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Deploy to CloudHub

You can deploy Mule applications to CloudHub using:

You can also deploy an API proxy directly from API Manager to CloudHub. See Configure a Proxy and Deploy to CloudHub.

To be notified by email when an error occurs during deployment, set up a Deployment failed alert. See Create an Alert.

Deploy an Application from Runtime Manager

To deploy from Runtime Manager to CloudHub:

  1. Sign in to Anypoint Platform.

  2. Select Runtime Manager.

  3. In the Applications page, click Deploy application.

    You see the Deploy Application page:

    Application Name field
  4. Provide a name for your application.

  5. In the Deployment Target menu, select CloudHub, if it is not already selected.

  6. Specify the application file:

    • Import a file from Exchange:

      1. Click Choose file > Import file from Exchange.

      2. Select Application for the type.

      3. Enter the name of your application in the search box.

      4. Select the application to deploy, select a version from the Version menu, and then click Select.

    • Upload an application archive (ZIP or JAR) file:

      1. Select Choose file > Upload file.

      2. Select the file to upload and then click Open.

        The application file size limit is 200 MB.

    • Copy an application from a nonproduction environment.

  7. Click tabs to configure application options.

  8. Click Deploy Application.

Deploy an Application from Studio

You can deploy your applications directly from Studio to CloudHub. This option is helpful if you want to test your application while developing it.

You can deploy an application from Studio to any environment except Design.

To deploy from Studio to CloudHub:

  1. Open your application in Studio.

  2. In Package Explorer, right-click the project folder and select Anypoint Platform > Deploy to CloudHub.

  3. If this is your first time deploying from Studio, provide your Anypoint Platform credentials at the prompt.

    Studio stores your credentials for future use. You can manage these credentials by selecting Anypoint Studio > Preferences > Anypoint Studio > Authentication.

    After you sign in, you see the Deploying Application page:

    Application Name field and the Deploy Application button
    Figure 1. The screenshot shows (1) the Application Name field, (2) the Deploy Application button on the Deploying Application page.
  4. Change the application name, if necessary.

  5. Click tabs to configure application options.

  6. Click Deploy Application.

Deploy an Application from the Command Line

To deploy a Mule app from the CloudHub command-line interface (CLI):

  1. If you do not already have access to the Anypoint command-line tool, install it.

  2. Log into your Anypoint Platform account from the command line:

    1. Enter your username:

      anypoint-cli --username="user"

    2. At the prompt, enter your password.

  3. Run the following command, replacing myMuleApp with the deployment name of your app and /Users/exported-app-folder/my-mule-app.jar with the path to the deployable archive (JAR or ZIP) file on your file system:

    runtime-mgr cloudhub-application deploy myMuleApp /Users/exported-app-folder/my-mule-app.zip

    The command-line utility displays a table of deployment information:

    Deploying myMuleApp ...
    │ Domain                       │ mymuleapp.cloudhub.io                  │
    │ Status                       │ UNDEPLOYED                             │
    │ Updated                      │ a few seconds ago                      │
    │ Runtime                      │ 4.1.0                                  │
    │ File name                    │ my-mule-app.zip                        │
    │ Persistent queues            │ false                                  │
    │ Persistent queues encrypted  │ false                                  │
    │ Static IPs enabled           │ false                                  │
    │ Monitoring                   │ Enabled. Auto-restart if not responding│
    │ Workers                      │ 1 vCore * 1                            │

    After you deploy the app on CloudHub, you can view and manage it on Runtime Manager.

  4. If you want to stop the app from the command line, run the following command, replacing app-name with the deployment name of your app:

    runtime-mgr cloudhub-application stop app-name

To exit the command-line tool, press Ctrl+c twice.

For a complete list of the commands, see Anypoint Platform CLI.

Copy an Application from Sandbox to Production

If you create and test an application in a sandbox environment, you must move it to the production environment before deploying it. You must have the CloudHub Admin role to move applications between environments.

To avoid name conflicts, rename the application before you deploy it to another environment.

Runtime Manager prevents you from duplicating applications in a single environment, so you cannot move an application into the environment it’s already in. If you want to duplicate an application in a single environment, rename the filename of one application before you deploy it.

To move an application from sandbox to production:

  1. Sign in to Anypoint Platform.

  2. Select Runtime Manager and switch to your production environment.

  3. In the Applications page, click Deploy application.

    You see the Deploy Application page:

    Application Name field and Get from sandbox and Deploy Application buttons
  4. Provide a unique name for your application in production and click Get from sandbox.

    This button is unavailable if no nonproduction environment exists.

  5. Select your sandbox environment and then the application that you want to move to production.

    Only applications that are deployed to CloudHub appear in the list because you can move only apps that are currently deployed to CloudHub to other CloudHub workers. For example, you can’t move an app that is currently deployed on a local server to CloudHub.

  6. If you want to copy the environment variables and Mule version from the source application, select Merge environment variables and mule version.

    If your source application contains safely hidden application properties, you must redefine them in the Properties tab. For information about safely hidden application properties, see Safely Hide Application Properties.

  7. Click Apply.

  8. Click tabs to configure application options.

  9. Click Deploy Application.

Application Names

The application name can contain between 3 and 42 alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and dashes (-). They cannot contain spaces or other characters.

You cannot change the name of an app after you deploy it. To change the name, you must delete and redeploy the app using the new name.

The application name identifies your application not only in Runtime Manager but also in the public cloudhub.io domain. For example, an application named myapplication is accessible at http://myapplication.cloudhub.io.

To avoid domain conflicts, the application name must be globally unique across CloudHub. For this reason, create a naming convention to ensure unique application names. For example, you could prepend your company name and department to all application names, such as mycompany-mydept-myapplication. You can then add DNS records to hide the complex application name. For example, you might route requests to myapplication.mycompany.com to mycompany-mydept-myapplication.cloudhub.io.

Using the CloudHub dedicated load balancer, you can also implement mapping rules to set your application’s public URL to any other path, as long as you own the domain. See Mapping Rules.

Configure Application Settings

You can configure the application deployment by clicking the tabs on the Deploy Application page:

Configuration tabs on the Deploy Application page
Figure 2. The arrow shows the configuration tabs on the Deploy Application page.

Runtime Tab Settings

The Runtime tab includes the following settings:

Release Channel

Starting with Mule 4.5, MuleSoft introduces two new release channels, Edge and Long-term Support (LTS).

For new applications, the Edge channel is selected by default in the Release Channel drop-down menu.

For existing applications using a legacy version, the Release Channel drop-down list is selected as None by default. Use the Release Channel drop-down list to select the desired release channel.

For existing applications using an Edge version, the Release Channel drop-down list is selected as Edge. The Runtime Version dropdown list indicates if there is an update available, as well as the previous, latest and recommended version of the application. Use the Release Channel drop-down list to change to a legacy version.

For existing applications using an Edge or an LTS version on extended support, a warning message appears indicating the version’s EOL.

Runtime version

The runtime version must be the same Mule version used to develop your application.

After you deploy the app, CloudHub automatically alerts you when updates for the selected runtime version are available. See CloudHub Runtime Continuous Updates.

After End of Extended Support for Mule runtime 4.3 and 4.4, Mule applications deployed to CloudHub or CloudHub 2.0 environments are stopped.
Java Version

Select the Java version for your application. For more information, visit Java Support.

Worker size

See Worker Size and vCores.


When you deploy an application with more than one worker, CloudHub automatically balances any incoming traffic load across your allocated workers. See Clustering.


If you have global deployment enabled on your account, you can change the deployment region.

When you change the region, the domain is automatically updated.

Automatically restart application when not responding

CloudHub automatically restarts your application when the monitoring system discovers an issue.

Persistent queues

You can use persistent queues on your application to store data in an input queue to disk. Persistent queues protect against message loss and enable you to distribute workloads across a set of workers.

Before you can take advantage of persistent queueing, you must set up your application to use queues.

See Clustering.

Encrypt persistent queues

If you enable persistent queues, you can optionally encrypt the data stored in the input queue on disk.

Use Object Store v2

Object Store v2 is enabled by default in Mule 4. In Mule 3, select this option to access Object Store v2.

Enable Monitoring and Visualizer

Use Anypoint Monitoring and Visualizer for Mule applications running on supported versions of Mule.

This feature is available only if your organization has the Anypoint Integration Advanced package or a Titanium subscription to Anypoint Platform. For more information, see the Pricing and Packaging documentation.

Autoscaling Tab Settings

Autoscaling enables you to define policies that respond to CPU or memory usage thresholds by scaling up or down the processing resources used by an application.

This tab doesn’t appear by default. See Autoscaling in CloudHub for information.

Properties Tab Settings

On the Properties tab, you can specify properties (key-value pairs) that the application uses during deployment and while running.

When you deploy an application from a nonproduction environment (Get from sandbox), the new application inherits any properties defined in the original application. You can update these properties as required on the Properties tab before deploying the application.

For more information about specifying properties, including hiding them in Runtime Manager, see Manage Properties for Applications on CloudHub and Safely Hide Application Properties.

Insight Tab Settings

You can enable the Insight analytics feature and specify metadata options on the Insight tab. For information about using this tool, see Insight.

Logging Tab Settings

CloudHub stores activity logs, which you can view or download from Runtime Manager. See View Log Data.

You can configure the logging level (DEBUG, WARN, ERROR, or INFO) for the application on the Logging tab.

Alternatively, you can configure logging by modifying the level value in the log4j2.xml file. See Configuring Custom Logging Settings and Apache Logging ServicesLeaving the Site.

Static IPs Tab Settings

Use the Static IPs tab to allocate a static IP address to your application deployed in a specific region.

You can also preconfigure static IP addresses for multiple regions for disaster recovery (DR) scenarios. If an application has static IP addresses allocated in multiple regions, the static IP address is assigned when the application is deployed to a new region.

If your application is already running, applying the static IP address change restarts it using the newly applied static IP address.

By default, the number of static IP addresses allocated to your organization is equal to twice the number of production vCores in your subscription and appears under the Use Static IP checkbox.

If you need to free some of your static IP allocations, you can release unused IP addresses from an application. To increase your allocation of static IP addresses, contact your Customer Success Manager. For more information about adding more static IPs, see How to Request Additional Static IPs for your Anypoint OrganizationLeaving the Site.

Worker Size and vCores

On each application, workers are responsible for executing the application logic.

Worker sizes have different compute, memory, and storage capacities.

For information about worker size and vCores, see CloudHub Workers.

Change Settings of a Deployed Application

You can change most application settings after deploying an application to CloudHub.

To edit the settings of a deployed application:

  1. On the Applications tab, select the application name.

  2. Click the Settings tab.

  3. Make your changes and click Apply Changes

CloudHub redeploys the application with zero downtime.

Cancelling a deployment and starting a new one for the same application before the cancellation is complete can lead to a one-to-three-minute downtime.

Deployment Progress

When CloudHub uploads your application and begins deploying it, CloudHub switches its user interface to the Logs view so that you can monitor deployment progress.

The application status changes to Deploying to indicate the deployment is in progress. When the deployment is complete, the application status changes to Started and a message appears in the status area and in the logs to indicate that the application is successfully deployed.

While you deploy an application on Mule runtime engine version 4.1.x and later, the Gatekeeper mechanism works with API Autodiscovery to help determine the readiness of a deployment. If Gatekeeper considers the application not ready within five minutes of deployment initiation, the application status is Deploy failed.

Deployment Failure

If an error occurs and the application cannot be deployed, the application status changes to Deploy failed. The Logs tab includes details on the application deployment errors.