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Gateway Startup Encryption in Mule 4

Mule Gateway startup encryption enables you to encrypt sensitive information stored by Mule runtime engine (Mule), such as policies, contracts, and the credentials required to configure the connection between your Mule application and Anypoint Platform.

This feature is supported in Mule 4.2.0 and later. If a policy that supports encryption, such as Basic Authentication 1.2.0, is applied to an API that is running in Mule versions earlier than 4.2.0, the policy configuration is not encrypted.

Encrypting Your Anypoint Platform Credentials Using the Agent

Configuring encryption through Anypoint Runtime Manager agent is the fastest way to secure your client credentials. You add the encryption key when creating an agent server. The agent then encrypts the properties encryption for you.
To learn how to configure encryption through the agent, see Install and Configure the Runtime Manager Agent.

Encrypting the Client ID and Client Secret

You can manually encrypt your properties even though you are using an agent. The most common way is using the secure properties tools.
When you use encrypted properties, Mule Gateway assumes that you are using the AES algorithm in CBC Mode.


Let us assume that your client ID is bb458e566cba4e2ea5a826d27b46031a, and you choose the encryption key to be the 128 bits string MyEncryptionKey1. To encrypt these properties, you must run the following command:

> java -jar secure-properties-tool.jar \
string \ (1)
encrypt \ (2)
AES \ (3)
MyEncryptionKey1 \ (4)
1 Use the string parameter to encrypt a single value.
2 Set the tool to encrypt the value.
3 Use AES with CBC Mode.
This is important because Mule uses this configuration to decrypt the value later.
4 And finally, specify the encryption key-value pair that you want to encrypt.

This command outputs your encrypted client ID:

> smzbg+aV2HbiC9Fv8KBsZpD5PlXiplsfhZ42RWNEbHhUeZ9ZIDftljUx6sYpuQ+b

Passing Your Encrypted Client ID and Client Secret

After encrypting your credentials, you must configure your encrypted values in your wrapper.conf file, which is located inside the conf directory in the root folder of your Mule environment:

wrapper.java.additional.<n>=-Danypoint.platform.client_id=![_encrypted client ID_]
wrapper.java.additional.<n>=-Danypoint.platform.anypoint.platform.client_secret=![_encryptedclient secret_]
wrapper.java.additional.<n>=-Danypoint.platform.proxy_password=![_encrypted password_]

Replace <n> with the unique number within the property wrapper.java.additional file.

If you add wrapper.java.additional.n entries to the configuration file, you must change each instance of <n> to a consecutive number. otherwise, Java does not parse the properties correctly.

Based on this example, your client_id would appear as:

The required ![ prefix and ] suffix indicate to Mule runtime that the enclosed value is encrypted.

When starting Mule runtime, you must pass your secret key, using the anypoint.platform.encryption_key property:

$MULE_HOME/bin/mule start -M-Danypoint.platform.encryption_key=MyEncryptionKey1

Mule runtime uses the encryption key passed in the anypoint.platform.encryption_key property to decrypt the properties.

How It Works

You can encrypt your Anypoint Platform credentials (client ID, client secret, and your proxy password) and add those encrypted values, along with your encryption key to the wrapper.conf file of your Mule environment.

When Mule Gateway capability starts, it checks for an encryption key. The client ID and client secret values are then obtained from its wrapper.conf file. If any of the values in that file are enclosed within encryption indicators (![ and ]), Mule runtime uses the encryption key that it loaded earlier to decrypt the values and use its original content.

Debugging Startup Encryption

You can configure your runtime Log4J logger to display information about the encryption mechanism during startup.

In $MULE_HOME/conf/log4j2.xml, set up an asynchronous logger for your gateway deployment:

  <AsyncLogger name="com.mulesoft.mule.runtime.gw.deployment" level="DEBUG" />

When you provide a key, the Mule environment displays the following message:

An encryption key is present. Policies and API contracts will be encrypted.

If not, Mule runtime starts with:

No encryption key provided. Policies and API contracts will not be encrypted.

If the decryption process fails, the Mule environment displays an error:

Client ID cannot be decrypted

If your credentials cannot be decrypted, you cannot establish a connection with Anypoint Platform, nor can you subsequently download policies or contracts or generate analytics information for tracked APIs.

Troubleshooting Credentials

If you encounter issues when passing your encrypted credentials to Anypoint Platform, MuleSoft recommends you verify that the provided credentials are valid. You can use the Secure Properties Tool to decrypt the values back to the original and compare them with the ones displayed in Anypoint Platform:

  1. Run the Secure Properties Tool to decrypt your credentials:

    > java -jar secure-properties-tool.jar string decrypt AES CBC <yourEncryptionKey>
  2. Compare the decrypted value with the one in Anypoint Platform.
    See Obtaining Credentials for information on how to verify your Anypoint Platform’s credentials.

Supported Properties

The following wrapper.conf properties support encryption:

Property Property Key Description

Client ID


Your Anypoint Platform client ID

Client secret


Your Anypoint Platform client secret

Proxy password


Password of the proxy configuration to connect to Anypoint Platform

Policies Encryption

The configuration for your API policies is stored in the policies directory. Some policies may contain sensitive information that you want to hide from unauthorized parties, such as the password field for the Basic Authentication header.

Sensitive values in your provided API policies are marked as such in the API Manager UI for policy configuration. When creating a custom policy, you can define which values are sensitive.

Configuring Policy Encryption

To enable encryption in policies, you must provide two system properties in your wrapper.conf file:

  • anypoint.platform.encryption_key
    The encryption key for your policy.

    If you restart Mule runtime without an encryption key, all policies are downloaded again, and sensitive information is not encrypted.

  • anypoint.platform.policy_encryption_mode
    This property key can take two values:


    All values are encrypted.


    Only values that you marked as sensitive are encrypted.
    This is the default encryption mode.

    If you have not configured this property, the default SENSITIVE_ONLY encryption mode is used.
    You can change the encryption mode after applying one. The files in your policies directory regenerates according to your new encryption mode.

    If you are changing from FULL to SENSITIVE_ONLY, any parameter not marked as sensitive is shown as plain text in your file system.

Policies That Support Encryption

The following list describes all policies that support encryption in their values, along with their minimum required version to support this feature.

Earlier versions of these policies and policies that are not listed below will not encrypt the policy values even when the gateway capability detects an encryption key in its configuration.

Policy Version

Basic Authentication

1.2.0 and later.

Client ID Enforcement

1.2.0 and later.

Header Injection

1.1.0 and later.

IP Allowlist

1.0.0 and later.

IP Blocklist

1.0.0 and later.

JWT Validation

1.1.0 and later.

Open AM

1.2.0 and later.

Open ID

1.2.0 and later.

OAuth 2.0

1.2.0 and later.

Ping Federate

1.2.0 and later.

Custom Policy Encryption

The recommended way to create a new custom policy project is using the Maven archetype.
When creating a new custom policy project using the archetype, you can pass the -DencryptionSupported=true property to enable encryption in your custom policy.
See Setting up a project with the archetype for more detailed steps to do this. If you are developing a custom policy manually, or want to add encryption to an existing policy, perform the following steps:

  1. Add the required dependencies in the policy pom.xml file.
    You must add the Secure Configuration Property Module dependency in your pom.xml file:

  2. Add the Secure Properties Element to your policy’s template file.
    Paste the following snippet in your policy’s XML template file, after your <mule …​> element:

    {{#if encrypted}}
    <secure-properties:config key="${anypoint.platform.encryption_key}" file="${encryptedPropertiesFile}" name="encryptionConfiguration">
       <secure-properties:encrypt algorithm="AES" mode="CBC"/>

    This feature supports only the AES Algorithm in CBC mode.
    The gateway capability takes the anypoint.platform.encryption_key and encryptedPropertiesFile values from the system properties that you set at startup time for the gateway.

  3. Define the sensitive values in the policy’s YAML file.
    By default, the values in a custom policy are not sensitive. To specify that a value is sensitive, use the sensitive element.

       - propertyName: username
         type: string
         sensitive: false
       - propertyName: password
         type: string
         sensitive: true (1)
    1 The password value in your policy is now considered sensitive.

Offline Policies Encryption

You can encrypt the configuration of your offline policies by encrypting their values using the Secure Properties Tools.

> java -jar secure-properties-tool.jar \
string \ (1)
encrypt \ (2)
AES \ (3)
MyEncryptionKey1 \ (4)
  1. Use the string parameter to encrypt a single value.

  2. Set the tool to encrypt the value.

  3. Use AES with CBC Mode. This is important because Mule runtime uses this configuration to decrypt the value later.

  4. And finally, specify the encryption key-value pair that you want to encrypt.

See Applying an Offline Policy for more information.

Contracts Encryption

If your Mule Gateway is configured with encryption, then contracts associated with the contract enforcement policies will also be encrypted.

Scope and Considerations

In a cluster scenario, you must set the encryption properties for each node. Otherwise, you may leave some of your nodes unprotected.