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Using DataMapper Lookup Tables (Deprecated - DataMapper)

DataMapper continues to be fully supported in all current and future versions of Mule 3.x, however it will be removed in Mule 4.0 in favor of the Transform Message component (based on DataWeave code). We recommend that if you wish to take advantage of the new capabilities of DataWeave or if you start new projects, upgrade now.

A migration tool is now included in Studio, which assists in converting a DataMapper map to DataWeave. Right click on a DataMapper, select Migrate to DataWeave, and follow the instructions.

A window for creating a mapping from CSV to JSON

Anypoint DataMapper supports Lookup Tables, which facilitate retrieving data from a variety of sources for use in an element mapping. For example, you can use a lookup table to provide reference data like geographic data, to retrieve data about a customer for use in a mapping, or even to invoke another Mule flow that returns the result of some business process.

Supported Lookup Tables Sources

Anypoint DataMapper supports four sources for lookup table data:

  • User-defined: This simple type of lookup table provides an input area where you manually create a keyed data table with one or more fields. The fields are defined as the unique key to fetch or retrieve the value. You can enter the actual lookup data as well.

  • CSV: This type of lookup table uses a delimited file to supply data for the lookup.

  • Database Lookup: Uses an external JDBC data source for lookups.

  • FlowRef Lookup: Invokes a Mule flow, passing the lookup key; then uses the output of the flow as a result.

Note that for Database and FlowRef lookups, a separate call or query is made for each lookup performed by the DataMapper.

Creating a User-Defined Lookup Table

To create a user-defined lookup table:

  1. In the input pane, right-click Lookup Tables and choose Add User-defined Lookup Table.

  2. Define the columns, data types and so on for your lookup. Select one or more columns to serve as the lookup key.

    A table listing the names, types, and keys of data in a database called ZipCodeDetails
  3. In the upper-right corner of the dialog, click Data Source. The Data Source Editor opens, where you can enter your lookup table data.

    A data source editor with a table showing zip codes, cities, and states
  4. Click OK. The new lookup table appears in the input pane.

Creating a CSV Lookup Table

To set up a lookup table backed by a CSV file:

  1. Right-click Lookup Tables and choose Add CSV Lookup Table.

    A menu with options to add lookup tables
  2. In the dialog that opens, enter or browse to the path of your CSV input file. When the column list appears, select the key column(s) for lookups. The other columns are available for use in the assigned scripts and can be populated by the lookup at runtime.

    A window for creating a user-defined lookup with a table listing names, types, and keys

    The lookup table appears in the input pane.

Creating a Database Lookup Table

The following procedure describes how to create a lookup table backed by a JDBC Database.

  1. In the Input pane in the DataMapper view, click the plus sign icon, then select Add DB Lookup Table.

    A menu with options to add a user-defined, CSV, DB, or FlowRef lookup table
  2. The Create DB Lookup dialog appears. In Name field, enter a name for your lookup table.

    A dialog box for creating a database lookup, with fields for name, connection, SQL script, and type
  3. For Connection, select a connection from the dropdown, or click the plus icon to create a new JDBC connection.

  4. If you create a new JDBC connection, Studio displays the Database connection window. In the Available drivers section, click the appropriate driver for your database. This causes Studio to populate the URL field with a generic URL for that driver (for example, clicking MySQL causes jdbc:mysql:localhost:3306/<database name> to appear in the URL field). Edit the URL with the relevant values for your connection, replacing the hostname, port and database name as necessary. Then, fill in the rest of the values according to the image and table below.

    If your preferred database driver is not on the Available drivers list, you can add a new driver manually (see "Available Drivers" in the table below for details).

    Field Description


    Select an available connection from the drop-down menu, or leave blank and complete the other parameters to create a new connection.


    Name for your connection.


    Database user for querying the database.


    Password for the database user.


    URL for the database connection.


    JNDI to use, if appropriate.

    Available drivers

    Database driver to use. Click the desired driver, or use the buttons to the right of the list:

    A plus sign icon to load the driver from a .JAR file

    A circle with a white letter D and a plus sign to manually specify the classname of the JDBC driver.

    A form to define a database connection, complete with fields for connection name, user, password, and URL
  5. Click Validate connection. Studio attempts to communicate with the database and returns a message to indicate success or failure. If you get an error, check your connection parameters and try again.

  6. After successfully validating your connection, click Finish. Studio again displays the Create DB Lookup dialog box shown in Step 2.

  7. In the SQL script field of the Create DB Lookup window, type your SQL query using the table and column you want to search in. Use the ? character to reference the value of the field that you want to search for. This field must correspond to the name of a field in the DataMapper input.

    For example, if you want to search by the value of input field zipCode, you would use the statement SELECT * FROM <table name> WHERE zipCode = ?. During mapping, DataMapper replaces ? `with the actual value of the input field `zipCode, and returns the value of the first database row in which the zipCode column matches the value of the zipCode input field. So if the value of the input field is 94102, the above statement returns the first row obtained by issuing SELECT * FROM <table name> WHERE zipCode = 94102. You can then map the obtained values to your DataMapper output. (See the example for details.)

  8. Click the Generate fields from query button to test your query and to retrieve metadata about the query results from the source database.

    A window for editing the properties of a database lookup, with fields for name, connection, SQL script, and table data

    Alternatively, enter the metadata for your query result manually, using the plus icon to create new fields.

  9. Click OK when finished. Studio adds the lookup table to the Input pane.

Simple Example of DB Lookup

This extremely simple example illustrates the use of database lookups in DataMapper.

In this example, an input CSV file contains customer information including name and last name, street address and ZIP code. DataMapper connects to a database to determine the city in which each customer lives, then adds the city to the output mapping.

This DataMapper example maps from CSV to CSV. The information sources are:

Input CSV File:

John,Doe,11112222,111 The Avenue,94102
Jane,Doe,33334444,222 The Street,95113

Table cities in MySQL database us_zipcodes:

| City          | Zipcode | State |
| San Francisco | 94102   | CA    |
| San Jose      | 95113   | CA    |
| Santa Cruz    | 95062   | CA    |

Use the following steps to reproduce the example:

  1. Add a DataMapper transformer to your flow, then create a CSV-to-CSV mapping, specifying the relevant input CSV file. To create the output fields, use Generate default.

    A workflow mapping input and output CSV arguments
  2. In the DataMapper Input pane, right-click Lookup Tables, then select Add DB Lookup Table.

  3. In the DB Lookup creation window, configure the connection parameters as explained in the instructions above.

  4. After creating and verifying your database connection, enter the SQL script for database lookup. For this example, the script is as follows:

    select * from cities where zipCode = ?
  5. In the database lookup creation editor, click Generate fields from query. DataMapper queries the database and retrieves the fields in the table.

    A window for editing the properties of a database lookup, with fields for name, connection, SQL script, and table data
  6. Click OK. After creating the DB lookup, notice that DataMapper’s Input pane displays the fields that it retrieved from the database, as shown below. You can now map these fields to output fields in the mapping.

    A table showing data fields with a data type of string for a CSV file and a lookup database
  7. Map the input fields to their corresponding output fields. Do not map the zipCode field.

  8. In DataMapper’s Output mapping pane, add a new field called City, of type string.

  9. Map the input field City to the output field City. DataMapper displays the Lookup assignment editor, shown below.

    A window for setting up lookup assignment properties, with fields for lookup name, element not found behavior, and search keys
  10. In the Lookup assignment editor shown above, you need to add a lookup search key. This is the key that DataMapper uses to retrieve the relevant value from the database – in this case, you have the zipCode and need to retrieve City. To add the key, click the empty space in the Expression column next to arg_1. DataMapper displays a drop-down menu with the available expressions. In this example, select zipCode.

    A dropdown menu with options for search key expressions
    To use more than one lookup search key, click the plus icon to add additional keys. Studio inserts these additional keys into the SQL statement in order.
  11. Click OK. At this point, the mapping is complete. Running a preview of the mapping gives the following result:

    "John","Doe","11112222","111 The Avenue","94102","San Francisco"
    "Jane","Doe","33334444","222 The Street","95113","San Jose"

Creating a FlowRef Lookup Table

  1. In the Input pane in the DataMapper view, click the plus sign icon, then select Add FlowRef Lookup Table.

    A dropdown menu with options to add a FlowRef lookup table, a CSV lookup table, a DB lookup table, a user-defined lookup table, an input argument, a rule, and a metadata field
  2. In the Create FlowRef Lookup configuration window, edit the fields according to the table below. Use the add and delete icons to add or remove fields for the lookup table. To edit a field, click its value in the editor, type the new value, then press Enter.

    Parameter Description Configuration window image


    User-defined name for the FlowRef lookup table.

    A window featuring a form for the creation of a FlowRef lookup

    Flow Name

    Drop-down menu displays the available flows to select.

  3. Click OK to save your changes.

  4. After you have defined your lookup table, DataMapper displays the input and output attributes in the Lookup Tables section of the Input pane.

    A table with the columns setDiscount, applyDiscount, and price
  5. Double-click an existing table’s name in the Input pane to edit. For example, to edit the setDiscount lookup table displayed above, double-click setDiscount.

Using a Lookup Output in a Mapping

To map the output attribute of a lookup table to an output field in a mapping:

  1. click and drag the output attribute of the lookup table to the corresponding field in the output pane. Edit the fields in the Lookup assignment window according to the table below.

    Parameter Description Configuration window image

    Lookup name

    Name of the lookup, by default the name of the lookup table.

    A window for setting up lookup assignment properties with a name, search key, and options for handling elements not found

    On element not found

    Two options:

    Ignore (keep on mapping): If a lookup table key is not found, DataMapper continues mapping the remaining fields

    Fail (mapping stops): If a lookup table key is not found, DataMapper aborts mapping.

    Lookup Search Key

    Name of the key, and expression to assign to it. To select an expression to which to assign a key, click the empty space under Expression, then select between the available input fields.

  2. Click OK to save your changes.

  3. The DataMapper view displays lookup table mappings with a double-dotted line, highlighted below.

    A curved line that visually represents the connection between input and output arguments

    In the example displayed above, lookup table test invokes another flow, which returns the value of the field third. The lookup table assigns this value to the key field1. DataMapper incorporates the value of field1 as an input field, then maps it to the output field third.