can use an existing account or create one from Anypoint Platform in the US or EU cloud (see US and EU Cloud Hosts). Unexpired trial accounts are allowed.
An administrator with an Anypoint Platform organization account must provide you with the necessary permissions. See Configuring Permissions.
From the IDE, you can sign in from the status bar or through a command, and you can log out from the status bar:
Sign in to Anypoint Platform from the Status Bar
The status bar in the desktop and cloud IDEs shows your login status:
Not logged in to Anypoint Platform indicates that you must sign in to perform tasks that require a connection to Anypoint Platform.
You can sign in by clicking this notification and following the prompts to sign in.
A link to your user name indicates that you are signed in.
You can log out by clicking your user name and following the prompts.
Sign in to Anypoint Platform from the Command Palette
You can use the Command Palette to sign in to Anypoint Platform from the IDE.
To sign in from the IDE from the Command Palette:
Open the Command Palette.
Show me how
Use the keyboard shortcuts:
Mac: Cmd+Shift+p
Windows: Ctrl+Shift+p
In the desktop IDE, select View > Command Palette.
In the cloud IDE, click the
(menu) icon, and select View > Command Palette.
Select the following command:
MuleSoft: Login to Anypoint Platform
commandYou can type
and use the filter in the results to select the command you want. -
Select Allow when prompted to sign in to the platform.
After logging you in, Anypoint Platform displays a You can close this page now message.
To verify your login, ensure that <your-username> replaces Not logged in to Anypoint Platform.
Log Out from Anypoint Platform from the IDE
Log out from the IDE by:
Clicking your username in the status bar
Clicking Yes when asked Logout from Anypoint?
Sign In to a Different Anypoint Platform Account from the IDE
To use a different Anypoint Platform user account:
Log out from the status bar in the IDE.
For guidance, see Log Out from Anypoint Platform from the IDE.
Sign in from the status bar.
For more guidance, see Sign in to Anypoint Platform from the Status Bar.
Set the Desktop IDE to a Different Control Plane
In the desktop IDE, you can change your Anypoint Platform control plane to one of these clouds:
US Cloud (default)
EU Cloud
Canada Cloud
Japan Cloud
Anypoint Platform instances do not share user accounts, projects, or other data. For more information, see Cloud Hosts.
To change the control plane:
If an API specification is open in the Explorer panel of the IDE, close the project to avoid a synchronization error when you switch clouds.
In the desktop IDE, click File > Close Folder.
Open the Settings tab in the desktop IDE:
Show me how
From the Anypoint Code Builder panel, click the
(gear) icon.
From the activity bar, click the
(gear) icon, select Settings, and search for
in the Settings tab. -
Provide the command
MuleSoft: Open ACB Settings
in the Command Palette.
Scroll to Mule: Control Plane.
Select the desired cloud.
Restart the IDE to load all your changes.
Follow the steps in Sign in to Anypoint Platform from the IDE.