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Anypoint CLI 4.x List of Commands

Anypoint Platform Accounts

Command Description

Show details of a business group

Lists business groups

Create new environment

Delete an environment

Shows details of an environment

Lists environments

Show account details

API Catalog

Command Description

Configures autocompletion for API Catalog commands

Creates or deletes a credentials configuration file

Creates a descriptor file

Updates a descriptor file

Publishes assets to Exchange

API Governance




Evaluates filter criteria to determine which rulesets apply to APIs that meet that criteria


Inspects an API specification and lists its schemas


Validates an API specification against a specified governance ruleset


Creates the documentation file for a governance ruleset definition


Creates an active governance profile


Deletes a governance profile


Lists information for a specific governance profile ID


Lists all governance profiles for an organization


Updates a governance profile


Clones a governance ruleset and applies specified updates to rules


Lists ruleset rules


Initializes a governance ruleset definition based on a data schema


Validates a governance ruleset definition’s format

API Manager

Command Description

Creates an API instance alert

Lists alerts for an API instance

Lists the autodiscovery properties

Changes the asset version for an API instance by choosing a new version from Exchange

Classifies an API instance in a given environment

Deletes an API

Deploys an API to CloudHub, CloudHub2, Hybrid Server, or Runtime Fabric

Deprecates an API instance

Shows details of an API

Downloads the API proxy ZIP file to a local directory

Edits an API instance

Lists all APIs in API Manager 2.x

Manages a new API, API version, or new API instance with an asset from Exchange

Promotes an API instance from source environment

Redeploys an API to CloudHub, CloudHub2, Hybrid Server, or Runtime Fabric

Undeprecates an API instance

Deletes a given API contract

Lists all contracts to a given API instance

Applies a policy to a given API instance

Shows the description and available configuration properties of a given policy template

Disables policy from a given API instance

Edits the policy configuration of a given API instance

Enables a policy on a given API instance

Lists policies

Removes a policy from a given API instance

Creates an SLA tier

Copies an SLA tier from source to a target API instance

Deletes an SLA tier from an API instance

Lists the SLA tiers of an API instance

Cloudhub 2.0

Command Description

Deletes an application

Describes an application

Deploys an application to a specified target using an Exchange application and runs the specified runtime version

Downloads logs of an application from a specification to a specified directory

Lists all applications in an organization

Modifies a deployed application

Starts a stopped application

Stops running an application

Tails an application’s logs from a specification

Cloudhub Apps

Command Description

Describes the history of the alarm

Lists all alerts in the environment

Copies a CloudHub application

Deletes an application

Deploys a new application

Shows application details

Download application logs to specified directory

Lists all applications in the environment

Modifies an existing application, optionally updating the ZIP file

Restarts a running application

Starts an application

Stops a running application

Tail application logs

Lists all supported regions

Lists all available runtimes

Cloudhub Dedicated Load Balancers

Command Description

Adds an IP or range of IPs to the load balancer allowlist

Removes an IP or range of IPs from the load balancer allowlist

Creates a load balancer

Deletes a load balancer

Shows load balancer details

Disables dynamic IPs

Enables dynamic IPs

Lists all load balancers in an organization

Adds a proxy mapping rule at the specified index

Lists the proxy mapping rules for a load balancer

Removes a proxy mapping rule

Adds an additional certificate to an existing load balancer

Shows the load balancer configuration for a particular certificate

Removes a certificate from a load balancer

Sets the default certificate that the load balancer will serve

Starts a load balancer

Stops a load balancer

Cloudhub Anypoint VPCs

Command Description

Shares an Anypoint VPC with a list of Business Groups

Shares an Anypoint VPC with a list of Business Groups

Creates a new Anypoint VPC

Deletes an existing Anypoint VPC

Show Anypoint VPC details

Sets the domain names that are resolved using your internal DNS servers

Clears the list domain names that are resolved using your internal DNS servers

Modifies the Anypoint VPC association to Runtime Manager environments

Modifies the Anypoint VPC association to Runtime Manager environments

Adds a firewall rule for Mule applications in this Anypoint VPC

Shows firewall rule for Mule applications in this Anypoint VPC

Removes a firewall rule for Mule applications in this Anypoint VPC

Lists all Anypoint VPCs

Datagraph Load Balancer

Command Description

Adds a dedicated load balancer configuration to Anypoint DataGraph

Displays a dedicated load balancer configuration for Anypoint DataGraph

Removes a dedicated load balancer configuration from Anypoint DataGraph

Design Center

Command Description

Creates a new Design Center project

Deletes a Design Center project

Downloads the content of a Design Center project

Lists all Design Center projects

Publishes a Design Center project to Exchange

Uploads the content of a project to Design Center

Exchange Assets

Command Description

Copies an Exchange asset

Deletes an asset from Exchange

Deprecates an asset

Shows a given asset’s information

Downloads an Exchange asset

Lists all assets

Modifies an Exchange asset

Modifies mutable data of an existing Exchange asset

Deletes an asset’s description page from Exchange

Downloads an asset’s description page from Exchange

List all pages for a given asset

Changes an asset’s description page from Exchange

Updates an asset’s description page from Exchange

Uploads an asset’s description page from Exchange

Deletes resource from the asset portal

Downloads resource from the asset portal

Lists published resources in the asset portal

Uploads a resource to an asset portal

Undeprecates an asset

Modifies the status of an existing asset

Uploads an Exchange asset using Exchange Experience API

Exchange commands are currently not available for GovCloud.

Hybrid Applications

For the Anypoint Platform CLI to recognize your target servers, each server must be manually registered with the platform.
Command Description

Downloads a standalone application artifact binary

Copies a standalone application

Deletes a standalone application

Deploys or redeploys an application to an on-premises server, server group, or cluster

Shows detailed information for a standalone application

Lists all standalone applications in the environment

Changes a standalone application artifact

Restarts a standalone application

Starts a standalone application

Stops a standalone application

Alerts for Hybrid Applications

Command Description

Creates new alert for standalone runtime

Describes an alert

Lists all alerts for standalone runtimes in the environment

Modifies alert for standalone runtime

Local Servers

Command Description

Describes server

Deletes server

Changes an standalone application artifact

Modifies server

Gets server registration token. This token needs to be used to register a new server

Local Server Groups

Command Description

Adds server to a server group

Creates server group from servers

Describes server group

Deletes server group

Lists all server groups in the environment

Modifies server group

Removes server from a server group

Local Server Clusters

Command Description

Adds server to cluster

Creates new cluster

Describes server cluster

Deletes cluster

Modifies cluster

Lists all clusters in the environment

Removes server from a cluster