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Enforcing the Output MediaType

The Result object allows you to set the output mimeType. However, this setting is optional (SDK developers are not forced to set the mimeType).

However, there are some cases in which it is mandatory to specify the output mimeType of an operation:

  • When the operation returns a String.

  • When the operation returns an InputStream.

This restriction is not arbitrary. Mule 4 uses DataWeave as its expression language, so users do not need to worry about the format of the data. They only need to concern themselves with the its structure. However, this means that DataWeave must be able to determine the media type of all the values carried on the Mule Message.

The SDK automatically handles most of the work needed for DataWeave to have that information automatically, but when the operation returns a generic type such as String, it is impossible to know if the data is supposed to be in JSON, XML, or even plain text format. The same thing happens with InputStream: it could be a stream of JSON, XML, or CSV, or it could be binary information. In either case, the SDK needs help from a developer to know this in design time.

The @MediaType annotation exists for this purpose. Every source or operation that returns a String or an InputStream is forced to have this annotation, even if the specified mediaType is /.

For example, suppose you are developing an operation that returns information about a customer. Also suppose that this operation returns the information in XML format. You can do this:

public String getCustomerInfo(String customerId) {
  return fetchCustomerXml(customerId);

Or suppose you are developing a video streaming module that returns videos in mp4 format:

public InputStream getVideo(String videoId) {
  return getVideoStream(videoId);
The @MediaType annotation defines a set of constants with the most common media types. However, as shown in the video media type example, you can use whatever custom `mediaType `you need.

Strict False Media Types

In the examples above, it is impossible for operations to return a media type other than the one specified. In other cases, you might know what the media type is most likely to be, or you simply do not know what the mediaType is. For these cases, the @MediaType annotation has a strict = false option.

Variable Media Type

Returning to the example that gets a customer information operation, suppose that the service to which you are connecting returns XML by default, but you could also configure your particular account to use a different format instead. Also suppose there is no way for you to know this beforehand. You can do this:

@MediaType(value = MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, strict = false)
public String getCustomerInfo(String customerId) {
  return fetchCustomerXml(customerId);

Setting the strict parameter to false automatically adds an outputMimeType parameter to the operation. This parameter allows the module’s user to manually override the mimeType. So, users who know that their account and are configured to use JSON can do this:

<customers:get-customer-info customerId="999" outputMimeType="application/JSON" />

Unknown Media Type

Consider the case of an HTTP request. Depending on which endpoint you hit, the obtained media type changes. Because you do not know which media type you will get, you use the ANY (/) one.

@MediaType(value =  "*/*", strict = false)
public InputStream request(String path) {
  return httpClient.request(path);

Again, the strict = false attribute allows the end user to manually set the mimeType depending on the endpoint:

<http:request path="/customer/999" outputMimeType="application/JSON" />
The outputMimeType parameter that is automatically added is optional and has no default. The user can just leave it blank. In that case, the SDK uses the media type you set in the annotation.