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View the Source Project for Assets Published to Exchange

After publishing an asset to Anypoint Exchange, you can view the source files in the API Designer. Exchange provides a direct link to the API Designer project containing the source files.

When you publish a project to Exchange via a ZIP file or other resource outside of API Designer, you can only view the contents of the project. To edit the files, create a new project based on the contents of the file. If you delete a project from API Designer after publishing it to Exchange, you can only view it in read-only mode.


  1. Open your API specification or fragment in Anypoint Exchange.

  2. Next to the version of the specifcation or fragment you want to view, click the drop-down menu.

    You can only view older published versions of a specification or fragment published to Exchange. You cannot edit them.

    Alternatively, you can the most recent version of a specifcation or fragment by clicking in the asset toolbar and selecting View code.

  3. Select View code in API Designer.

    API Designer opens the project containing the specification or fragment in read-only view.

  4. To edit the files in the project, click Edit spec.

    This option is only available if you have edit permissions on the project and the project exists in API Designer.

    If the project was edited after being published to Exchange, API Designer gives you the option to continue edit the newer version or view the version published to Exchange.