Variable Handling
Variable Handling enables you to perform multiple actions like mathematical operations, parse objects, read system variables, and also read and write variables for the automation workflow.
The Action Step Activity Parameters (AP) enables you to map variables that you can use not only in the Workflow, but also in the activities of the business process and gateways.
The Append to Array Action Step enables you to append a single value or an array to an existing array.
Use the Check Regex Action Step to search for a text fragment using a regular expression.
This Action Step enables you to compare two numerical or alphanumerical (case-sensitive and case-insensitive) values to each other, using different comparison methods.
The Combine Strings Action Step enables you to combine multiple variables into a single new variable.
This Action Step converts a given string or variable to any other variable type and makes it available as a set of new variables.
The Coordinates Action Step can be used to either specify a Variable of type Coordinates in the Workflow or to modify existing coordinates.
Use Generate date and time to create a configurable time stamp.
The Get Array Count Action Step returns the number of elements in an array.
The Json Query Action Step enables you to parse Json objects and to read individual values / elements from the object.
You can use this Action Step to perform mathematical calculations.
This Action Step simply copies the current clipboard content into a variable (see Section Using Variables) for further usage within the Workflow.
The Read from Array Action Step is used to access the content of an array.
The RunTime Variables Action Step enables you to use variables defined during runtime in a Workflow.
The Session Based Variables Action Step enables you to share variables between workflows that execute on the same session.
The Set Array Variable Action Step enables you to assign new values to an array.
The Set Variable Action Step assigns a new value to a variable.
The String Operations Action Step enables you to modify strings.
The String to Array Action Step enables you to split a string into arrays and to process them further in next Action Steps, such as with the Read from Array Action Step.
The Action Step User Account Decrypter enables you to accept the activity parameter User Account as an inbound variable and further process it as log-in data in next Action Steps.
This Action Step makes it possible to set up a simple string variable.
The Workflow Based Variables Action Step contains variables which can be used throughout the entire Workflow and which can be modified.
Use Write Clipboard to copy a piece of text to the clipboard.