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Filtering Search Results

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Open Beta Release: The cloud IDE and AsyncAPI implementation support are in open beta. Any use of Anypoint Code Builder in its beta state is subject to the applicable beta services terms and conditions, available from the IDE.

When implementing an API, use the advanced search filters to find API specifications in Exchange.

To search for an API using the search filters:

  1. In the activity bar of the IDE, click the (Anypoint Code Builder) icon.

    Anypoint Code Builder icon highlighted in the activity bar
  2. From Quick Actions, click Implement an API:

    Implement an API in the Quick Actions menu
  3. Select Show Filters to display the search filters:

    Implement API specification screen with the Show filters label highlighted

    Anypoint Code Builder supports the following filters for your API assets:

    • Tag

      Keyword or term that describes a specific search.

    • Type

      The list of asset types depends on which types are available in a business group, such as:

      • GraphQL API

        A schema definition that contains the object types and definitions used to interact with the API through the GraphQL specification. GraphQL enables you to query an API that supports this language in a much more flexible way than REST.

      • REST APIs

        RAML or OAS files that specify APIs referenced by an HTTP Request connector to expose metadata.

    • Category/Industry

      Specific groupings of assets set by the administrator of a business group or an organization owner.

    • Organization

      Business groups for which you have permission to view their assets.

      The search filters display the business group from which to retrieve your API in the Organization column:

      Implement API specification screen with the Organization column highlighted
  4. Click Add Asset to add the selected API specification to the Mule application project.