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Installing Anypoint CLI 4.x

You must install Anypoint CLI from npm before you can run the commands. Use the following guidelines to install:

  1. Install the prerequisite software before proceeding with the Anypoint CLI installation.

  2. Install the Anypoint CLI 4.x package, which includes all of the default plugins.

  3. Install nondefault plugins or new versions of default plugins if needed after you have installed Anypoint CLI 4.x.

  4. Verify the installation.

  5. Optionally uninstall plugins you do not use or uninstall the Anypoint CLI from a system where it is no longer used.

Before You Begin

The Anypoint CLI is built with Node.js and is installed by using npm, the package manager for the Node JavaScript platform.

Versions required are as follows:

  • Node.js version 16.0.0 to 18.14.0

  • npm version 7 or later

To install the prerequisite software:

Depending on the configuration of your system, you might need to log in using administrator credentials before you can successfully run the npm commands.

Install the Core Package and Default Plugins

Run the following command to install the Anypoint CLI core package and all default plugins. See List of Plugins.

npm install -g anypoint-cli-v4

Install a Plugin Separately

After installing the Anypoint CLI 4.x core package, you can install nondefault plugins or new versions of default plugins as follows:

anypoint-cli-v4 plugins:install <plugin-name>

For example, to install the account plugin, use the following command:

anypoint-cli-v4 plugins:install anypoint-cli-account-plugin

List of Plugins

You can install the following plugins with Anypoint CLI:

Plugin Description


Account command topics


API Manager command topics


CloudHub command topics


Anypoint DataGraph command topics


Design Center command topics


Exchange command topics


API Governance command topics


Runtime Manager command topics


Secrets Manager command topics

Verify the Installation

After you install Anypoint CLI you can verify the installation using commands to:

View the Core Package Version

To view the version of the core package:

anypoint-cli-v4 --version

The output shows the version of the installed core package as follows:

anypoint-cli-v4/1.x.x <OS-version> node-v16.x.x

View the List of Plugins Installed

To verify a plugin installation and view a list of all installed plugins, use the following command:


The output shows the installed plugins under the TOPICS section. The following example shows that only the account plugin is installed:

  anypoint-cli-v4/x.x.x linux-x64 node-v14.17.6

  $ anypoint-cli-v4 [COMMAND]

  account  Show details of a business group. If "name" is omitted, defaults to the current session's business group
  plugins  list installed plugins

  conf     manage configuration
  help     display help for anypoint-cli
  plugins  list installed plugins

View All Version Information

To see the list of installed plugins along with full version information, use the following command:

anypoint-cli-v4 plugins --core

The output shows the version information:

$ anypoint-cli-v4 plugins --core
@oclif/plugin-help 5.1.15 (core)
@oclif/plugin-not-found 2.3.4 (core)
@oclif/plugin-plugins 2.1.2 (core)
@oclif/plugin-version 1.1.3 (core)
anypoint-cli-account-plugin 1.0.0 (core)
anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin 1.0.0 (core)
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin 1.0.0 (core)
anypoint-cli-command 1.0.1 (core)
anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin 1.0.2 (core)
anypoint-cli-exchange-plugin 1.0.0 (core)
└─conf-cli 0.1.9 (core)
anypoint-cli-runtime-mgr-plugin 1.0.0 (core)
anypoint-cli-v4 1.0.2 (core)

Uninstall a Plugin

Uninstall plugins if, for example, you want to reduce the number to only those you use regularly.

To uninstall a plugin:

anypoint-cli-v4 plugins:uninstall anypoint-cli-<plugin-name>-plugin

For example, the following command uninstalls the account plugin:

anypoint-cli-v4 plugins:uninstall anypoint-cli-account-plugin

Uninstall Anypoint CLI

You might want to uninstall Anypoint CLI from systems where it is no longer being used.

To uninstall the Anypoint CLI:

npm uninstall -g anypoint-cli-v4