<apikit:config name="apiConfig" raml="api.raml" consoleEnabled="true" consolePath="console"/>
To Expose, Enable, and Disable API Console (Deprecated)
This procedure describes how to expose the API Console by configuring the apikit:config element. The console path, when using this configuration, is part of the api namespace, specified in the listener of the main flow. Ff the api is configured in /api, the console is accessed by hitting /api/console. This causes problems when applying policies to the whole api, as the console is affected by the policies. This method of disabling API Console is deprecated.
To expose API Console, configure the apikit:config element:
To Enable or Disable API Console
To enable/disable the console when exposing the API as described above, use the consoleEnabled property.
Add a conditional expression in the api-console flow as shown in the following example:
<flow name="api-console"> <http:listener config-ref="api-httpListenerConfig" path="/console/*" doc:name="HTTP"/> <choice doc:name="Choice"> <when expression="${test}"> <apikit:console config-ref="api-config" doc:name="APIkit Console"/> </when> <otherwise> <set-payload value="Resource not found" doc:name="Set Payload"/> </otherwise> </choice> </flow>
Define the
property in mule-app.properties. -
Set the
property to true or false to enable/disable the console.