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Troubleshooting Anypoint CLI

If you encounter errors when attempting to run Anypoint CLI commands, troubleshoot them as follows.

Before You Begin Troubleshooting

Ensure you’re using the latest version of anypoint-cli-v4. If not, install the latest version before continuing. See Installing Anypoint CLI 4.x.

Status Code 409 Error When Uploading

The error Request failed with status code 409 when using the exchange asset upload command to publish a ruleset might occur when you’re attempting to upload a duplicate asset.

To resolve this issue:

  • Change the command to specify a unique ruleset asset identifier by doing one of the following:

    • Publish a new version of the ruleset by changing the version part of the asset identifier. For example, change 1.0.0 to 1.0.1.

      Here is an example updated command:

      anypoint-cli-v4 exchange asset upload my-auth-best-practices/1.0.1 --name "My Best Practices Ruleset" --description "This ruleset enforces my best practices for APIs." --files='{"ruleset.yaml":"/myRulesetFolder/mynewruleset.yaml","docs.zip":"/myRulesetFolder/ruleset.doc.zip"}'
    • Publish a new asset by changing the asset ID part of the asset identifier. For example, change my-auth-best-practices to my-new-auth-best-practices.

      Here is an example updated command:

      anypoint-cli-v4 exchange asset upload my-new-auth-best-practices/1.0.0 --name "My Best Practices Ruleset" --description "This ruleset enforces my best practices for APIs." --files='{"ruleset.yaml":"/myRulesetFolder/mynewruleset.yaml","docs.zip":"/myRulesetFolder/ruleset.doc.zip"}'

Error Determining Asset Type

The error Could not determine asset type, step: Publishing asset when using the exchange asset upload command to publish a ruleset or other asset might occur when you:

  • Specify a --type flag and more than one file type in one or more --files flags.

    If you’re uploading multiple files, omit the --type flag to let Anypoint CLI infer the correct file type from the classifier.packaging in each --files flag.

  • Specify a --type flag that conflicts with the asset type Anypoint CLI infers.

    Verify that the classifier.packaging and file name values in your --files flag options are correct and that they match the asset type you specified in the --type flag.

  • Include properties in exchange.json or --properties that are incorrect.

    The exchange.json file is optional when uploading an asset because the CLI includes or infers required properties from parameters, flags, and options. If you download a ruleset project to base your custom ruleset on, do one of the following before uploading your custom ruleset:

    • Remove the exchange.json file from your working folder or project.

    • Update the properties in the exchange.json file to match your custom ruleset’s asset ID, name, main file, and so on.

Unable to Publish

A non-specific publishing error similar to unable to publish might occur when you use the exchange asset upload command to upload your custom ruleset and its documentation.

If you attempt to upload an asset using the wrong command syntax, you might inadvertently publish it as the wrong asset type. You can’t republish the asset with the same asset ID as a different asset type.

To republish the ruleset in this situation, fix the syntax, change the asset ID, and try uploading again. For example, change my-auth-best-practices to my-new auth-best-practices.

Here is an example updated command:

anypoint-cli-v4 exchange asset upload my-new-auth-best-practices/1.0.0 --name "My Best Practices Ruleset" --description "This ruleset enforces my best practices for APIs." --files='{"ruleset.yaml":"/myRulesetFolder/mynewruleset.yaml","docs.zip":"/myRulesetFolder/ruleset.doc.zip"}'

Miscellaneous Errors

Anypoint CLI parses commands for specific information, and if the CLI doesn’t recognize or correctly interpret the command, the error message might be misleading or vague. To troubleshoot these errors:

  • Ensure that you’re entering the command flags and options as documented.

  • Ensure that you have specified everything in the command using the proper case, including the command itself, flags, classifiers, options, folder names, and file names. Commands are case-sensitive.

  • Ensure that there are no curly, or smart, quotation marks in your command. Replace any curly quotation marks with straight quotation marks (' or ").

  • Ensure that you’re entering your information in option values. You can’t run most command examples verbatim. You must use your values for parameters and options, including organization ID, environment ID, host ID, asset identifier GAV (group ID/asset ID/version), and folder and file names.

  • Ensure that you’re specifying the proper folders for files in the command or that you have changed to the working directory where they’re located.

  • Search the MuleSoft Help CenterLeaving the Site for similar errors.

Windows Command Syntax

Some commands that include special characters like backslashes \ or pipes | don’t behave as expected on Windows systems because Windows Command Prompt interprets these characters in a different way.

+ To use the commands successfully: * For file paths, replace single backslashes (\) with double backslashes (\\). * To use pipes (|) in commands, add a caret (^) before them.


Original command:

api-mgr:policy:apply --config '{\"username\":\"user\",\"password\":\"test\"}'

Modified command for Windows:

api-mgr:policy:apply --config '{\\"username\\":\\"user\\",\\"password\\":\\"test\\"}'

Escape the JSON text using the backslash character (\). For example, change " and / to \" and \/.

Here is an example updated command:

anypoint-cli-v4 exchange asset upload my-auth-best-practices/1.0.0 --name "My Best Practices Ruleset" --description "This ruleset enforces my best practices for APIs." --files='{\"ruleset.yaml\":\"\/myRulesetFolder\/mynewruleset.yaml\",\"docs.zip\":\"\/myRulesetFolder\/ruleset.doc.zip\"}'