CLI for Exchange Assets
Use the exchange
commands to automate your Exchange processes. For more information about how to use these commands, refer to the Exchange documentation.
Command | Description |
Copies an Exchange asset |
Deletes an asset from Exchange |
Deprecates an asset |
Shows a given asset’s information |
Downloads an Exchange asset |
Lists all assets |
Modifies an Exchange asset |
Modifies mutable data of an existing Exchange asset |
Deletes an asset’s description page from Exchange |
Downloads an asset’s description page from Exchange |
List all pages for a given asset |
Changes an asset’s description page from Exchange |
Updates an asset’s description page from Exchange |
Uploads an asset’s description page from Exchange |
Deletes resource from the asset portal |
Downloads resource from the asset portal |
Lists published resources in the asset portal |
Uploads a resource to an asset portal |
Undeprecates an asset |
Modifies the status of an existing asset |
Uploads an Exchange asset using Exchange Experience API |
Exchange commands are currently not available for GovCloud. |
> exchange:asset:copy [flags] <source> <target>
Copies the Exchange asset from <source>
to <target>
Arguments <source>
and <target>
should be formatted as follows: ([group_id]/)<asset_id>/<version>
If group_id
is not specified, it defaults to the currently selected Organization ID
In addition to the default flags, this command accepts the following flags:
Flag | Description | Example |
Organization ID to copy asset into |
> exchange:asset:delete [flags] <assetIdentifier>
Deletes the Exchange asset passed in <assetIdentifier>
This command does not prompt twice before deleting. If you send a delete instruction, it does not ask for confirmation. |
Argument assetIdentifier
should be formatted as follows: ([group_id]/)<asset_id>/<version>
If group_id
is not specified, it defaults to the currently selected Organization ID
This command accepts the default flag --help
> exchange:asset:deprecate <assetIdentifier>
Deprecates the asset passed in <assetIdentifier>
Argument assetIdentifier
should be formatted as follows: ([group_id]/)<asset_id>/<version>
If group_id
is not specified, it defaults to the currently selected Organization ID
This command accepts the default flags.
> exchange:asset:describe <assetIdentifier>
Describes the asset passed in <assetIdentifier>
Argument assetIdentifier
should be formatted as follows: ([group_id]/)<asset_id>/<version>
If group_id
is not specified, it defaults to the currently selected Organization ID
This command accepts the --output
flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table
(default) and json
This command accepts the default flags.
> exchange:asset:download [flags] <assetIdentifier> <directory>
Downloads the Exchange asset identified with <assetIdentifier>
to the directory passed in <directory>
Argument assetIdentifier
should be formatted as follows: ([group_id]/)<asset_id>/<version>
If group_id
is not specified, it defaults to the currently selected Organization ID
This command accepts the default flags.
> exchange:asset:list [flags] [searchText]
Lists all assets in Exchange
You can specify keywords in searchText to limit results to APIs containing those specific keywords. |
In addition to the default flags, this command accepts the following flags:
Flag | Description | Example |
Number of results to retrieve |
Offsets the number of APIs passed |
Filters by organization id |
Specifies the response format. |
> exchange:asset:modify [flags] <assetIdentifier>
Modifies the Exchange asset identified with <assetIdentifier>
Argument assetIdentifier
should be formatted as follows: ([group_id]/)<asset_id>/<version>
If group_id
is not specified, it defaults to the currently selected Organization ID
In addition to the default flags, this command accepts the following flags:
Flag | Description | Example |
New asset name |
Comma-separated tags for the asset |
> exchange:asset:mutableDataUpload [flags] <assetIdentifier>
Modifies the mutable data of an already created asset, including tags, categories, fields, and documentation
Argument assetIdentifier
should be formatted as follows: [<groupID>]/<assetID>/<version>
If group_id
is not specified, it defaults to the currently selected Organization ID
In addition to the default flags, this command accepts the following flags:
Flag | Description | Example |
Documentation file (Should specify the "zip" file path) |
Categories |
Fields |
Tags (comma-separated) |
> exchange:asset:page:delete [flags] <assetIdentifier> <pageName>
Deletes the description page specified in <pageName>
, for the asset identified with <assetIdentifier>
This command does not prompt twice before deleting. If you send a delete instruction, it does not ask for confirmation. |
This command only supports published pages. |
Argument assetIdentifier
should be formatted as follows: ([group_id]/)<asset_id>/<version>
If group_id
is not specified, it defaults to the currently selected Organization ID
This command accepts the default flags.
> exchange:asset:page:download [flags] <assetIdentifier> <directory> [pageName]
Downloads the description page specified in <pageName>
for the Exchange asset identified with <assetIdentifier>
to the directory passed in <directory>
If [pageName] is not specified, this command downloads all pages.
This command only supports published pages. |
Argument assetIdentifier
should be formatted as follows: ([group_id]/)<asset_id>/<version>
If group_id
is not specified, it defaults to the currently selected Organization ID
The description page is downloaded in Markdown format.
This command accepts the default flags.
> exchange:asset:page:list <assetIdentifier>
Lists all pages for the asset passed in <assetIdentifier>
Argument assetIdentifier
should be formatted as follows: ([group_id]/)<asset_id>/<version>
If group_id
is not specified, it defaults to the currently selected Organization ID
This command only supports published pages. |
This command accepts the --output
flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table
(default) and json
This command accepts the default flags.
> exchange:asset:page:modify [flags] <assetIdentifier> <pageName>
Modifies the description page specified in <pageName>
, for the Exchange asset identified with <assetIdentifier>
This command only supports published pages. |
Argument assetIdentifier
should be formatted as follows: ([group_id]/)<asset_id>/<version>
If group_id
is not specified, it defaults to the currently selected Organization ID
This command accepts the --name
flag to set a new asset page name.
This command accepts the default flags.
> exchange:asset:page:update [flags] <assetIdentifier> <pageName> <mdPath>
Updates the content of an asset description page from the path passed in <mdPath>
using the name specified in <pageName>
to the Exchange asset identified with <assetIdentifier>
Naming the page "home" makes the updated page the main description page for the Exchange asset.
This command publishes all active drafts as part of the operation. |
Argument assetIdentifier
should be formatted as follows: [group_id]/<asset_id>/<version>
If group_id
is not specified, it defaults to the currently selected Organization ID
This command accepts the default flags.
> exchange:asset:page:upload [flags] <assetIdentifier> <pageName> <mdPath>
Uploads an asset description page from the path passed in <mdPath>
using the name specified in <pageName>
to the Exchange asset identified with <assetIdentifier>
Naming the page "home" makes the uploaded page the main description page for the Exchange asset.
This command publishes all active drafts as part of the operation. |
Argument assetIdentifier
should be formatted as follows: [group_id]/<asset_id>/<version>
If group_id
is not specified, it defaults to the currently selected Organization ID
This command accepts the default flags.
> exchange:asset:resource:delete [flags] <assetIdentifier> <resourcePath>
Deletes the resource specified in <resourcePath>
from the asset portal of the asset specified in <assetIdentifier>
by publishing a new portal in which resourcePath
has been deleted.
Argument <assetIdentifier>
should be formatted as follows: [group_id]/<asset_id>/<version>
If group_id
is not specified, it defaults to the currently selected Organization ID
Argument <resourcePath>
must be a published resource
You can list all published resources using the asset resource list command.
This command publishes all active drafts as part of the operation. |
This command accepts the default flags.
> exchange:asset:resource:download [flags] <assetIdentifier> <resourcePath> <filePath>
Downloads the published resource specified in <resourcePath>
from the asset portal of the asset specified in <assetIdentifier>
to the file specified in <filePath>
Argument assetIdentifier
should be formatted as follows: [group_id]/<asset_id>/<version>
If group_id
is not specified, it defaults to the currently selected Organization ID
Argument <resourcePath>
must be a published resource
You can list all published resources using the asset resource list command.
This command only supports published resources. |
This command accepts the default flags.
> exchange:asset:resource:list [flags] <assetIdentifier>
Lists the resources in the asset portal of the asset specified in <assetIdentifier>
Argument assetIdentifier
should be formatted as follows: [group_id]/<asset_id>/<version>
If group_id
is not specified, it defaults to the currently selected Organization ID
This command lists published resources by default. |
This command accepts the --draft
flag to list non-published resources in the asset portal.
Prompt the --output
flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table
(default) and json
This command accepts the default flags.
> exchange:asset:resource:upload [flags] <assetIdentifier> <filepath>
Uploads the resource specified in <filepath>
to a page in the asset portal described in <assetIdentifier>
You can use this command for any page of your <assetIdentifier>
Supported file extensions for <filepath>
are: jpeg
, jpg
, jpe
, gif
, bmp
, png
, webp
, ico
, svg
, tiff
, tif
The argument assetIdentifier
should be formatted as follows: [group_id]/<asset_id>/<version>
If group_id
is not specified, it defaults to the currently selected Organization ID
The successful output command will be a markdown codesnippet.
This command accepts the default flags.
> exchange:asset:undeprecate <assetIdentifier>
Undeprecates the asset passed in <assetIdentifier>
Argument assetIdentifier
should be formatted as follows: ([group_id]/)<asset_id>/<version>
If group_id
is not specified, it defaults to the currently selected Organization ID
This command accepts the default flags.
> exchange:asset:updateStatus [flags] <assetIdentifier>
Modifies the status of an already created asset
Argument assetIdentifier
should be formatted as follows: ([group_id]/)<asset_id>/<version>
If group_id
is not specified, it defaults to the currently selected Organization ID
In addition to the default flags, this command accepts the following flags:
Flag | Description | Example |
Asset status Supported Values:
Valid transitions are:
From | To |
the published state corresponds to the stable state
> exchange:asset:upload [flags] <assetIdentifier>
Uploads a rest-api, soap-api, http-api, raml-fragment, custom, app, template, example, policy, extension, external-library, connector asset, or ruleset using the ID passed in <assetIdentifier>
Argument assetIdentifier
should be formatted as follows: ([group_id]/)<asset_id>/<version>
If group_id
is not specified, it defaults to the currently selected Organization ID
In addition to the default flags, this command accepts the following flags:
Flag | Description | Example |
Categories (value should be a string in JSON format) |
Asset dependencies (comma-separated) |
Asset description |
Asset file, identified as |
To upload a POM file and a RAML specification:
To upload a ruleset and its documentation:
Fields (value should be a string in JSON format) |
Keywords (comma-separated) |
Asset name (required if no pom file is specified) |
Asset properties |
Asset status
Tags (comma-separated) |
Asset type Required if no file is specified. Supported Values:
If it is uploaded, the type is inferred from the classifier of the file Depending on the type of asset, some possible classifier values are: