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Adding Examples to the API Spec

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Add API fragments from Exchange for a data type and examples to the American Flights API specification. Then create your own examples for the specification, and add a custom message for a response.

Before You Begin

Complete all the procedures in Designing the American Flights API Spec.

Add Fragments from Exchange to Your Project

Add fragments to the project directory so that you can include them in your specification.

  • Training: American Flight Data Type fragment for an object that corresponds to the definition of a flight

  • Training: American Flights Example fragment for data that the API returns

To add the fragments:

  1. In Anypoint Code Builder, open your American Flights API specification, american-flights-api.raml.

  2. Open the Command Palette.

  3. Provide this command:

    MuleSoft: Add fragment dependency from Exchange
  4. If prompted, log in to Anypoint Platform so that you can download an asset.

  5. In the Search for Asset field, provide the name of the data type asset to add:

    Training: American Flight Data Type
  6. Select the asset from the Assets From Exchange menu.

  7. Select the latest version of the asset, such as v1.0.1.

    The IDE adds the fragment as a dependency. When the process is complete, check for the AmericanFlightDataType.raml asset Project Dependencies area of the Explorer, for example:

    Fragments from Exchange in Project Dependencies

    The dependency is also listed in the exchange.json file for the project, in your project directory from the Explorer.

  8. From the Command Palette, add another fragment:

    MuleSoft: Add fragment dependency from Exchange
  9. Provide the name of the asset to add:

    Training: American Flights Example
  10. Select the latest version of the American Flights Example asset.

    The IDE adds the fragment as a dependency to Project Dependencies and exchange.json.

  11. Proceed to Include the Fragments in the Specification.

Include the Fragments in the Specification

Use !include directives to add the fragments to the specification:

  • The AmericanFlight data type is defined in AmericanFlightDataType.raml.

  • The AmericanFlightsExample.raml example is for a 200 response to the get request.

To include the fragments:

  1. Open american-flight-api.raml from the project directory in Explorer.

  2. Replace the existing content with this:

    #%RAML 1.0
    title: American Flights API
    types: (1)
      AmericanFlight: !include exchange_modules/68ef9520-24e9-4cf2-b2f5-620025690913/training-american-flight-data-type/1.0.1/AmericanFlightDataType.raml
            required: false
              - SFO
              - LAX
              - CLE
              application/json:  (2)
                type: AmericanFlight[]
                examples: (3)
                  output: !include exchange_modules/68ef9520-24e9-4cf2-b2f5-620025690913/training-american-flights-example/1.0.1/AmericanFlightsExample.raml
    1 Uses !include to add the AmericanFlight object from AmericanFlightDataType.raml as a data type

    Note that you can use built-in functionality to insert the !include directive and file path from the specification file, for example:

    1. After typing AmericanFlight:  (with a space at the end), click Ctrl+Spacebar, start typing !include, and select !include from the drop-down menu in the RAML file, for example:

      Include directive in RAML drop-down menu
    2. Follow the same process to add the example, selecting exchange_modules directory and progressing step-by-step to AmericanFlightsDataType.raml, for example:

      Included path in RAML drop-down menu
    2 Sets the format of the body of the response to JSON (application/json) and configures the type of the response as an array of AmericanFlight objects (AmericanFlight[])
    3 Adds the AmericanFlightsExample.raml example
  3. Proceed to Create and Include an Example for a Get Request by Flight ID.

Create and Include an Example for a Get Request by Flight ID

Create an example for the post response, and include it in the specification.

  1. In the Explorer, right-click on an empty space, and create a folder named examples.

    New Folder option highlighted in the context menu
  2. Right-click your examples folder, and create a new file named AmericanFlightExample.raml.

    AmericanFlightExample.raml file highlighted
  3. In the open file, add this example:

    #%RAML 1.0 NamedExample
        ID: 1
        code: ER38sd
        price: 400
        departureDate: 2017/07/26
        origin: CLE
        destination: SFO
        emptySeats: 0
          type: Boeing 737
          totalSeats: 150
  4. Return to your american-flights-api.raml file, and create a set of elements under /{ID}/get for responses:

    1 Adds a response with a 200 code
    2 Specifies the JSON format and type (AmericanFlight) of the get request body
    3 Adds your example from the /examples directory as the content for the body of the request
  5. Proceed to Configure an Example for the Post Method.

Configure an Example for the Post Method

Define an example for the post request:

  1. Specify that a request to the /flights:post method requires an object of the AmericanFlight type:

    1 Specifies a JSON-formatted body for the post method
    2 Configures AmericanFlight as the type for the post method
  2. Under your /examples folder, create a file named AmericanFlightNoIDExample.raml, and copy this example to the file:

    #%RAML 1.0 NamedExample
        code: ER38sd
        price: 400
        departureDate: 2017/07/26
        origin: CLE
        destination: SFO
        emptySeats: 0
          type: Boeing 737
          totalSeats: 150

    To simulate a new flight record, this example does not provide an ID parameter.

  3. In the american-flights-api.raml file, add the example as a response to the post method, and include a custom message.

    Notice the !include directive at number 5:
    1 Select a destination.
    2 Return an array of AmericanFlight objects for that destination.
    3 Post an AmericanFlight object from an examples/AmericanFlightNoIDExample.raml.
    4 Provide a custom message for a response in JSON format to the post method
    5 Add your example from examples/AmericanFlightExample.raml as a response to the nested get request
  4. Proceed to Testing the API Spec with the Mocking Service to test the API endpoints.