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Creating New Projects Synchronized with New GitHub Repositories

When creating an API Designer project, you can also create a GitHub repository and synchronize the repository with your project.

Before You Begin

Before you create and synchronize a project, ensure you have:

  • The Design Center Developer permission within Anypoint Platform

  • Installed and authorized the GitHub Synchronization application

  • Signed into GitHub

Synchronize A New Project

  1. On the Design Center Projects page, click Create new.

  2. Select New API Spec.

  3. In the New API Spec dialog, specify an API title.

  4. Select I’m comfortable with designing it on my own.

  5. Click the Sync this project with an external GitHub repository checkbox.

  6. In the expanded dialog, select an organization from the GitHub Organization list.

    The GitHub Organization list remains empty if the GitHub Synchronization application is not installed.
  7. If necessary, specify a new name for the repository.

  8. Click Create API Spec.

    You are navigated to the new project’s text editor.

In addition to synchronizing GitHub repositories when creating API specifications, you can synchronize a new GitHub repository when creating fragments and importing APIs.