public enum SimpleError implements ErrorTypeDefinition<SimpleError> {
Errors Definition
In Mule, errors are a way of communicating that something went wrong and providing meaningful information so that a user can take corrective action depending on the kind of error that was thrown.
See About Error Handling for more detail.
Defining Module Errors
The first step is to define all the errors that can be thrown by a Module. To do so, you define an enum
that implements the ErrorTypeDefinition
Each value defined in this enum
is considered to be an Error.
Errors Hierarchy
Module errors can only inherit from errors of the same module (values of the same enum
) or Mule errors. Mule errors are defined
in org.mule.runtime.extension.api.error.MuleErrors
Note that any error that does not define a parent error automatically inherits from MULE:ANY
public enum HierarchalError implements ErrorTypeDefinition<HierarchalError> {
private ErrorTypeDefinition<? extends Enum<?>> parent;
HierarchalError(ErrorTypeDefinition<? extends Enum<?>> parent) {
this.parent = parent;
HierarchalError() {
public Optional<ErrorTypeDefinition<? extends Enum<?>>> getParent() {
return Optional.ofNullable(parent);
Registering Errors in the Module
The @Extension
annotated class should be annotated with @ErrorTypes
to indicate which errors a Module handles. This annotation references an ErrorTypeDefinition
containing the defined errors.
@Extension(name = "Foo")
@Xml(prefix = "test-connector")
public class FooExtension {
// Content
Specifying Errors That Can Be Thrown
After declaring all the possible errors in your Module, you need to provide the information that binds the errors with the Operations that can throw them.
To do that, you need to implement an ErrorTypeProvider
, which is a class that
communicates the errors that can be thrown by an Operation.
public class ExecuteErrorsProvider implements ErrorTypeProvider {
public Set<ErrorTypeDefinition> getErrorTypes() {
HashSet<ErrorTypeDefinition> errors = new HashSet<>();
return errors;
After defining the ErrorTypeProvider
, you must bind it with the proper
Operation. You bind it using the @Throws
annotation at the Operation level, for example:
public void execute(){
// operation body
In the Studio, an operation that is annotated with @Throws
annotated Operation will provide a hint to the user about the errors the operation can throw:

The XML looks like this:
<flow name="flowName">
<error-handler >
<on-error-continue type="TEST-CONNECTOR:ILLEGAL_ACTION">
<logger level="INFO" message="#[error]"/>
Throwing Errors
Errors are a Mule representation of a Java Exception that is bound to an specific Error.
There is no static binding between Errors and Exceptions. To communicate an
error, the Operation should throw org.mule.runtime.extension.api.exception.ModuleException
child exceptions of this class, indicating in the Constructor the desired ErrorTypeDefinition
to throw.
public void execute(){
try {
throw new IllegalStateException();
} catch (IllegalStateException e){
throw new ModuleException(HierarchalErrors.ILLEGAL_ACTION, e);
Also, a recommended practice is to wrap this logic inside new exception classes:
public final class IllegalActionException extends ModuleException {
public IllegalActionException(Exception cause) {
super(HierarchalErrors.ILLEGAL_ACTION, cause);
Throwing an Error that is not declared in the ErrorTypeProvider of an
Operation will result in an Unexpected Error Exception. Operations are not allowed to throw undeclared Errors.