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Publish a Mule 4 Custom Policy

The following steps are the high-level workflow for publishing custom policies for Mule 4:

  1. Create policy definition files.

  2. Publish policy definition asset to Exchange.

  3. Create implementation files.

  4. Add policy implementation to the published policy definition.

Before You Begin

Before you can publish a custom policy for Mule 4, ensure you have administrator or contributor permission for the Anypoint Platform.

Create Policy Definition Files

A JSON and a YAML policy definition file must be created before you can upload the policy implementation. The required files are JSON and YAML.

The JSON file specifies the interface for the policy using JSON schema language. The JSON file is used by API Manager to render the UI.

The YAML file provides metadata regarding the policy for example, the policy category, interface scope, required characteristics, and RAML/OAS snippets.

Copy the custom policy definition examples or create the files on your local system.

Create the JSON Schema File

The JSON schema file specifies the interface for the policy by identifying which properties are required or supported to configure the policy. The file also includes more annotations to refine the type for each property that enables some fields to perform a special behavior in the Anypoint platform. For example, Dataweave validations or secure handling of secrets.

The JSON file must include the following fields:

  • Top-level @context

    References the vocabulary used for the extra type annotations. The aliases used to namespace the vocabulary are a optional. Commonly-used names can be security or config.

    Values for the security and config aliases are:

    • Security: anypoint://vocabulary/policy.yaml#

    • Config: anypoint://vocabulary/policyConfigurationsForUI.yaml#`

  • Top-level title

  • $schema with a link to the JSON Schema spec (see example)

  • Root type of object

  • Top-level description

  • Each property must also include:

    • Title

      The title is used by API Manager UI to render the field name.

    • Description

      The description is used by API Manager UI to describe the field.

    • Type

      Only primitive types are supported, for example integer, string, object, boolean, and array.

Each property can include the following:

  • Format

    Options are dataweaveExpression and ipRange`.

  • Default

    Allows the user to enter a default value which is rendered in the UI.

  • @context with a @characteristics array

    Further refines the type with more annotations with the following options:

    • config:commaSeparatedValues

      The value of this field results in an array

    • security:sensitive Determines whether the property is masked when entering the property in the API Manager UI.

The following code is a example of a basic authentication JSON schema:

Create the Definition Metadata YAML File

The YAML file provides information about the policy and its requirements. The YAML file is not tied to any specific runtime or binary.

The file must have these fields configured:

  • Header

    Header must be #%Policy Definition 0.1.

  • Name

    User-friendly name used for to display the policy name in API Manager UI. Must be a string value.

  • Description

    Must be a string value.

  • Category

    Category to which the policy belongs. Used to group and filter policies in API Manager UI. Any string value is valid. For example, security, quality of service, compliance, troubleshooting, and transformation.

  • Provided Characteristics

    A list used to define the characteristics the policy provides. Must be an array of strings. Use providedCharacteristics: [] to leave empty.

The following code is an example of a basic authentication definition YAML file:

#%Policy Definition 0.1
name: Basic authentication - Simple
description: Enforces HTTP Basic authentication according to the details configured in the policy.
category: Security
  - Requires authentication
requiredCharacteristics: []
interfaceScope: ["api", "resource"]
interfaceTransformation: []
encryptionSupported: true
violationCategory: authentication

Publish Policy Definition Asset to Exchange

After creating the required policy definition files (JSON and YAML), publish the policy definition asset to Exchange.

See Create a Custom Policy Definition Asset for more information.

Create Implementation Files

The policy implementation files that are required to make the policy available in a runtime are a metadata file and a binary file. The metadata file describes what technology the binary file applies to and from which runtime version. The metadata file must be a YAML file. The binary file contains the policy logic and manages the runtime execution. The file can be a JAR file for Mule 4 runtime.

Create the Implementation Metadata YAML File

The metadata YAML file provides details about the specific implementation of the policy definition. A single policy definition can have several implementations. Each an independent asset in Exchange or different versions of the same Exchange asset.

The metadata YAML file must include the following fields:

  • Header

    #%Policy Implementation 1.0

  • Technology


  • Name

    Name of the implementation.

  • minRuntimeVersion

    A semantic version representing the first runtime version that the implementation binary is compatible with. For example, a mule binary might only be compatible from 4.3.0 onwards.

  • supportedJavaVersions

    The Java versions supported by the custom policy, either "8", "11", or "17". You can list one or multiple versions. If supportedJavaVersions field is not provided, the policy supports only Java 8.

The YAML file can also include Release notes.

The following code is an example of a implementation metadata YAML file:

#%Policy Implementation 1.0
minRuntimeVersion: 4.1.1
supportedJavaVersions: ["8", "11", "17"]
technology: mule4
name: Simple Auth Mule Implementation
releaseNotes: "<some notes here>"

Create the Implementation Binary Files

The implementation binary file is a JAR file for Mule 4 policies. This file should support all of the configuration fields and function the way the definition metadata describes.

Add Policy Implementation Files to Published Policy Definition

After the custom policy definition asset is published to Exchange, the next step is to add the policy implementation files to the published policy. This step enables the policy to be available in runtime. The required implementation files are a JAR for Mule 4 runtime and a YAML metadata file.

Before adding the implementation files, ensure that the policy asset is in the Stable state.

Apply the Policy to an API from Anypoint API Manager

After the implementation files are published, the policy is available to be applied to an API in API Manager. See the Anypoint API Manager documentation for information about applying the policy.