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Sample Data

Sample data enables operations and sources to provide examples of the output they produce. These examples show information obtained from a live system through a connection or the output format from a connectionless example.

Sample data is supported by Mule 4.4.0 or later. However, all Anypoint Connectors can use this feature, regardless of their Mule version.

With sample data, you can:

  • Implement SDK APIs

  • Provide examples using operation parameters

  • Provide examples using configuration and connection


Use SDK APIs to provide sample data, communicate errors, and enhance components.


Implement this API to enhance operations and message sources with sample data that is representative of the data the component outputs in real production scenarios.

Implementations must:

  • Provide a default constructor.

  • Provide samples for both the payload and the message attributes, which return a Result<T,A> object.

    Generic types always match the return types of the enhanced component. For components that return dynamic types, each implementation returns instances of the correct dynamic type. If the operation does not return attributes, use Result<T, Void>.

  • Guarantee that fetching sample data does not generate any significant side effects on the target system.

  • Not be used to return large objects or data streams. The data should fit into the memory of a small worker instance.

Implementations can access parameters, configurations, and connections to generate the sample data through the @Parameter, @Config, and @Connection annotations.

For connectors, implementations are most valuable when returning real data from the system they connect to instead of returning hard-coded values.

The following example illustrates a SampleDataResolver API:

* [...]
* @param <T> the generic type of the output value
* @param <A> the generic type of the message attributes
* @since 1.4
public interface SampleDataProvider<T, A> {

  * An ID that identifies each implementation of this interface. It must be unique among implementations in the same
  * extension. Subsequent invocations must always return the same fixed value.
  * @return the resolver's id
 String getId();

  * Obtains and returns the sample information.
  * @return a {@link Result} object
  * @throws SampleDataException if the sample cannot be obtained
 Result<T, A> getSample() throws SampleDataException;

Streaming is not supported for:

  • Operations or sources that return an InputStream value.

    The resolver always returns implementations that do not require a connection, such as a ByteArrayInputStream value or any other offline implementations that have already procured the entire data stream before returning the getSample() method, because the InputStream value is fully consumable even after the underlying connection is closed. Avoid using temporal buffer files as well.

  • Operations that return a PagingProvider<C, T> value, because they are considered streaming. The limitations explained in the previous bullet apply. In these cases, a List<T> value of the same item type is returned instead.


This class communicates errors while fetching sample data so that the runtime can handle those errors accordingly. Use the predefined failure code messages described in this class if necessary.

The following example illustrates a SampleDataException class:

* {@link Exception} to indicate that an error occurred fetching sample data through a {@link SampleDataProvider}.
* @since 1.4.0
public class SampleDataException extends MuleException {

  * Signals an unexpected exception
 public final static String UNKNOWN = "UNKNOWN";

  * Indicates that the {@link SampleDataProvider} didn't return any information
 public final static String NO_DATA_AVAILABLE = "NO_DATA_AVAILABLE";

  * Indicates that a connection couldn't be established
 public final static String CONNECTION_FAILURE = "CONNECTION_FAILURE";

  * Indicates that Sample Data resolution was attempted on a {@link Location} that doesn't exist
 public final static String INVALID_LOCATION = "INVALID_LOCATION";

  * Indicates that the Sample Data resolution was attempted but the underlying {@link SampleDataProvider} has required parameters
  * that weren't supplied

  * Indicates that Sample Data resolution was attempted on a component that doesn't support that capability
 public final static String NOT_SUPPORTED = "NOT_SUPPORTED";

  * Indicates that Sample Data resolution was attempted on an unregistered Extension

 private final String failureCode;

 public SampleDataException(String message, String failureCode) {
   this.failureCode = failureCode;

 public SampleDataException(String message, String failureCode, Throwable cause) {
   super(createStaticMessage(message), cause);
   this.failureCode = failureCode;

 public SampleDataException(I18nMessage message, String failureCode) {
   this.failureCode = failureCode;

 public SampleDataException(I18nMessage message, String failureCode, Throwable cause) {
   super(message, cause);
   this.failureCode = failureCode;

  * @return The failure code of the error that produced the error
 public String getFailureCode() {
   return failureCode;


This annotation associates a resolver to the enhanced component. It is applied at the type level in sources and at the method level for operations.

The following example illustrates a @SampleData annotation:

* Associates a {@link Source} class or operation method with a {@link SampleDataProvider}.
* @since 1.4.0
* @see SampleDataProvider
@Target({TYPE, METHOD})
public @interface SampleData {

  * @return the associated {@link SampleDataProvider}
 Class<? extends SampleDataProvider> value();

  * @return bindings between parameters in the {@link SampleData#value()} to extraction expressions.
 Binding[] bindings() default {};


Sample Data Examples

Obtain sample data through an operation or through configuration and connection.

Obtain Sample Data Through a Direct Operation

Use this example to provide static sample data through an operation without using a connection.

Imagine there is a new GitHub connector that contains an operation that retrieves information in JSON format. However, you do not want to consume an API call while providing sample data to consume one of a limited number or costly API calls, so you directly implement the operation.

The following example illustrates a definition of the operation with the provider attached through the @SampleData annotation:

public Result<InputStream, Void> getUserInfo(String username, @Connection GitHubConnection connection) {
 // operation code...

The following example illustrates the sample data provider implementation, which uses the implementation shown previous to this to inject parameters. The @Parameter annotation has the same name and type as the operation’s parameter, which is username:

public class JsonSampleDataProvider implements SampleDataProvider<InputStream, Void> {

   private static JsonObject sampleJson = new JsonObject();

   public JsonSampleDataProvider() {
       sampleJson.add("company", "Mulesoft");
       sampleJson.add("email", "");
       sampleJson.add("repositories", new JsonArray("mule-api", "data-weave-2"));

   private String username;

   public Result<InputStream, ObjectAttributes> getSample() throws SampleDataException {

       sampleJson.addFirst("username", username);
       String body = sampleJson.getBody();

       return Result.<InputStream, ObjectAttributes>builder()
               .output(new ByteArrayInputStream(body.getBytes()))

   public String getId() {
       return "jsonResolver";

Imagine the value for the username parameter is John Doe. The provider returns the following JSON:

	"username": "John Doe",
	"company": "Mulesoft",
	"email": "",
	"repositories": ["mule-api", "data-weave-2"]

Obtain Sample Data Using Configuration Values and a Connection

Use this example to provide dynamic sample data according to parameter and configuration values, while also requiring a connection.

Imagine there is a new GitHub connector that contains both an operation and source that:

  • Have an objectType parameter that controls the type of entity retrieved, with possible values such as pullRequest, issue, or commit

  • Have an optional status parameter that filters the results

  • Use a connection for the GitHub API

  • Return a Result<InputStream, ObjectAttributes> object

The following example illustrates the operation definition:

public Result<InputStream, ObjectAttributes> getObject(String objectType, @Optional String status, String anotherParameter, @Connection GitHubConnection connection, @Config GitHubConfig config) {
 // operation code...

The following example illustrates the source definition:

public class OnNewThingTrigger extends Source<InputStream, ObjectAttributes> {

 private String objectType;

 private String status;

 private String extraParameter;

 private GitHubConfig config;

 private ConnectionProvider<GitHubConnection> connection;

 // source code...

The following example illustrates the SampleDataProvider implementation that serves both cases. It uses the objectType and status parameters, as well as connection and configuration:

public class ObjectSampleDataProvider implements SampleDataProvider<InputStream, ObjectAttributes> {

   private String objectType;

   private String status;

   private GitHubConnection connection;

   private GitHubConfig config;

   public Result<InputStream, ObjectAttributes> getSample() throws SampleDataException {
       String query = "objectType=" + objectType;
       if (status != null) {
           query += "; status=" + status;
       query += ";organization=" + config.getOrganization();

       List<GitHubObject> jsonDocs = connection.query(query);

       if (jsonDocs.isEmpty()) {
           throw new SampleDataException("No data available", NO_DATA_AVAILABLE);

       GitHubObject sample = jsonDocs.get(0);
       String body = sample.getBody();

       return Result.<InputStream, ObjectAttributes>builder()
               .output(new ByteArrayInputStream(body.getBytes()))

   public String getId() {
       return "objectResolver";

Both components have the same type signature as the sample data provider. They define the same parameters required by the resolver, but each has its own parameters that are not required by the resolver. The resolver accesses the parameters, connection, and configuration the same way a value provider does.

If no data is available, the resolver throws a SampleDataException error with a defined failure code.

OAuth Token Refresh

If your operation or source uses an OAuth connection, trigger a token refresh in the provider by throwing an AccessTokenExpiredException error inside the getSample() method, as done for operations or sources.

The following example illustrates a token refresh:

public class RefreshedOAuthSampleDataProvider implements SampleDataProvider<String, String> {

 public static final String SAMPLE_PAYLOAD_VALUE = "Sample payload!";
 public static final String SAMPLE_ATTRIBUTES_VALUE = "Sample Attributes!";

 private TestOAuthConnection testOAuthConnection;

 public String getId() {
   return "OAuth sample data";

 public Result getSample() throws SampleDataException {
   if (!testOAuthConnection.getState().getAccessToken().contains("refresh")) {
     throw new AccessTokenExpiredException();
   return builder()

Aliases and Acting Parameters

You can resolve parameters in the same way you resolve value providers. You can define aliases similar to defining an acting parameter as part of a parameter.

Error Conditions

During compilation, a series of validations check that the sample data provider complies with some of the restrictions described previously:

  • Output and Attributes Type Check

The SDK validates that the provider is applied over components whose output and attributes types match the ones declared on its <T, A> generic tuple. A validation error is thrown otherwise.

  • Parameters Usage Check

The SDK validates that if a sample data provider uses a parameter, the related component also declares it as a parameter, while also checking that in both declarations the parameters are of the same type. A validation error is thrown otherwise.

  • Connection and Configuration Usage Check

The SDK validates that if a sample data provider uses a connection or configuration, the related component also uses them. A validation error is thrown otherwise.

  • Instantiation Check

The SDK validates that each provider is instantiable, which is a required condition. A validation error is thrown otherwise.

  • No Void

A sample data provider cannot be placed on a void operation. A validation error is thrown otherwise.

  • Streaming

Although streaming is not supported, this is not enforced. Your extension developer should follow best practices and comply with the contract.