message.outboundProperties.put('X-Authenticated-userid', _muleEvent.session.securityContext.authentication.principal.username)
HTTP Basic Authentication Policy
This page describes the configuration and runtime application instructions for the HTTP Basic Authentication policy. This policy verifies request credentials and enforces access according to your configuration.
This policy requires a Security Manager policy in order to function. You can use the Simple Security Manager policy for testing, or to configure an LDAP Security Manager. See the LDAP Security Manager policy documentation for how to configure a security manager against which the HTTP Basic Auth policy can authenticate.
No configuration is required.
Obtaining User Credentials
To access information about users are using your API, place the following script in any place between your proxy’s inbound and outbound endpoints. The script executes after the HTTP Basic Authentication Policy:
The script stores the username in the mule message as an outbound-property named X-Authenticated-userid
. The HTTP connector, which generates the proxy’s output, transforms any outbound properties that reach the connector into HTTP message headers. The message that reaches your API after passing through your proxy includes an HTTP header named X-Authenticated-userid
, containing the username.
You can modify this code to change the name of the header being created.