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Installing Anypoint Platform Private Cloud Edition (Anypoint Platform PCE)

The process to install Anypoint Platform Private Cloud Edition (Anypoint Platform PCE), consist of the following steps:

  1. Setting up and verifying your infrastructure

  2. Performing a pre-installation verification

  3. Installing Anypoint Platform PCE

Contact MuleSoft Professional Services before performing the pre-installation verification and installation of Anypoint Platform PCE because they are involved in these processes.
To install Anypoint Platform PCE on OpenShift, see Installing Anypoint Platform PCE on OpenShift.

Set Up and Verify your Infrastructure

Before you install Anypoint Platform PCE, ensure your infrastructure team installed and configured correctly the infrastructure for your organization following the requirements as described in Anypoint Platform PCE Prerequisites.

Perform a Pre-installation Verification

To perform the pre-installation healthcheck verification for the Kubernetes (K8s) cluster, follow these steps:

  1. Confirm your Kubernetes cluster version is 1.30.x or 1.29.x.

  2. Create an input.yaml file using the following template and update it with your environment details:

  1. Obtain the license.pem file from the MuleSoft Professional Services team.

  2. Set the KUBECONFIG environment variable to the path to the kubeconfig file of the cluster.

  3. Verify that the cluster satisfies the prerequisites by running the following command against your input.yaml file and the license.pem file:

    ./pcectl pre-install-check --input-file/path/to/input.yaml --license-file /path/to/license.pem

  1. For Anypoint Platform PCE workload to be scheduled on designated nodes, apply the following labels to all worker nodes:

    • mulesoft-role=node

    • redis-role=node

  2. Apply the following labels to any three worker nodes. These do not need to be the same three nodes:

    • stolon-keeper=yes

    • pce-data-nodes=yes

  3. (Optional) Apply taints to controlplane nodes to ensure that no Anypoint Platform PCE workload is scheduled on the control plane. This also affects any other workload your organization may want to run on control plane nodes. Consult with your Kubernetes cluster admin to perform this step:


Install Anypoint Platform PCE

After your infrastructure is correctly set up and you performed a pre-installation verification, MuleSoft Professional Services will assist you with the installation of Anypoint Platform PCE.

To install Anypoint Platform PCE, run this command:

./pcectl install --input-file /path/to/input.yaml --license-file /path/to/license.pem