INFO 11-04-06 20:13:50 [DefaultSystemExceptionStrategy] Failed to bind to uri `+`
CloudHub FAQ
What is CloudHub?
CloudHub is a cloud-based integration platform as a service (iPaaS) that enables developers to integrate and orchestrate applications and services while giving operations the control and visibility they require for mission-critical demands, all without the need to install or manage middleware or hardware infrastructure. You can deploy applications to CloudHub through Anypoint Runtime Manager, found on Anypoint Platform. Read more about the CloudHub architecture.
What is iPaaS?
As the name suggests, iPaaS (integration platform as a service) is a development platform for building integration applications. It provides a set of services and capabilities for integrating applications in the cloud and within the enterprise. The core tenets of iPaaS are the same as PaaS, except the services on the platform are geared towards integration. In addition to some base expectations, such as multi-tenancy, elasticity and reliability, iPaaS also provides intermediation of data and events, orchestration, a service container for publishing REST and SOAP services, strong security capabilities, and monitoring and developer tooling.
For more information, see Introducing integration PaaS (iPaaS).
How can I create a CloudHub account?
As of November 2014, accounts in both CloudHub and Anypoint Platform for APIs have been merged into a single platform.
An Anypoint Platform account gives you access to both the Runtime Manager – for deploying and managing applications both on CloudHub and on other servers – and to the Anypoint Platform for APIs – for creating and managing APIs through their entire lifecycle.
Where can I get Anypoint Studio?
Anypoint Studio can be downloaded here. From Studio, you can deploy directly to CloudHub or run your applications locally on an embedded Mule runtime engine (Mule).
How much does CloudHub cost?
For specific pricing, reach out to either your account executive or your account development representative.
How do I get support?
The CloudHub team is committed to providing the best customer experience possible. Contact the CloudHub team in the MuleSoft Help Center.
You can browse and search the online forum to find answers. Or post a question and start a new thread.
If you have a paid plan, you can access the Support portal.
To file a case through the Support portal:
Sign in to Anypoint Platform.
From the ? menu, select Support Center.
Click the Support tile.
You can browse open cases or click Contact Support to open a new case.
When you create a new case, complete the required fields (marked in red).
Provide a detailed description of your issue and any supporting information. Hover over the information (i) icon for field-specific guidelines or instructions.
When finished, click Submit.
The portal generates a unique case number and refers you to possibly relevant areas of the knowledge base that you can browse while you await a response to your case.
What happens when my subscription expires?
Seven days before your Anypoint Platform account subscription expires, you receive an email notifying you that your account is about to expire and prompting you to contact your account representative to retain your account.
When your subscription expires, you can’t restart existing apps or create new apps. Running apps might stop without notice at the discretion of MuleSoft.
To renew your subscription, contact your account representative.
What is a worker?
Applications that expose real-time services or APIs run on one or more "workers." Each worker is an instance of Mule that runs your integration applications. See High Availability for details of how workers can be shared or doubled to scale your application and provide high availability.
What is an integration application?
An integration application is one that integrates two or more applications or services. This might be as simple as synchronizing Salesforce data to a local database, or as complicated as creating a mashup using Google Apps, Facebook, and Salesforce. These applications perform functions by grabbing data from different sources and publishing it to a new location or as a REST or web service. In the traditional three-tier application model an integration app represents the data tier through connectivity to application data and the service tier through logic used to combine, transform, and route this data to consumers.
What are Anypoint Connectors?
Anypoint Connectors provide an easy way to integrate with SaaS and Cloud APIs, such as Salesforce, Facebook, AWS, PayPal, and then to use them as services within Mule. With these connectors you are then able to create orchestration that spans both SaaS and on-premises applications, using Mule.
What is a Mule flow?
A Mule flow defines how Mule processes messages between different applications. A flow defines a series of processors that act on a message triggered by an event in an application, a request to a web or REST service, or a scheduled trigger.
What Java version are you using?
Workers that use Mule 4.6.x and later run on JDK 8 or JDK 17.
Workers that use Mule 4.5.x and later run on JDK 8 or JDK 11.
Workers that use Mule 4.4.x and later run on JDK 8 or JDK 11.
Workers that use Mule 4.3.x and later run on JDK 8 or JDK 11.
Workers that use Mule 4.2.x and later run on JDK 8 or JDK 11.
Workers that use Mule 3.9.x and later run on JDK 8.
How much storage does each worker have?
The amount of storage each worker has depends on the worker size. For information about worker sizes, see CloudHub Workers.
What are environment variables?
Environment variables are properties you can set to pass in configuration to your Mule application. For example, you can create a JDBC connector with a username is set to ${db.username}
. In the environment variables, you can then set the name to db.username
and the value to the actual username when you add or update your application.
Can I deploy my application to a different region?
Yes! Visit MuleSoft Help Center to file a support case to enable global deployments for your account. Applications can be deployed to: US East (N. Virginia, Ohio), US West (N. California, Oregon), Canada, South America (Brazil - Sao Paulo), Europe (Ireland, Frankfurt), UK (London), and Asia-Pacific (Sydney, Tokyo, Singapore). Administrators can set the default region on the Organization tab in Account Settings, but that region can be adjusted when the application is deployed, if necessary.
Note that the domains of applications deployed to different regions are automatically updated to reflect the region.
Why do I get "Failed to bind to uri" when my application starts?
If you’re seeing messages like this, it’s because you’re trying to bind to a specific host instead of
Change your HTTP Connector to use instead of your CloudHub domain name, and redeploy.
How do I stop my application?
In the Runtime Manager console, select your application, and click Deployment in the left navigation bar. Then, click Stop application.
Can the platform restart my Mule app running on CloudHub?
Yes. The following scenarios can result in the platform restarting your application (all restarts are zero-downtime, unless the initial state of the app was down):
Underlying infrastructure issues
If the underlying infrastructure suffers a failure, the platform migrates your application to a new worker.
Infrastructure impairment
Any applications running on hardware marked as impaired or end-of-life are restarted to preemptively migrate the app to a new worker to prevent a possible outage.
Security patching
If any security vulnerabilities are identified, the relevant applications are patched and restarted. See the Critical Security Vulnerabilities
Application crash
The platform recognizes an application crash (due to a problem with custom code or a bug in the underlying stack) and restarts the worker automatically if the automatic restart option is selected.
Why can’t I deploy more than one application?
MuleSoft is limiting the free accounts to one worker, which allows you to deploy one application. You can upgrade to a paid subscription to deploy more applications, or you can scale your single application across more than one worker.
My application has deployed successfully, so why do I see "you need to change the configuration of your docroot" when I go to
If you are seeing this message, your application’s endpoint might be configured to show up in a different path. If you want to make it show up at, reconfigure your endpoint to remove the path variable. If you are using generic endpoints, change the address (not the path).
How long is the HTTP read timeout?
Our load balancers time out after 300 seconds if no data is read.
Can I get a static IP for my application?
You can assign a static IP to your application by using the Static IPs application settings tab. For details, see Static IPs Tab Settings. By default, you are allocated a number of static IPs equal to twice the number of production vCores in your subscription. To increase the number of static IPs allocated to your organization, reach out directly to your Account Team. Your Account Team can start the request process with you.
How do I know what my static IP is?
The static IPs assigned to your application are displayed in the Static IPs tab in the application settings page.
Can I modify my application after it has been assigned a static IP?
Yes, you can stop and start the application, upload a new project zip file, change its settings, and redeploy it.
In what situations could my static IP change?
Your static IP might be removed or reassigned in a couple of specific situations:
Deleting an application also removes its static IP. If you create a new application with the same name, it has a new dynamically assigned IP address.
Adding a new application by moving it from Sandbox to Production This requires a new application name and a new static IP.
If Anypoint Virtual Private Cloud (Anypoint VPC) is built for your organization, any existing application that is not already in Anypoint VPC receives a new IP address when it restarts inside Anypoint VPC.
An application is redeployed to a different geographic region.
You can preallocate a static IP in the new region in the Static IPs tab in the application settings page.
Can I request a specific static IP address?
No. CloudHub uses a pool of static IP addresses that are assigned to a CloudHub application only upon first deployment. If that application releases that static IP, then that IP address returns to the pool and is available to other applications.
If I am running in a CloudHub VPC, how do I assign a static IP to my internal private IP?
CloudHub can set the worker’s public IP address to be static. However, the internal private IP address always remains dynamic. The private IP address is assigned from the range specified in the CloudHub worker’s address space, which was determined when your Anypoint VPC was created.
What are the possible IP ranges that can be assigned to static IP addresses?
Because CloudHub deploys on Amazon EC2, IP addresses are chosen from the Amazon EC2 IP pool. For a list of these ranges, see Amazon EC2 Public IP Ranges.
How can I change the timezone for my app?
Customers with an Enterprise account can choose any global region in which to deploy their app. The actual worker is always running in the UTC timezone.
Proactive Monitoring
The CloudHub platform is monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by automated systems. Should any issue affect the health of the CloudHub infrastructure, the operations team is notified and responds immediately to diagnose and correct it. This 24x7 monitoring covers the entire CloudHub platform, benefiting all CloudHub users. You can view the current status of CloudHub services and upcoming maintenance at
Can I request access to heap dumps for troubleshooting purposes?
No. Heap dumps cannot be shared. Instead, our Support Center representatives can analyze the dumps and share the required information with you.