In the desktop IDE, select Code > Settings > Configure User Snippets.
In the cloud IDE, click the
(menu) icon, and select Preferences > Configure User Snippets.
In either IDE:
Use keyboard shortcuts to open the Command Palette:
Mac: Cmd+Shift+p
Windows: Ctrl+Shift+p
Select this command:
Snippets: Configure User Snippets
Transforming Flight Data with DataWeave
Use DataWeave to transform and match flight data to your API specification.
Before You Begin
Complete these procedures:
Create a User Snippet for the Transformation
Define user snippets in the mule-xml.json
file. For information about user snippets, see Working with Code Snippets.
Navigate to Configure User Snippets.
Show me how
In the Select Snippets File or Create Snippets field that opens, enter:
mule-xml.json (Mule XML)
command -
If the file has no configurations,
provides comments within curly braces:{ // Place your snippets for mule-xml here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and // description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are: // $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the // same ids are connected. // Example: // "Print to console": { // "prefix": "log", // "body": [ // "console.log('$1');", // "$2" // ], // "description": "Log output to console" // } }
json -
Add this user snippet code to the file:
{ "Transform Message": { "prefix": "muledx:transform-message", "body": [ "<ee:transform doc:name=\"${1:Transform Message}\" doc:id=\"$RANDOM_HEX-$RANDOM_HEX\">", " <ee:message>", " <ee:set-payload>", " <![CDATA[${2:DataWeave}]]>", " </ee:set-payload>", " </ee:message>", "</ee:transform>" ] }, "Mule Flow": { "prefix": "muledx:flow", "body": [ "<flow name=\"${1:$TM_FILENAME_BASE-Flow}\" doc:id=\"$RANDOM_HEX-$RANDOM_HEX\">", "", "</flow>" ] }, "HTTP Listener Config": { "prefix": "muledx:http-listener-config", "body": [ "<http:listener-config name=\"${1:httpListenerConfig}\" doc:name=\"${2:Listener Config}\" doc:id=\"$RANDOM_HEX-$RANDOM_HEX\">", " <http:listener-connection host=\"${3:Host}\" port=\"${4:Port}\"/>", "</http:listener-config>" ] }, "HTTP Listener": { "prefix": "muledx:http-listener", "body": [ "<http:listener path=\"/${1:path}\" config-ref=\"${2:httpListenerConfig}\" doc:name=\"${3:Listener}\" doc:id=\"$RANDOM_HEX-$RANDOM_HEX\"/>" ] }, "Set Payload": { "prefix": "muledx:set-payload", "body": [ "<set-payload value=\"${1:#[payload]}\" doc:name=\"${2:Set Payload}\" doc:id=\"$RANDOM_HEX-$RANDOM_HEX\"/>" ] }, "Set Variable": { "prefix": "muledx:set-variable", "body": [ "<set-variable variableName=\"${1:name}\" value=\"${2:#[payload]}\" doc:name=\"${3:Set Variable}\" doc:id=\"$RANDOM_HEX-$RANDOM_HEX\"/>" ] }, "Logger": { "prefix": "muledx:logger", "body": [ "<logger level=\"INFO\" message=\"${1:#[payload]}\" doc:name=\"${2:Logger}\" doc:id=\"$RANDOM_HEX-$RANDOM_HEX\"/>" ] }, "Database Config - MySQL": { "prefix": "muledx:db-config-mysql", "body": [ "<db:config name=\"${1:DatabaseConfig}\" doc:name=\"${2:mySQL DB}\" doc:id=\"$RANDOM_HEX-$RANDOM_HEX\">", " <db:my-sql-connection host=\"${3:Host}\" port=\"${4:Port}\" user=\"${5:Username}\" password=\"${6:Password}\" database=\"${7:DatabaseName}\" />", "</db:config>" ] }, "Database Select": { "prefix": "muledx:db-select", "body": [ "<db:select config-ref=\"${1:DatabaseConfigRef}\" doc:name=\"${2:Select}\" doc:id=\"$RANDOM_HEX-$RANDOM_HEX\">", " <db:sql>", " <![CDATA[${3:SQL}]]>", " </db:sql>", "</db:select>" ] } }
jsonThe user snippets provide starting configurations for several Mule components, including Transform Message.
Proceed to Return the Payload as JSON.
Return the Payload as JSON
In Anypoint Code Builder, open
. -
From the canvas, insert the user snippet
Transform Message
below the Database Select operation.After the Listener, click the
(Add component) icon and navigate to Snippets > User Snippets > Transform Message.
If the User Snippets panel is empty at first, wait a moment, and try again. Alternatively, navigate to the
snippet from the configuration XML:User snippet XML:<ee:transform doc:name="" doc:id="51fed3-afee8c"> <ee:message> <ee:set-payload> <![CDATA[]]> </ee:set-payload> </ee:message> </ee:transform>
xml -
In the configuration XML, add the
value Transform Message or similar to the<ee:transform/>
component:<ee:transform doc:name="Transform Message" doc:id="423214-fac9c4"> ...
add a DataWeave script that outputs the message payload to a JSON format:<ee:transform doc:name="Transform Message" doc:id="51fed3-afee8c"> <ee:message> <ee:set-payload> <![CDATA[ %dw 2.0 output application/json --- payload ]]> </ee:set-payload> </ee:message> </ee:transform>
dataweave -
Deploy your app within the IDE by selecting Run > Start Debugging (F5).
For guidance, see Run Your App in Debug Mode.
After the app deploys successfully, use a REST Client or browser to trigger a response.
For guidance, see Test Your App.
View the response data from the MySQL database, for example:
[ { "planeType": "Boeing 787", "code2": "0001", "takeOffDate": "2016-01-20T00:00:00", "code1": "rree", "fromAirport": "MUA", "price": 541, "seatsAvailable": 0, "toAirport": "LAX", "ID": 1, "airlineName": "American Airlines", "totalSeats": 200 }, ... ]
JSONClick for the complete response.
[ { "planeType": "Boeing 787", "code2": "0001", "takeOffDate": "2016-01-20T00:00:00", "code1": "rree", "fromAirport": "MUA", "price": 541, "seatsAvailable": 0, "toAirport": "LAX", "ID": 1, "airlineName": "American Airlines", "totalSeats": 200 }, { "planeType": "Boeing 747", "code2": "0123", "takeOffDate": "2016-01-25T00:00:00", "code1": "eefd", "fromAirport": "MUA", "price": 300, "seatsAvailable": 7, "toAirport": "CLE", "ID": 2, "airlineName": "American Airlines", "totalSeats": 345 }, { "planeType": "Boeing 777", "code2": "0192", "takeOffDate": "2016-01-20T00:00:00", "code1": "ffee", "fromAirport": "MUA", "price": 300, "seatsAvailable": 0, "toAirport": "LAX", "ID": 3, "airlineName": "American Airlines", "totalSeats": 300 }, { "planeType": "Boeing 737", "code2": "1000", "takeOffDate": "2016-01-20T00:00:00", "code1": "rree", "fromAirport": "MUA", "price": 200, "seatsAvailable": 5, "toAirport": "CLE", "ID": 4, "airlineName": "American Airlines", "totalSeats": 150 }, { "planeType": "Boeing 737", "code2": "1093", "takeOffDate": "2016-02-11T00:00:00", "code1": "rree", "fromAirport": "MUA", "price": 142, "seatsAvailable": 1, "toAirport": "SFO", "ID": 5, "airlineName": "American Airlines", "totalSeats": 150 }, { "planeType": "Boeing 787", "code2": "1112", "takeOffDate": "2016-01-20T00:00:00", "code1": "ffee", "fromAirport": "MUA", "price": 954, "seatsAvailable": 100, "toAirport": "CLE", "ID": 6, "airlineName": "American Airlines", "totalSeats": 200 }, { "planeType": "Boeing 777", "code2": "1994", "takeOffDate": "2016-01-01T00:00:00", "code1": "eefd", "fromAirport": "MUA", "price": 676, "seatsAvailable": 0, "toAirport": "SFO", "ID": 7, "airlineName": "American Airlines", "totalSeats": 300 }, { "planeType": "Boeing 737", "code2": "2000", "takeOffDate": "2016-02-20T00:00:00", "code1": "ffee", "fromAirport": "MUA", "price": 300, "seatsAvailable": 30, "toAirport": "SFO", "ID": 8, "airlineName": "American Airlines", "totalSeats": 150 }, { "planeType": "Boeing 737", "code2": "3000", "takeOffDate": "2016-02-01T00:00:00", "code1": "eefd", "fromAirport": "MUA", "price": 900, "seatsAvailable": 0, "toAirport": "SFO", "ID": 9, "airlineName": "American Airlines", "totalSeats": 150 }, { "planeType": "Boeing 777", "code2": "4511", "takeOffDate": "2016-01-15T00:00:00", "code1": "eefd", "fromAirport": "MUA", "price": 900, "seatsAvailable": 100, "toAirport": "LAX", "ID": 10, "airlineName": "American Airlines", "totalSeats": 300 }, { "planeType": "Boeing 737", "code2": "4567", "takeOffDate": "2016-01-20T00:00:00", "code1": "rree", "fromAirport": "MUA", "price": 456, "seatsAvailable": 100, "toAirport": "SFO", "ID": 11, "airlineName": "American Airlines", "totalSeats": 150 } ]
jsonIf the MySQL test server is not available, this error occurs:
Cannot get connection for URL jdbc:mysql://mudb.learn.mulesoft.com:3306/ : Communications link failure.
To address the issue, try again until you get a successful response.
Proceed to Transform the Response Data.
Transform the Response Data
Transform the JSON output to the structure required by your API specification.
Your American Flights API in Anypoint Exchange uses a different structure for its flight data than your request to the database returns.
To find the required JSON structure, search for the JSON example under the GET method for your /flights
endpoint. For guidance, see Locate Your API in Exchange or open the public version of the API on Exchange.
API Specification Response Structure | Actual Response Structure |
Use DataWeave to transform the response:
In the configuration XML, replace the script within the
with a DataWeave mapping:<ee:transform doc:name="Transform Message" doc:id="51fed3-afee8c"> <ee:message> <ee:set-payload> <![CDATA[ %dw 2.0 output application/json --- payload map ( payload01 , indexOfPayload01 ) -> { ID: payload01.ID, code: (payload01.code1 default "") ++ (payload01.code2 default ""), price: payload01.price default 0, departureDate: payload01.takeOffDate as String default "", origin: payload01.fromAirport default "", destination: payload01.toAirport default "", emptySeats: payload01.seatsAvailable default 0, plane: { "type": payload01.planeType default "", totalSeats: payload01.totalSeats default 0 } } ]]> </ee:set-payload> </ee:message> </ee:transform>
xml -
Review your configuration XML:
<http:listener-config name="inbound-request" doc:name="HTTP Config"> <http:listener-connection host="" port="8081" /> </http:listener-config> <db:config name="Database_Config" doc:name="mySQL DB"> <db:my-sql-connection host="mudb.learn.mulesoft.com" port="3306" user="mule" password="mule" database="training" /> </db:config> <flow name="getFlights"> <http:listener path="flights" config-ref="inbound-request" doc:name="HTTP /flights" /> <db:select doc:name="Query Flights" config-ref="Database_Config" > <db:sql> <![CDATA[Select * FROM american]]> </db:sql> </db:select> <ee:transform doc:name="Transform Message"> <ee:message > <ee:set-payload > <![CDATA[ %dw 2.0 output application/json --- payload map ( payload01 , indexOfPayload01 ) -> { ID: payload01.ID, code: (payload01.code1 default "") ++ (payload01.code2 default ""), price: payload01.price default 0, departureDate: payload01.takeOffDate as String default "", origin: payload01.fromAirport default "", destination: payload01.toAirport default "", emptySeats: payload01.seatsAvailable default 0, plane: { "type": payload01.planeType default "", totalSeats: payload01.totalSeats default 0 } } ]]> </ee:set-payload> </ee:message> </ee:transform> </flow>
xml -
Proceed to Run and Test Your App.
Run and Test Your App
Deploy your app within the IDE by executing to Run > Start Debugging (F5).
For guidance, see Run Your App in Debug Mode.
After the app deploys successfully, use a REST Client or browser to trigger flow.
For guidance, see Test Your App.
Notice that the transformed data structure conforms to the API requirements, for example:
[ { "ID": 1, "code": "rree0001", "price": 541, "departureDate": "2016-01-20T00:00:00", "origin": "MUA", "destination": "LAX", "emptySeats": 0, "plane": { "type": "Boeing 787", "totalSeats": 200 } }, ...
JSONClick for the complete response.
[ { "ID": 1, "code": "rree0001", "price": 541, "departureDate": "2016-01-20T00:00:00", "origin": "MUA", "destination": "LAX", "emptySeats": 0, "plane": { "type": "Boeing 787", "totalSeats": 200 } }, { "ID": 2, "code": "eefd0123", "price": 300, "departureDate": "2016-01-25T00:00:00", "origin": "MUA", "destination": "CLE", "emptySeats": 7, "plane": { "type": "Boeing 747", "totalSeats": 345 } }, { "ID": 3, "code": "ffee0192", "price": 300, "departureDate": "2016-01-20T00:00:00", "origin": "MUA", "destination": "LAX", "emptySeats": 0, "plane": { "type": "Boeing 777", "totalSeats": 300 } }, { "ID": 4, "code": "rree1000", "price": 200, "departureDate": "2016-01-20T00:00:00", "origin": "MUA", "destination": "CLE", "emptySeats": 5, "plane": { "type": "Boeing 737", "totalSeats": 150 } }, { "ID": 5, "code": "rree1093", "price": 142, "departureDate": "2016-02-11T00:00:00", "origin": "MUA", "destination": "SFO", "emptySeats": 1, "plane": { "type": "Boeing 737", "totalSeats": 150 } }, { "ID": 6, "code": "ffee1112", "price": 954, "departureDate": "2016-01-20T00:00:00", "origin": "MUA", "destination": "CLE", "emptySeats": 100, "plane": { "type": "Boeing 787", "totalSeats": 200 } }, { "ID": 7, "code": "eefd1994", "price": 676, "departureDate": "2016-01-01T00:00:00", "origin": "MUA", "destination": "SFO", "emptySeats": 0, "plane": { "type": "Boeing 777", "totalSeats": 300 } }, { "ID": 8, "code": "ffee2000", "price": 300, "departureDate": "2016-02-20T00:00:00", "origin": "MUA", "destination": "SFO", "emptySeats": 30, "plane": { "type": "Boeing 737", "totalSeats": 150 } }, { "ID": 9, "code": "eefd3000", "price": 900, "departureDate": "2016-02-01T00:00:00", "origin": "MUA", "destination": "SFO", "emptySeats": 0, "plane": { "type": "Boeing 737", "totalSeats": 150 } }, { "ID": 10, "code": "eefd4511", "price": 900, "departureDate": "2016-01-15T00:00:00", "origin": "MUA", "destination": "LAX", "emptySeats": 100, "plane": { "type": "Boeing 777", "totalSeats": 300 } }, { "ID": 11, "code": "rree4567", "price": 456, "departureDate": "2016-01-20T00:00:00", "origin": "MUA", "destination": "SFO", "emptySeats": 100, "plane": { "type": "Boeing 737", "totalSeats": 150 } } ]
Stop your app.
For guidance, see Stop Your App.
Proceed to Implementing the American Flights API Spec.