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Acknowledging Messages - Mule 3

This guide applies only to Mule 3.9 and Studio 6.x. For Mule 4 acknowledge information, see ACK and NACK Operations.

Anypoint MQ lets you determine how to process messages in Anypoint Studio using the Anypoint MQ connector.

Two acknowledgment responses can occur:

  • Acknowledgment (ACK) indicates that an app has received a message.

  • Negative acknowledgment (NACK) indicates that an app doesn’t want the current message. Anypoint MQ returns the message to the queue so that another app can receive the message.

The Anypoint MQ connector provides tools for setting these states globally or locally in your Studio app.

  • With the Anypoint MQ Connector - Mule 4, when using ACK and NACK components, you need to pass an AnypointMQMessageContext object. This object is in the Anypoint MQ connector attributes to the Subscriber or Consumer components. You can insert #[attributes] in the ACK or NACK component that follows a Subscriber or Consumer and the Anypoint MQ connector passes the AnypointMQMessageContext object for you.

  • Other operations can potentially overwrite #[attributes] with new values, so if such operators exist in your flow between the Subscriber or Consumer and ACK/NACK, be sure to save Subscriber or Consumer’s attributes in a variable to avoid losing it.

Flow example:

<flow name="flow">
    <anypoint-mq:subscriber doc:name="Subscriber" config-ref="Anypoint_MQ_Default_subscriber" destination="test"/>
    <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" message="Received MQ msg: #[payload]"/>
    <anypoint-mq:ack doc:name="Ack" config-ref="Anypoint_MQ_Default_subscriber" messageContext="#[attributes]"/>

Global and Local States

The Anypoint MQ connector provides global and local states for specifying how your Studio app receives messages from a queue.

Global State

Use the Studio Global Element Properties menu to specify a strategy for processing all messages in a flow. The global state provides these choices:

  • AUTO

    The Anypoint MQ connector automatically sends an ACK or NACK at the end of a flow depending on whether the Anypoint MQ connector detects a Catch Exception Strategy (ACK) or a Rollback Exception Strategy (NACK). See Create an Auto Acknowledge Flow in Anypoint Studio for an example. AUTO is the default for the Mule 4 connector.

    There are two possible outcomes:

    • ACK

      The flow succeeds or a Catch Exception Strategy occurs. This code shows the Catch Exception Strategy:

      <catch-exception-strategy doc:name="Catch Exception Strategy"
          <logger message="Will ACK" level="ERROR" doc:name="Logger"/>
    • NACK

      A Rollback Exception Strategy occurs:

      <rollback-exception-strategy doc:name="Rollback Exception Strategy">
          <logger message="Will NACK" level="ERROR" doc:name="Logger"/>

    An app indicates that it sends its own ACK or NACK using the Anypoint MQ connector local state. The Anypoint MQ connector doesn’t provide any actions automatically. See Create a Manual Acknowledge Flow in Anypoint Studio for an example.

  • NONE

    An app receives a message and the Anypoint MQ connector immediately acknowledges and deletes the message. This state risks losing the message if it is not consumed correctly, but is typically used when there is a flow of constantly updating messages, such as a news feed in which each subsequent message provides more detail on any messages that preceded the message. This state takes a risk, but makes coding easier. See Set NONE Acknowledge Mode for an example.

    In Anypoint MQ Mule Connecter - Mule 4, NONE is called IMMEDIATE, but has the same functionality.

    You can set the global state in the Acknowledgment Mode field:

    mq global mode set

Local State

Lets you manually add Anypoint MQ connector instances to your flow with the Operation field set to ack or nack depending on whether the app is receiving or rejecting a message.

You can set a local state using the Anypoint MQ connector’s Operation dropdown:

Operation dropdown in Anypoint Studio

Create an Auto Acknowledge Flow in Anypoint Studio

If you are using the auto state, set a choice-exception-strategy and the Anypoint MQ connector automatically sends the ack or nack depending on what exception choices you make. The code that follows illustrates the use of the auto state.

This code demonstrates the Studio flows:

MQ acknowledgment mode flows in Anypoint Studio

The two flows in this example:

  • autoHttp

    Sets up an HTTP Connector to listen at, sets an Anypoint MQ connector to publish messages, and sets the acknowledgment mode to auto.

  • autoMq

    Sets an Anypoint MQ connector to consume messages and uses the Java class RandomError to create possible exceptions to cause the Auto function to send an acknowledgment or a negative acknowledgment depending on the choices. The logger lists the ACK or NACK choices on the console.

    The Error handling section of the flow contains a Catch Exception Strategy to cause the Anypoint MQ connector to send the ACK, and a Rollback Exception Strategy to cause the Anypoint MQ connector to send the NACK.

Auto XML Code

The XML code for the auto acknowledgment mode is:

Ensure that you set the client ID (mq.clientId) and client secret (mq.clientSecret) values in a properties file. In this case, they are set in the /ackmodes/classes/ackmodes.properties file, which contains:

# Contents of this file are not meant to be shared with the wide public


See Random Error Generator for an explanation of how exceptions are thrown using a Java testing program, which is called in this statement:

<component class="ackmodes.RandomError" doc:name="Java"/>

Create a Manual Acknowledge Flow in Anypoint Studio

You can set the manual acknowledgment mode in Studio from the Anypoint MQ connector’s Global Element Properties:

Acknowledgment Mode dropdown in Anypoint Studio

In the manual flow, the choice-exception-strategy is also set as in the flow. In this case, the app uses individual Anypoint MQ connector instances with the operation set to either ACK or NACK depending on exceptions sent by the Random Error Java Class.

Manual acknowledgment mode flow in Anypoint Studio

Manual XML Code

The XML code for the manual acknowledgment mode is:

See Random Error Generator for an explanation of how exceptions are thrown using a Java testing program, which is called in this statement:

<component class="ackmodes.RandomError" doc:name="Java"/>

Set NONE Acknowledge Mode

You can set Acknowledgment Mode to NONE in Studio’s Global Element Properties menu for Anypoint MQ connector:

No acknowledgment mode flow in Anypoint Studio

In the NONE flow, the Anypoint MQ connector always sends an ACK no matter what occurs.

NONE is called IMMEDIATE in Anypoint MQ Connector - Mule 4 even though the functionality is the same.

The example that follows emphasizes this risk by using the Java class RandomError to create possible exceptions, but ignores the exceptions and sends the ACK regardless:

<component class="ackmodes.RandomError" doc:name="Java"/>
<logger level="ERROR" doc:name="Logger"
message="Always ACKs as soon as a message is received"/>
mq none flow

Using this mode simplifies an app, but increases the risk. This mode is best when messages are constantly updating each other, such as in a news feed in which details unfold in a news event. If an exception did occur, the next message would have a chance for obtaining the correct content.


The XML code for the NONE acknowledgment mode is:

Random Error Generator

This Java test program generates random errors that you can use to test your app. This program gets a random integer between 0 and 100, and makes these choices depending on the value:

Value Error State What happens in the Studio Flow

0 - 32

No error, returns the passed event context.

Passes through and the app sends an ACK

33 - 65

Error, returns an illegal state exception.

Application sends a NACK

66 - 100

Error, returns an unsupported operation exception.

Application sends an ACK

package ackmodes;

import java.util.Random;

import org.mule.api.MuleEventContext;
import org.mule.api.lifecycle.Callable;

public class RandomError implements Callable {

	public Object onCall(MuleEventContext eventContext) throws Exception {
		int randomInt = new Random().nextInt(100);
		if (randomInt > 66) {
			throw new IllegalStateException("This should be retried");
		} else if (randomInt > 33) {
			throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This should not be retried");
		} else {
			return eventContext;

See Also