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Anypoint Platform PCE Prerequisites

You can install Anypoint Platform Private Cloud Edition (Anypoint Platform PCE) version 4.0 and later in the Kubernetes (K8s) cluster that you provision and manage.

MuleSoft performed installations on popular K8s providers, which are listed in the following sections. The hardware and software requirements for installing Anypoint Platform PCE on your chosen provider are dictated by that provider, unless otherwise specified in this document.

Before you begin, ensure your organization’s operations, networking, and security teams review the listed infrastructure prerequisites. These include the K8s cluster, hardware, software, networking, NFS storage, container registry, installer node, and storage requirements.

You must contact MuleSoft Professional Services prior to installing Anypoint Platform PCE, as they are involved with your installation.

Installing Anypoint Platform PCE requires specific versions of operating systems, NFS, and other software. Most issues experienced with Anypoint Platform PCE occur because the required environment was not set up prior to installing or upgrading.

Kubernetes Cluster Requirements

These are the requirements:

  • Kubernetes (K8s) version 1.29 or 1.30.

  • Kubernetes providers:

    • Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE2) versions 1.29 and 1.30.

    • Red Hat OpenShift versions 4.15 and 4.16.

    • Amazon EKS Anywhere (EKS-A) 0.20 (K8s version 1.29, 1.30)

  • Cluster configurations:

    • Have a dedicated control plane node within the K8s cluster. Preferably, allocate 3 or 5 nodes for the K8s control planes. For example, only K8s management workload run on these nodes.

    • Have cluster worker nodes exclusively dedicated to Anypoint Platform PCE workloads. No Anypoint Platform PCE pods can run on the K8s control plane nodes.

    • A large cluster can have:

      • 3 K8s control plane nodes

      • 7 K8s worker nodes

    • A small cluster can have:

      • 3 K8s control plane nodes

      • 4 K8s worker nodes

Running Anypoint Platform PCE workloads on K8s control plane nodes can degrade both Anypoint Platform PCE and cluster performance.

Hardware Requirements

These are the minimum requirements for the cluster nodes:

  • Dedicated control plane nodes:

    • Architecture x86_64

    • 4 vCPUS

    • Memory 8 GiB

    • Root volume 50GB

  • Worker nodes:

    • Architecture x86_64

    • 8 vCPUS

    • Memory 32 GiB

    • Root volume 50GB

For more information, see the provider specific requirements:

Software Requirements

These are the requirements:

  • Operating system: RHEL 8.10

For more information, see the provider specific requirements:

Networking Requirements

Use the following ports to communicate with Anypoint Platform PCE:

Protocol Port / Range Purpose Source Destination



Internal cluster DNS




2379, 2380, 4001, 7001

etcd distributed database

Anypoint Platform PCE nodes

Anypoint Platform PCE nodes




Anypoint Platform PCE nodes

Anypoint Platform PCE nodes



Kubernetes API Server

Anypoint Platform PCE nodes

Anypoint Platform PCE nodes



HAProxy to load balance Kubernetes API Server

Anypoint Platform PCE nodes

Anypoint Platform PCE nodes



Prometheus node-exporter

Anypoint Platform PCE nodes

Anypoint Platform PCE nodes


10248, 10250

Kubernetes Kubelet

Anypoint Platform PCE nodes

Anypoint Platform PCE nodes



Kubernetes kube-proxy





Kubernetes controller-manager and scheduler

Anypoint Platform PCE nodes

Anypoint Platform PCE nodes



Kubernetes controller-manager and scheduler (secure)

Anypoint Platform PCE nodes

Anypoint Platform PCE nodes



Internal services port range

Anypoint Platform PCE nodes

Anypoint Platform PCE nodes



Overlay VXLAN network

Anypoint Platform PCE nodes

Anypoint Platform PCE nodes



HTTP public access

Load balancer

Anypoint Platform PCE nodes



HTTP public access

Load balancer

Anypoint Platform PCE nodes



Mule Runtime Websocket

Load balancer

Anypoint Platform PCE nodes



Mule Runtime Authentication Service (for certificate renewals)

Load balancer

Anypoint Platform PCE nodes

For more information, see the provider specific requirements:

NFS Storage Requirements

Container Registry Requirements

These are the requirements:

  • Must be secured over TLS.

  • Must be accessible from installer nodes and Kubernetes clusters.

  • Must be secured with either a username and password or Certificate based authentication. Ensure that the new or updated certificates are distributed to all nodes to facilitate uninterrupted TLS communication.

Installer Node Requirements

These are the requirements:

  • Operating system: RHEL, Ubuntu or any Linux based systems.

  • Storage required a minimum 100GB.

  • Access to Kubernetes cluster using kubeconfig.yaml

    • The cluster needs cluster:admin access, as Anypoint Platform PCE installer needs to create resources of different types.

    • The cluster needs read/write access in the default namespace to run Anypoint Platform PCE installer jobs and other supporting services.

  • Access and connectivity to private container registry

  • For OpenShift use SecurityContextConstraints for installing Anypoint Platform PCE.

Storage Requirements

These are the requirements:

In Anypoint Platform PCE version 4.0 and later, all the persistent data is stored in the Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs). Kubernetes Storage Class commands the PVCs. Currently, there are two services that require PVCs:

  • SeaweedFS - S3 object store service

  • Stolon - PostgreSQL HA database

The storage class for the previous services can be the same. Depending on the type of underlying infrastructure or storage solution you choose, the storage class configuration can vary.

Platform Configuration

To make Anypoint Platform PCE accessible, configure these specifications in the input config file before installing Anypoint Platform PCE:

  • Platform DNS

  • File System DNS

  • First User Account details

    • Org Name

    • Username

    • Email

    • Password

  • Platform certificate and certificate key with the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) of the platform DNS.