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Build an Automation

Implement your automation in RPA Builder.

Before You Begin

  • For input and output parameters of a process, only use variable types that are supported in Salesforce Invocable Actions as RPA Builder Activity Parameters:

    The following table shows possible mappings:

    RPA Activity Parameter Type

    Salesforce Input/Output Variable Type

    Additional Information


    ID, Long, String

    You can use comma-seperated strings within strings to replace an array. In this case, pluralize the variable names and add the suffix CommaSeparatedList to the names; for example, specialAccountsCommaSeparatedList.




    Decimal, Double



  • Use meaningful names to quickly find your input and output resources in Salesforce Flow.

  • To implement Salesforce naming standards, adhere to the following rules:

    • Use camel case.

    • Use only the characters a-z, A-Z and 0-9.

    • Restrict the length of the names to 255 characters.

Build an Automation