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Object Store v2 REST APIs

Where possible, we changed noninclusive terms to align with our company value of Equality. We maintained certain terms to avoid any effect on customer implementations.

The Object Store v2 APIs enable you to use REST to:

  • Retrieve a list of object stores and keys associated with an application.

  • Store and retrieve key-value pairs in an object store.

  • Delete key-value pairs from an object store.

  • Retrieve Object Store usage statistics for your organization.

Object Store provides these APIs:

Before You Begin

Get a Bearer Token to Use with the Object Store v2 APIs

If MFA (multi-factor authentication) is enabled

Use a connected app to get the bearer token:

  1. Configure a connected app.

    Assign the connected app the Organization Administrator scope to access the organization and environment queries.

  2. From the Connected Apps page, click Copy Id and Copy Secret for the app you just created.

    Use this client ID and client secret to get the bearer token required to authenticate with the Object Store v2 API.

  3. Run this command to get the bearer token from the connected app client ID and client secret:

    curl --location '<AUTH_SERVER_HOST>/accounts/api/v2/oauth2/token' \
       --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --data '{
          "client_id": "<CLIENT_ID>",
          "client_secret": "<CLIENT_SECRET>",
          "grant_type": "client_credentials"

    Replace AUTH_SERVER_HOST with the URL of the authorization server, for example

    The output includes the bearer token:

      "access_token": "<BEARER_TOKEN>",
      "token_type": "bearer"
  4. Use this bearer token to access any Object Store v2 API that requires a bearer token.

If MFA isn’t enabled

Authenticate with the credentials of a user with the Organization Administrator permission:

  1. Run this command to get the bearer token:

    curl -H \
      "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -X POST -d '{"username":"<USERNAME>","password":"<PASSWORD>"}' \

    Replace AUTH_SERVER_HOST with the URL of the authorization server, for example

    Make sure the user has the Organization Administrator permission to access the organization and environment queries.

    The output includes the bearer token:

      "access_token": "<BEARER_TOKEN>",
      "expires_in": 3600,
      "token_type": "bearer"
  2. Use this bearer token to access any Object Store v2 API that requires a bearer token.

Get the Organization ID and Environment ID

To get the ORG_ID, run this command, replacing AUTH_SERVER_HOST with the authorization server:

curl -X GET https://<AUTH_SERVER_HOST>/accounts/api/me \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <BEARER_TOKEN>"

The response includes output similar to:

"organization": {
    "name": "MyCompany",
    "id": "ORG_ID",

To get the ENV_ID, run this command, replacing AUTH_SERVER_HOST with the authorization server:

curl -X GET https://<AUTH_SERVER_HOST>/accounts/api/organizations/<ORG_ID>/environments \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <BEARER_TOKEN>"

The response includes output similar to:

"environments": [
    "id": "ENV_ID",
    "name": "Production",
    "organizationId": "ORG_ID",

Get the Region ID

To get the region ID (REGION_ID), run this command, replacing BASE_URL:

curl -X GET \
 'https://<BASE_URL>/api/v1/organizations/<ORG_ID>/regions' \
 -H 'authorization: Bearer <BEARER_TOKEN>'

Get the Store ID

To get the store ID (STORE_ID), run this command, replacing BASE_URL:

curl -X GET \
 'https://<BASE_URL>/api/v1/organizations/<ORG_ID>/environments/<ENV_ID>/stores' \
 -H 'authorization: bearer <BEARER_TOKEN>'

Object Store v2 API

The Object Store v2 API reads and writes key,list values, which is different from Anypoint Connector for Object Store (Object Store Connector), which reads and writes in the key,value format.

This table compares the Object Store REST API operations to Object Store Connector operations:

Object Store v2 API Object Store v2 REST API Operations Object Store Connector Operation


  • Object Store

    • Object store TTL, in seconds

      The maximum TTL is 2592000 seconds (30 days).

      If the entryTtl value specified is greater than 30 days, the value defaults to 2592000 seconds (30 days), without returning an error.

    • Persistence property

    • Usage limits for each application or environment, including options for limits based on keys or size, and how to enforce them

  • Key and list (item) value



  • Get keys

  • Get item

  • Get items

  • Get all items

  • Get regions for an organization

Contains + Retrieve + Retrieve all keys + Retrieve and store (Retrieve part)


  • Put item as string

  • Put item as number

  • Put item as confirmable string

  • Put store



  • Remove object store

  • Delete key

  • Delete item


You can retrieve a maximum of 25 keys with each GET operation.


If an application writes to an object store using the REST interface and reads with Object Store Connector for Mule 3 from the same key, the read can retrieve only the value at element 0. Therefore, when using the REST API, use the API to write and read content from the object store. Alternatively, you can use the API to write only to index 0.

This limitation doesn’t apply to Object Store Connector for Mule 4 or Anypoint Studio Object Store Connector.

Access the Object Store v2 API

  1. Get a Bearer Token to Use with the Object Store v2 APIs.

  2. Set up an application, such as Postman, to access the object store.

  3. Configure the object store access URL, replacing ORG_ID with your organization ID and ENV_ID with your environment ID:


    Depending on the deployment region, use one of these domains for the value of BASE_URL in the access URL:

    Control Plane BASE_URL Region


    US East (N. Virginia)

    US East (Ohio)

    US West (N. California)

    US West (Oregon)

    Asia Pacific (Singapore)

    Asia Pacific (Sydney)

    Asia Pacific (Tokyo)

    Canada (Central)

    Europe (Frankfurt)

    Europe (Ireland)

    Europe (London)

    South America (São Paulo)


    MuleSoft Government Cloud

    US Gov West


    Europe (Frankfurt)

    Europe (Ireland)

    Canada Cloud

    Canada (Central)

    Japan Cloud

    Asia Pacific (Tokyo)

  4. Configure the application with HTTP headers and body for values to store to or read from the object store.

  5. Send the operation to the Object Store v2 API.

Examples: Object Store v2 API

Example: Retrieve a List of Object Stores

To view the list of object stores, run a curl command, replacing BASE_URL with the regional domain, ORG_ID with your organization ID, ENV_ID with your environment ID, and BEARER_TOKEN with your bearer token:

curl -X GET \
 'https://<BASE_URL>/api/v1/organizations/<ORG_ID>/environments/<ENV_ID>/stores' \
 -H 'authorization: bearer <BEARER_TOKEN>'

This command returns output similar to:


Example: Retrieve a List of Regions

To view the list of regions, submit a curl command, replacing BASE_URL with the regional domain, ORG_ID with your organization ID, and BEARER_TOKEN with your bearer token:

curl -X GET \
 'https://<BASE_URL>/api/v1/organizations/<ORG_ID>/regions' \
 -H 'authorization: Bearer <BEARER_TOKEN>'

This command returns output similar to:

    "id": "us-east-1",
    "name": "US East (N. Virginia)",
    "url": ""
    "id": "us-west-1",
    "name": "US West (N. California)",
    "url": ""

Example: Retrieve a List of Partitions

To view the list of partitions, submit a curl command, replacing BASE_URL with the regional domain, ORG_ID with your organization ID, ENV_ID with your environment ID, and STORE_ID with the storeId from the list of object stores, and BEARER_TOKEN with your bearer token:

curl -X GET \
  https://<BASE_URL>/api/v1/organizations/<ORG_ID>/environments/<ENV_ID>/stores/<STORE_ID>/partitions \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <BEARER_TOKEN>"

This command returns output similar to:


Example: Retrieve a List of Keys in a Partition

To view the keys in a partition, submit a curl command, replacing BASE_URL with the regional domain, ORG_ID with your organization ID, ENV_ID with your environment ID, STORE_ID with the name of the object store, PARTITION_ID with the name of the partition, and BEARER_TOKEN with your bearer token:

curl -X GET \
  https://<BASE_URL>/api/v1/organizations/<ORG_ID>/environments/<ENV_ID>/stores/<STORE_ID>/partitions/<PARTITION_ID>/keys \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <BEARER_TOKEN>"

This command returns output similar to:


Example: Retrieve the Value of a Key

To view the value of a key, submit a curl command, replacing BASE_URL with the regional domain, ORG_ID with your organization ID, ENV_ID with your environment ID, STORE_ID with the name of the object store, PARTITION_ID with the name of the partition, KEY_ID with the key ID, and BEARER_TOKEN with your bearer token:

curl -X GET \
  https://<BASE_URL>/api/v1/organizations/<ORG_ID>/environments/<ENV_ID>/stores/<STORE_ID>/partitions/<PARTITION_ID>/keys/<KEY_ID> \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <BEARER_TOKEN>"

This command returns output similar to:


Example: Store a Key-Value Pair

To store a key-value pair, submit a curl command, replacing BASE_URL with the regional domain, ORG_ID with your organization ID, ENV_ID with your environment ID, STORE_ID with the name of the object store, PARTITION_ID with the name of the partition, BEARER_TOKEN with your bearer token, and specify a value (myTestKey) for KEY_ID:

KEY_ID=myTestKey; \
curl -X POST \
  https://<BASE_URL>/api/v1/organizations/<ORG_ID>/environments/<ENV_ID>/stores/<STORE_ID>/partitions/<PARTITION_ID>/keys/myTestKey \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <BEARER_TOKEN>" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{"stringValue":"Hello World","keyId":"myTestKey","valueType":"STRING"}'

In this command, the value is a JSON string.

To verify that the key-pair is in the object store, get a list of the keys in the partition:

curl -X GET \
  https://<BASE_URL>/api/v1/organizations/<ORG_ID>/environments/<ENV_ID>/stores/<STORE_ID>/partitions/<PARTITION_ID>/keys \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <BEARER_TOKEN>"

This command returns output similar to:


Example: Delete a Key and Value

To delete a key-value pair, submit a curl command, replacing BASE_URL with the regional domain, ORG_ID with your organization ID, ENV_ID with your environment ID, STORE_ID with the name of the object store, PARTITION_ID with the name of the partition, KEY_ID with the key ID, and BEARER_TOKEN with your bearer token:

curl -X DELETE \
  https://<BASE_URL>/api/v1/organizations/<ORG_ID>/environments/<ENV_ID>/stores/<STORE_ID>/partitions/<PARTITION_ID>/keys/KEY_ID \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <BEARER_TOKEN>"

In this command, the value is a JSON string.

To verify that the key-pair is no longer in the object store, get a list of the keys in the partition:

curl -X GET \
  https://<BASE_URL>/api/v1/organizations/<ORG_ID>/environments/<ENV_ID>/stores/<STORE_ID>/partitions/<PARTITION_ID>/keys \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <BEARER_TOKEN>"

This command returns output similar to:


Object Store v2 Stats API

Only the US Cloud and EU Cloud instances of Anypoint Platform support these REST APIs.

The Object Store v2 Stats API enables you to retrieve statistics on your Object Store usage.

The usage statistics aren’t real-time and might include latency.

Use the Stats API to view your entire organization’s usage of Object Store for billing purposes:

  • Usage per root organization and all sub-organizations

  • Usage per organization

  • Usage per environment

  • Usage per region

  • Usage per store

Usage Metrics Limits

Parameter Description Values

Time series (period)

Interval that the query records

  • 1hour

  • 1day

  • 1month

Data retention

Length of time that Object Store retains the data, based on period

  • period=1hour: 3 months

  • period=1day: 12 months

  • period=1month: 24 months

Query timeframe

Maximum interval between startDate and endDate in the query, based on period

  • period=1hour: 1 day

  • period=1day: 1 month

  • period=1month: 2 months

If the interval between startDate and endDate exceeds the limits, the API returns an HTTP 400 error.