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A stereotype is a loose way to classify a component. By assigning a stereotype to a component, you are not implying that it has any specific return type or structure. Instead, you are indicating that it holds something in common with the rest of the components in the same stereotype. You can assign a stereotype to make a parameter belong to the stereotype.

Stereotype Annotation

To assign a stereotype to a component, you must use the @Stereotype annotation along with a StereotypeDefinition class.

You can use the @Stereotype annotation at these levels:

  • At the method level to affect a particular operation.

  • At the class level to assign the stereotype to all the operations defined in that class.

A component can only belong to one stereotype. This means that if the @Stereotype annotation is used on a component, no other annotations can assign a stereotype to it.

For example, a @Validator annotation, which is used to signal that an operation does not change the message and only performs some kind of validation, assigns a stereotype to the operation automatically.

This example uses @Stereotype on operations:

public final class CommonJenkinsOperations {

  public void triggerBuild(String name, Map<String,String> arguments)
      throws Exception {
      // ...

  public void createJobs(String name, Map<String,String> arguments)
      throws Exception {
      // ...

  public Result<JenkinsInformation , JenkinsAttributes> ActiveJobs()
      throws Exception {
      // ...

In this case, all the operations in the class CommonJenkinsOperations will be of the stereotype defined in JenkinsStereotypeDefinition.


This interface provides the stereotype name, namespace, and parent. By default, the namespace is assigned to the extension’s namespace.

Stereotypes have a hierarchy. By default, they do not extend from another stereotype unless specified.

This example show how to define a StereotypeDefinition:

public final class JenkinsStereotypeDefinition extends MuleStereotypeDefinition { (1)

  public String getName() {

  public Optional<StereotypeDefinition> getParent() {
    return Optional.of(PROCESSOR_DEFINITION); (2)

1 The JenkinsStereotypeDefinition class extends from a StereotypeDefinition that knows about more than one StereotypeDefinition like PROCESSOR_DEFINITION.
2 Selects PROCESSOR_DEFINITION that is a StereotypeDefinition defined in MuleStereotypeDefinition as this `StereotypeDefinition’s parent.

AllowedStereotypes Annotation on Parameters

This annotation identifies every StereotypeDefinition that is accepted for a parameter. The value of this annotation is a single value or array of StereotypeDefinition. It can only be applied to parameters of type Chain or Route.

This example enforces a certain stereotype as a parameter:

public class JenkinsScope {

  private static final Logger logger = getLogger(JenkinsScope.class);

  public void jenkinsGroupExecution(@AllowedStereotypes(JenkinsStereotypeDefinition.class) Chain operations,
                  CompletionCallback<Void, Void> callback)
      throws Exception {

    LOGGER.debug("Invoking Jenkins Operations.")
      result -> {
        // Log information about the execution of the operations
      (error, previous) -> {



The Chain that is received can only contain operations with the stereotype defined in JenkinsStereotypeDefinition class.

Configuration Reference

Every configuration has a unique stereotype that is assigned automatically. This stereotype has the following characteristics:

  • Both the name and the namespace are made uppercase, and words are separated by underscores.

  • The namespace is the namespace of the extension, for example, "HTTP" for the HTTP Connector or "JMS" for the JMS Connector.

  • The name is the name of the configuration. For example, the stereotype name of the "requestConfig" configuration will be "REQUEST_CONFIG".

This default stereotype can be overwritten using the @Stereotype annotation.

You can use this stereotype to restrict a String parameter to a name of certain type of configuration by using the @ConfigReference annotation. This annotation requires the name and namespace of the configuration stereotype.

A usage example of this feature:

Developing an extension that uses the HttpService, which requires a HttpRequesterConfig for its use. Then, with the use of the Extension Client, the HttpService will use the actual Configuration.

For example, if the HTTP Connector declares this HttpRequesterConfig:

@Configuration(name = "requestConfig")
public class HttpRequesterConfig {
  // Parameters and getters for the Configuration

And the Web Service Consumer connector is defined like this:

@ConnectionProviders(SoapClientConnectionProvider.class) (1)
@SubTypeMapping(baseType = CustomTransportConfiguration.class, subTypes = CustomHttpTransportConfiguration.class)
@Extension(name = "Web Service Consumer")
@Xml(prefix = "wsc")
public class WebServiceConsumer {
1 This ConnectionProvider holds a parameter that is using the @ConfigReference annotation. Note that the default config is used because the connector does not declare any configuration.

This is part of the declaration of the ConnectionProvider:

public class SoapClientConnectionProvider implements CachedConnectionProvider<SoapClientWrapper> {
  // ...
  private HttpService httpService;
  // ...
  @Placement(tab = "Transport")
  @DisplayName("Transport Configuration")
  private CustomTransportConfiguration customTransportConfiguration;
  // ...

Here is where the @ConfigReference annotation is used:

public class CustomHttpTransportConfiguration implements CustomTransportConfiguration {

  @ConfigReference(namespace = "HTTP", name = "REQUEST_CONFIG") (1)
  private String requesterConfig;

  public MessageDispatcher buildDispatcher(ExtensionsClient client) {
    return new HttpConfigBasedMessageDispatcher(requesterConfig, client); (2)

  public TransportResourceLocator resourceLocator(ExtensionsClient client) {
    return new HttpResourceLocator(requesterConfig, client); (2)
1 The String parameter requesterConfig must take the value of the name of a HttpRequesterConfig.
2 The name of the configuration is used along with the ExtensionsClient