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API Designer

You can use the API Designer web UI to design API specifications in:

  • RESTful API Modeling Language (RAML) version 0.8 or 1.0

  • OpenAPI Specification (OAS) version 2.0 or 3.0

  • AsyncAPI 2.6 and AsyncAPI 2.0

You can also design API fragments in RESTful API Modeling Language (RAML) version 0.8 or 1.0.

Design Using the Text or Visual Editor

You can use either the text editor or the visual editor to create API specifications.

With the text editor, you can:

  • Design according to best practices with a context-aware shelf that auto-populates with the appropriate methods, resources, parameters, and security components.

  • Include RAML API fragments, such as security schemas and data types, from Exchange or write your own.

  • Apply rulesets from Exchange to validate the governance conformance of your projects.

  • Import existing API specifications.

With the visual editor, you can:

  • Create a specification for use cases in which you do not need to include RAML fragments.

  • Scaffold a specification that you can complete and customize in the text editor.

Add and View Documentation

As you add descriptions in your specifications and fragments, you can view them in auto-generated, interactive documentation in the right pane of the text editor.

Test Using the Mocking Service

You can use the mocking service for RAML or OAS APIs to:

  • Preview API functionality before writing a single line of code.

  • Send requests to a specification and receive defined responses.

  • Use behavioral headers to simulate different scenarios, such as timeouts and errors.

Share in Exchange and API Manager

You can publish an API specification to Anypoint Exchange for use in API Manager, Anypoint Studio, or Flow Designer. You can also add an API specification directly to API Manager.

Use Specifications and Fragments Across MuleSoft Products

You can use the specifications and fragments that you design in API Designer with integrated MuleSoft products:

  • Use API Designer to design API specifications and RAML fragments.

  • Use assets that are hosted in Exchange in your RAML specifications.

  • Publish iterations and final versions of the API specifications to Anypoint Exchange.

  • Import specifications that were designed in API Designer into Anypoint Studio and API Manager.

  • Import specifications into Anypoint Studio directly from API Designer.