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CLI for Cloudhub 2.0

Use these commands for deploying and managing applications in Cloudhub 2.0. For more information about how to use these commands, refer to the CloudHub documentation.

Command Description

Deletes an application

Describes an application

Deploys an application to a specified target using an Exchange application and runs the specified runtime version

Downloads logs of an application from a specification to a specified directory

Lists all applications in an organization

Modifies a deployed application

Starts a stopped application

Stops running an application

Tails an application’s logs from a specification


> runtime-mgr:application:delete [flags] <appID>

Deletes the running application specified in <appID>. To get this ID, run the runtime-mgr application list command.

This command does not prompt twice before deleting. If you send a delete instruction, it does not ask for confirmation.

This command accepts the default flags.


> runtime-mgr:application:describe [flags] <appID>

Displays information about the application specified in <appID>. To get this ID, run the runtime-mgr application list command.

This command has the --output flag. Use the --output flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table (default) and json.

This command accepts the default flags.


> runtime-mgr:application:deploy <appID> <deploymentTargetID> <runtimeVersion> <artifactID> [flags]

Deploys the application specified in <appID> to the deployment target specified using the following options:

Value Description Example


Artifact ID of the application retrieved from Exchange.

--artifactId mule-test-plugin


ID of the deployment target.
You can get this ID directly from Runtime Manager.

--deploymentTargetId cloudhub-ap-northeast-1


Instance type
Only UBP organizations can use this flag. Non-UBP organizations use the --replicaSize flag

--instanceType 0.5


Name of the application to deploy.

--name testcloudhub2app


Size of replicas in Vcores.
Default: 0.1

--replicaSize 0.5


Runtime version of the deployment target. If you don’t specify a runtime version, CloudHub API deploys the latest version available considering the values you select for --javaVersion and --releaseChannel

--runtimeVersion 4.4.0


Sets an encrypted property.

--secureProperty secureTestProperty:true

In addition to the default flags, this command accepts the following flags:

Flag Description Example


Version of the Exchange application to use.

--assetVersion 2.0.4


Enables clustered nodes, which requires at least two replicas.



Disables forwarding applications logs to Anypoint Monitoring.
Default: enabled



Enables SSL session forwarding.
Default: disabled



Group ID of the asset to deploy.
Default: selected organization ID

--groupId org.mule.test


Enables Last Mile Security.
Default: disabled



Enables Object Store v2.
Default: disabled



Set the name of the Java version to be used for the selected Mule version. Supported values are 8 and 17. If you do not specify a value, CloudHub API imposes the default value. The default Java version for Mule 4.6 and earlier versions is '8'. If you don’t specify a Mule version, the default Mule version for the selected Java version is used. If the Java version you select is not available for the specified Mule version, you get an error.

--javaVersion 8


Supplies the base path expected by the HTTP listener in your application.
Format: must begin with /

--pathRewrite /http://localhost:3000


Sets a property.
Format: name:value

--property testproperty:true


Replaces all properties with values from a selected file.
Format: one or more lines in name: value style

--propertiesFile /Users/mule/Documents/properties.txt


Supplies endpoints to reach via the public internet.
Format: separated by commas, no spaces

--publicEndpoints my-superapp-example/status?limit=10


Set the name of the release channel to be used for the selected Mule version. Supported values are NONE, EDGE, and LTS. If you do not specify a value, CloudHub API imposes the default value. The default release channel is EDGE. If you don’t specify a Mule version, the default Mule version for the selected release channel is used. If the selected release channel doesn’t exist, you get an error.

--releaseChannel LTS


Number of replicas. Must be above 0.
Default: 1

--replicas 2


Size of replicas in Vcores.
Default: 0.1

--replicaSize 0.5


Defines scope logging.
Format: scopeName: logLevel, separated by commas, no spaces

--scopeLoggingConfig testscope1:WARN,testscope2:DEBUG


Uploads a file to define scope logging.
Format: one tuple per line, style: {scope: scopeName, logLevel: logLevelType} enclosed with {} () or []

--scopeLoggingConfigFile /Users/mule/Documents/cert.txt


Updates the strategy used.
Default: rolling

--updateStrategy recreate

This command has multi-option flags. When using multi-option flags in a command, either put the parameter before the flags or use a `-- ` (two dashes followed by a space) before the parameter.


> runtime-mgr:application:download-logs [flags] <appID> <directory> <specID>

Downloads logs for the application specified in <appID> from the specification specified in <specID> to the selected directory.

To get the <appID>, run the runtime-mgr application list command.

To get the <specID> run the runtime-mgr application describe command.

This command accepts the default flags.


> runtime-mgr:application:list [flags]

Lists all applications in your organization.

This command has the --output flag. Use the --output flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table (default) and json.

This command accepts the default flags.


> runtime-mgr:application:modify <appID> <certificateName> [flags]

Updates the settings of an existing application specified in <appID>. To get the <appID>, run the runtime-mgr application list command.

In addition to the default flags, this command accepts the following flags:

Flag Description Example


ID of the application retrieved from Exchange.

--artifactId mule-maven-plugin


Version of the Exchange application to use.

--assetVersion 2.0.4


Enables clustered nodes, which requires at least two replicas.
Default: disabled



Disables forwarding applications logs to Anypoint Monitoring.
Default: enabled



Enables SSL session forwarding.
Default: disabled



Group ID of the asset to deploy.
Default: selected organization ID.

--groupId org.mule.testgroup


Instance type
Only UBP organizations can use this flag. Non-UBP organizations use the --replicaSize flag

--instanceType 0.5


Enables Last Mile Security.
Default: disabled



Enables object store v2.
Default: disabled



Supplies the base path expected by the HTTP listener in your application.
Format: must begin with /

--pathRewrite /http://localhost:3000.


Sets a property.
Format: name:value

--property testproperty:true


Replaces all properties with values from a selected file.
Format: one or more lines in name: value style

--propertiesFile /Users/mule/Documents/properties.txt


Supplies endpoints to reach via the public internet.
Format: separated by commas, no spaces

--publicEndpoints my-superapp-example/status?limit=10


Number of replicas. Must be above 0.
Default: 1

--replicas 2


Size of replicas in Vcores.
Default: 0.1

--replicaSize 0.5


Runtime version of the deployment target.

--runtimeVersion 4.4.0


Sets an encripted property.

--secureProperty secureTestProperty:true


Defines scope logging.
Format: scopeName: logLevel, separated by commas, no spaces

--scopeLoggingConfig testscope1:WARN,testscope2:DEBUG


Uploads a file to define scope logging.
Format: 1 tuple per line, style: {scope: scopeName, logLevel: logLevelType} enclosed with {} () or []

--scopeLoggingConfigFile /Users/mule/Documents/cert.txt


Updates the strategy used.
Default: rolling

--updateStrategy recreate

This command has multi-option flags. When using multi-option flags in a command, either put the parameter before the flags or use a `-- ` (two dashes followed by a space) before the parameter.


> runtime-mgr:application:start [flags] <appid>

Starts running the application specified in <appid>. To get this ID, run the runtime-mgr application list command.

This command accepts the default flags.


> runtime-mgr:application:stop [flags] <appID>

Stops running the application specified in <appID>. To get this ID, run the runtime-mgr application list command.

This command accepts the default flags.


> runtime-mgr:application:logs [flags] <appID> <specID>

Tails application logs for the application specificied in <appID> from the specification specified in <specID>.

To get the <appID>, run the runtime-mgr application list command.

To get the <specID>, run the runtime-mgr application describe command.

This command accepts the default flags.