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Advanced Sources Settings


Available since version 1.1

You can use this annotation to indicate how the Source behaves when the Mule Runtime is running in Cluster mode, for example:

public class JmsListener extends Source<Object, JmsAttributes> {
// ...

The @ClusterSupport annotation takes a parameter of type SourceClusterSupport, which can take the following values:

  • NOT_SUPPORTED: The source does not support cluster mode, so it only runs on the primary node. If the primary node crashes, a new primary node will be designated, and the source will be started on it.

  • DEFAULT_ALL_NODES: Runs on all the cluster nodes by default, but the user can choose to only run on the primary one.

  • DEFAULT_PRIMARY_NODE_ONLY: Only runs on the primary node by default, but the user can choose to run on all the nodes.

When the selected value is other than NOT_SUPPORTED, a parameter named primaryNodeOnly is automatically added so you can configure whether the source should run in all nodes or just the primary ones.

Notice that when this parameter is added, it will be optional, and its default value will depend on the selected cluster support mode.