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Debugging the American Flights App

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Debug your American Flights interface and implementation.

Add Components

To facilitate debugging, add Set Variable and Logger components to your American Flights implementation:

  1. Open the implementation file (implementation.xml).

  2. After the Database Select operation (<db:select/>) named Query Flights, add a Set Variable component:

    In the configuration XML, provide this <set-variable/> configuration:

    <set-variable value="#[payload]"
         doc:name="Set variable Payload"
         variableName="databasePayload" />
  3. After the Transform component (<ee:transform>), add a Logger component with this configuration:

    <logger doc:name="Log Payload" message="#[
        %dw 2.0
        output application/json
        payload]" />
  4. Proceed to Add Breakpoints.

    Learn to set up breakpoints to pause execution of your app.

Add Breakpoints

Add breakpoints to your American Flights project:

  1. Open the interface (interface.xml) for your American Flights project.

  2. Select the Run and Debug icon in the activity bar:

    An interface XML file open in the code editor, with the Run and Debug icon highlighted
  3. In the interface file (interface.xml), add a breakpoint to the line that contains the <flow-ref/> component:

    An interface XML file open in the code editor, with a breakpoint enabled

    Alternatively, use F9 to add a breakpoint to the line.

  4. Open the implementation file (implementation.xml) for your American Flights project, and add breakpoints to the <db:select/> and <set-variable/> components.

  5. Notice that all the breakpoints are now listed in the Breakpoints panel:

    A menu panel displaying three enabled breakpoints
  6. Proceed to Start a Debugging Session.

    Run a debugging session, and inspect the message and variables at different points during your app’s execution.

Start a Debugging Session

  1. From the Run and Debug menu, click Debug Mule Application:

    The Run and Debug and the Debug Mule Applications icons both highlighted

    The IDE packages the app and opens a new terminal that deploys the app to the embedded Mule runtime engine:

    A terminal window displaying application status as deployed
  2. Proceed to Test Your American Flights App.

Test Your American Flights App

After starting your debugging session:

  1. From your IDE, open the Terminal window in the console:

    • In the desktop IDE, select View > Terminal.

    • In the cloud IDE, click the (menu) icon, and select Terminal > New Terminal.

    • For either IDE: Press Ctrl and then press the backtick key (`).

  2. In the terminal, use a curl command to make a GET request to the listener in the interface (interface.xml) instead of the implementation:

    curl http://localhost:8081/api/flights

    Notice the /api/flights in the URI for the listener in the interface. For more information about this step, see Trigger a flow.

  3. In your American Flights project, notice that the execution of the app stops at your first breakpoint:

    Stopping the flow at a breakpoint

    The breakpoint is located in your interface file (interface.xml).

  4. In your debug toolbar, click the Step Over button to continue execution to the next breakpoint, at the <db:select/> element in implementation.xml.

  5. In the Run and Debug sidebar, notice that the Variables panel provides information about the Mule event at the breakpoint:

    Breakpoint in the configuration XML file where execution stops
  6. Click the Step Over button on your debug toolbar to continue execution to your next breakpoint, at the <set-variable/> element.

  7. In the Variables panel, navigate to Mule Message > Payload, and notice that the database response is an array of flight data:

    Array of flight data in the payload
  8. Proceed to Add a Watch Expression.

Add a Watch Expression

  1. From the Run and Debug sidebar, open the Watch panel.

  2. Click the + icon in the panel, and add the expression payload.^mediaType:

    A debug window displaying application variables, with the Add Expression button highlighted
  3. Click the Step Over button until your execution moves to the Transform Message component (<ee:transform/>).

  4. Notice that the payload is application/java:

    The Watch panel displaying a payload type of 'application/java'

  5. Continue clicking the Step Over button until you reach the Logger component (<logger>).

  6. Notice that your payload transforms to application/json:

    The Watch panel displaying a payload type of 'application/json'
  7. Click the Continue button in the debug toolbar, and notice that the app returns the response from the database to your REST client or browser.

  8. Proceed to Stop the Debugging Session.

Stop the Debugging Session

To stop your debugging session:

  1. Click the Stop button on your debug toolbar:

    Stopping a debugging session from the debug toolbar
  2. Proceed to Deploying the American Flights App.